There were so many comments this week it was hard to keep up with them but I had to choose five and I did for various reasons.
Victoria -Â …I tend to be a very Spartan person in general, but have to constantly fight the battle to keep my lifestyle as zen as possible… Read More
Grace from Brazil – …You have challenged me to think about the decluttering as an ongoing journey…Read more.
Lynne – Ahhh! I would absolutely NOT ask the artist if you could swap it…Read More
OBC – I had a huge problem with letting go of things…Read More
Pamela – This is the first time I’ve commented on your (wonderful and inspirational and challenging) blog…Read More
Blog posts I really enjoyed reading this week. Some for fun, some for inspiration and some for their useful advice.
Movers Edge – Packing-Tips This is a little off the subject of decluttering but there are some great tips for moving which include one decluttering tip for the process.
Be more with less – How-to-live-in-the-land-of-enough-gratitude
Finding me in france – Holiday-survival-tips I have been a little busy over the Christmas period so I have been a bit behind on reading my favourite blogs. This one from Bobbi was so funny I had to share it with you even thought the festive season is over.
Marc and Angel hack life – 40-extraordinary-things-happening-right-now
Stop work place – Eeleven-questions-to-ask-in-2011 Thanks to Cindy for finding this one.
<h3 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #008000;”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><strong>Things I am grateful for today</strong></span></span></h3>
<h3 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #99ccff;”><strong><strong>It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.</strong></strong></span></h3>
<span style=”color: #008000;”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><strong>
Today’s Declutter Item
Liam is on a declutter binge at the moment and he has quite a collection of Coke items that are on their way out. These two are now in the recycling bin. There will be more to come so stay turned.
Things I am grateful for today
- Liam going gang busters with the decluttering – I don’t know what brought this on but I don’t care either so long as he is doing it. Go Liam!
- Finally some decent rain today – Even though I think it was chasing me and I got caught in it three time no less I am still grateful for it.
- Leftovers for dinner – Two nights of no cooking, gotta love that.
- Liam had his teeth fixed today – It is nice to see him smile with a full set of whole teeth again.
- A cool breeze a white wine and some peace and quiet as I finish up this post.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
The Coke bottles are funny. Audra (8 years old) has asked me, with real puzzlement, why someone would collect soda bottles, especially if they don’t even drink the soda. When I tried to explain about collectibles and leaving them in their original condition, she looked at my like I was making absolutely no sense. Cracks me up just thinking about it….
Hi Cindy,
Liam is a real Coke fan and loves drinking the stuff as well. He started collecting stuff when we lived in America but he is finally starting to eliminate a lot of the stuff he has accumulate over the years. I have to say I am pretty happy about that. Sometimes he gets caught up in the idea that the item my appreciate in value which is what collecting is all about for serious collectors but to me it is almost akin to gambling. Baseball cards in particular are a pet hate of mine and even more so cards like Pokemon that are designed to lure in little children to waste their hard earned pocket money on.
Liam is still keep some stuff the is near and dear to him but now I have a mountain of stuff in my ebay staging area. If I want to reclaim my craft room I am going to have to start list it all soon.
Great article you linked to: Eleven questions to ask in 2011. Good for home or workplace or even volunteer work. Thanks Colleen & Cindy.
Thanks Jo. I also really liked this post from the same site
Mark and Angel Hack Life 40 Extraordinarly Things Happening Right Now is the best thing I’ve read this year. I know the year is young, but the compliment is sincere.
Hi Colleen, I began reading a lot of minimalist blogs last fall and can’t remember where I read about paring down Christmas decorations. Someone suggested that you get rid of all the stuff that stays in the bottom of the boxes (and never gets put out each year). So this past year I concentrated on decorating just one room (living room) and took all the leftovers to the thrift store. Today I took down the decorations and put them in their storage containers in half an hour! Hooray for streamlining!!.
We got a kitten just before Christmas, so we only put non-breakable ornaments on the tree. I could not believe how much easier it made to take the tree up and down with such a limited number. It was much more enjoyable, and of course not stressful when the kitten climbed the tree.
Hi hopeinbrazil,
oh yes hooray for streamlining alright! I had waited all year for Christmas to come around to declutter my decorations and then we ended up going away for Christmas and I never got them out. Never mind I will do it next year.
In your last comment you talked about your husband being unwell, is he doing better now?
Great list of posts. I went and read them 🙂
Hi Willow,
I am glad you enjoyed them.
Mini mission progress: Three books on DIY upholstery are now in the give-away box, as are various plastic containers, wrapping items and hardware that I haven’t needed to use in the last year. The Christmas decorations are now culled and repacked neatly into a new box half the size of before.The new box (with attractive Christmas theme) was half price in the post Christmas sales. And there is a not-quite-right pair of pyjamas ready to be returned to the shop. Result: that nice light relaxed feeling you get after ridding yourself of clutter – I think I am getting addicted to it!
Hi calico ginger,
you are really on a roll with your decluttering now. That relaxed feeling is great isn’t it, there are a lot worse things you could be addicted to so I say go with this one.
You know I am starting to think that they only make pyjamas that are not quite right. Mine are starting to get thread bare but I am not buying new ones until I find are pair the are just right.
You just reminded me of some “oh-so-very-not right p.j.s” that need to be going out of the house as well. I have a few others which I love, that are feminine and make me feel graceful, so why keep the other ones? I am glad this was mentioned.