Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Hello From Colorado! Remember me? I broke my leg in Feb. slipped on ice while walking the dog. I’m doing great, walking with a cane, still in Physical Therapy. Glass–oh yes! I gave a set of 4 matching clear glass ice tea stemware to a friend last month. Then last week I donated to a Thrift Store unmatched glasses, a Pyrex cooking dish, and a baking dish 9″ x 13″. It feels great to get this off the shelves. I haven’t used this in years. The Thrift Store has a monthly pickup truck service so I call them tomorrow for the July pickup date. This list to donate ‘by material’–glass, metal, plastic, etc has given me ‘new eyes’ on what I’m not using and what I can give to them. Another friend wants my extra plastic items, so she gets a call tomorrow also. As for picture wall frames, I am redoing art work this summer and keeping the glass frames for new art prints. Several prints no longer fit the decor. But the frame sizes are perfect for new selections. I’m saving $$$ by not buying new oak wood frames. I really like this week’s list! Thanks! Pat in Colorado
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
I’m commenting on a post (can’t find it now) about buying multiple items of something that take up space. I disagree. I can foresee a usage of buying items, for example: deodorant, and it will be used. Staple items we use all the time I always buy multiples these days.
Prices in the USA go up, not down. So best for me to buy two items and keep one as a backup. We buy 2 or 3 packages of computer paper at a time each 4-6 weeks. It’s silly to buy one. You spend gas $$$ to get to the store. As I shop an area of the city, I have a list for the area to shop the area. I don’t go everywhere each shopping trip. We print out a lot. I’m taking school courses and I need that paper on hand. So it gets down to what you need and how fast you will use it. Each household is different on consuming items. This is how my house uses items now.
As for other items: yes I am still downsizing my sewing room, the kitchen, and garage items. We use fewer tools and hire someone to fix things these days. We no longer have a lawn mower. A service comes to mow twice a month. I’m converting the front yard to Xeriscape so next year the cost to mow will be less (for the backyard only). So things do change at retirement age. Ha! Thanks! Pat in Colorado
deanna ar USAsays
Pat, I buy in multiples too for things we use all the time. We don’t like to shop. I hate running to the store because I ran totally out of something. We order as much as we can online…we’re now ordering paper products from Amazon Prime Pantry. That way, when we do have to go to Walmart, we don’t have so much to shop for. I order health items from Vitacost. And I use a small local grocery store for most everything else. So far, this is working for us. I can’t walk all over the big stores now…speaking of retirement age+.
Deb Jsays
Nothing to declutter that is made of glass. Instead I am finding glass so I can declutter more plastic.
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Hello Deb J–Me, too! I have a church bazaar I’m baking items for in July for an August 3-5 Bazaar; and as I am up very early this morning (4:15 am) I had a great idea to put baked goods in my extra plastic containers! Then give the brownies in containers.
I also have a lady friend who wants a few of my larger bowls with lids. I’m calling her later today about that. I have 3 that she can have. She is having a July 4th Family party and needs the lidded versions for her picnic table and outside buffet. I haven’t used these in 2 years.
I always like the idea of ‘paying it forward’ (a kindness) that someone else can use something that I no longer have use for. I like taking items to the Thrift Store, but prefer to give items to friends.
Another idea is to give kids (girls) the smaller kitchen lidded plastic items to store their crayons, doll clothes and shoes, and little boys can store a myrian of items in theirs.
And why am I up so early? To start laundry. I hang clothes out early, walk the dog, do my online school work. I’m a morning person. How about you? Pat in Colorado
Yes, I am getting rid of all those glass containers that have no cover…
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Lorena–I really prefer to store food that has a tomato sauce in a glass container. The sauce stains the plastic containers. I have two glass bowls with plastic lids that I use for this. So I’ll now have other plastic bowls to give away. Thanks for reminding me!
I really have liked this list of ‘materials’ to exam my kitchen now. Pat in Colorado USA
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Tuesday–paper declutter day is in this week’s list. I don’t have much. I’ve used up greeting cards. I do send out 40 Christmas cards annually and am keeping those. I write individual letters to people. I donate received cards to a church that cuts off the front picture, pastes it on colored paper, makes new cards. This is a children’s holiday project.
Books: I’m buying fewer these days. I listen to audio books. But I have cookbooks and my knitting group is getting ready to do a July book swap. I have 5 cookbooks to take next month I no longer use. I’m thinking more this afternoon about paper items.
Pat in Colorado USA
Recycled a jar. Nothing else coming to meet mind right now, will have to see if I can come up with something else with some thought.
Four bottles of ancient nail polish. I can’t believe I still had that stuff.
Hello From Colorado! Remember me? I broke my leg in Feb. slipped on ice while walking the dog. I’m doing great, walking with a cane, still in Physical Therapy. Glass–oh yes! I gave a set of 4 matching clear glass ice tea stemware to a friend last month. Then last week I donated to a Thrift Store unmatched glasses, a Pyrex cooking dish, and a baking dish 9″ x 13″. It feels great to get this off the shelves. I haven’t used this in years. The Thrift Store has a monthly pickup truck service so I call them tomorrow for the July pickup date. This list to donate ‘by material’–glass, metal, plastic, etc has given me ‘new eyes’ on what I’m not using and what I can give to them. Another friend wants my extra plastic items, so she gets a call tomorrow also. As for picture wall frames, I am redoing art work this summer and keeping the glass frames for new art prints. Several prints no longer fit the decor. But the frame sizes are perfect for new selections. I’m saving $$$ by not buying new oak wood frames. I really like this week’s list! Thanks! Pat in Colorado
I’m commenting on a post (can’t find it now) about buying multiple items of something that take up space. I disagree. I can foresee a usage of buying items, for example: deodorant, and it will be used. Staple items we use all the time I always buy multiples these days.
Prices in the USA go up, not down. So best for me to buy two items and keep one as a backup. We buy 2 or 3 packages of computer paper at a time each 4-6 weeks. It’s silly to buy one. You spend gas $$$ to get to the store. As I shop an area of the city, I have a list for the area to shop the area. I don’t go everywhere each shopping trip. We print out a lot. I’m taking school courses and I need that paper on hand. So it gets down to what you need and how fast you will use it. Each household is different on consuming items. This is how my house uses items now.
As for other items: yes I am still downsizing my sewing room, the kitchen, and garage items. We use fewer tools and hire someone to fix things these days. We no longer have a lawn mower. A service comes to mow twice a month. I’m converting the front yard to Xeriscape so next year the cost to mow will be less (for the backyard only). So things do change at retirement age. Ha! Thanks! Pat in Colorado
Pat, I buy in multiples too for things we use all the time. We don’t like to shop. I hate running to the store because I ran totally out of something. We order as much as we can online…we’re now ordering paper products from Amazon Prime Pantry. That way, when we do have to go to Walmart, we don’t have so much to shop for. I order health items from Vitacost. And I use a small local grocery store for most everything else. So far, this is working for us. I can’t walk all over the big stores now…speaking of retirement age+.
Nothing to declutter that is made of glass. Instead I am finding glass so I can declutter more plastic.
Hello Deb J–Me, too! I have a church bazaar I’m baking items for in July for an August 3-5 Bazaar; and as I am up very early this morning (4:15 am) I had a great idea to put baked goods in my extra plastic containers! Then give the brownies in containers.
I also have a lady friend who wants a few of my larger bowls with lids. I’m calling her later today about that. I have 3 that she can have. She is having a July 4th Family party and needs the lidded versions for her picnic table and outside buffet. I haven’t used these in 2 years.
I always like the idea of ‘paying it forward’ (a kindness) that someone else can use something that I no longer have use for. I like taking items to the Thrift Store, but prefer to give items to friends.
Another idea is to give kids (girls) the smaller kitchen lidded plastic items to store their crayons, doll clothes and shoes, and little boys can store a myrian of items in theirs.
And why am I up so early? To start laundry. I hang clothes out early, walk the dog, do my online school work. I’m a morning person. How about you? Pat in Colorado
Way to go Deb J! I’m doing the same 😀
Yes, I am getting rid of all those glass containers that have no cover…
Lorena–I really prefer to store food that has a tomato sauce in a glass container. The sauce stains the plastic containers. I have two glass bowls with plastic lids that I use for this. So I’ll now have other plastic bowls to give away. Thanks for reminding me!
I really have liked this list of ‘materials’ to exam my kitchen now. Pat in Colorado USA
Tuesday–paper declutter day is in this week’s list. I don’t have much. I’ve used up greeting cards. I do send out 40 Christmas cards annually and am keeping those. I write individual letters to people. I donate received cards to a church that cuts off the front picture, pastes it on colored paper, makes new cards. This is a children’s holiday project.
Books: I’m buying fewer these days. I listen to audio books. But I have cookbooks and my knitting group is getting ready to do a July book swap. I have 5 cookbooks to take next month I no longer use. I’m thinking more this afternoon about paper items.
Pat in Colorado USA
Recycled a jar. Nothing else coming to meet mind right now, will have to see if I can come up with something else with some thought.
Four bottles of ancient nail polish. I can’t believe I still had that stuff.