For Simple Saturday this week I thought, since we spoke in depth about our closets this week, I would give you a sneak peek into mine. … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ A question for you
I have a question for you all to comment on... How has your attitude to possessions and your desire to acquire things changed as you progress on your journey to declutter your homes? Here is my answer to this question... If something is of no personal or functional value to me there is a good chance it will find itself featured as the Declutter Item of the Day. I am finding that cutting the ties with objects is getting easier and easier as the time goes on. I find I have no desire to acquire anything that adds to my possessions unless I am sure it will be well used. I have spent money … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Operation Donate Recycle
I ran into a friend at the grocery store a week ago and we had a little chat. She was searching for some containers to hold clean and used plastic teaspoons that she washes and reuses in her work space. She works in a training environment and as usual coffee and tea is provided as refreshment. In order to do the right thing by the environment she encourages people to leave the plastic spoon to be washed and reused. Of course not everyone conforms to this ideal so the spoons constantly need restocking. I offered to find her some proper metal teaspoons at the thrift store where I volunteer … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Another What am I
You all had so much fun with the last What am I that I thought I would entertain you with another one. This time there won't for any clues to be found in my responses to your guesses because I am going to keep quiet until Monday. It is quite an odd little thing again so good luck trying to work it out. There will degrees of correct on this one I think. The answer will be revealed as the Declutter Item of the Day on Monday's post. … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Media Blitz
Media blitz might be a bit of an exaggeration but it is more media attention than I thought I would ever receive. After the first nervous attempts I have become more comfortable with it. My favourite piece so far is the one below which I wouldn't have even known about except for one of my neighbours telling me. I got quite a laugh when I saw it. Media Links ABC Radio interview ~Â Tony Delroys Nightlife 27 July 2011 Newspaper Article ~Â Newcastle Herald 28 July 2011 Multimedia Slice Show ~Â Newcastle Herald 28 July 2011 Another newspaper mention ~ Newcastle Herald 1 Aug 2011 I am not … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ What am I?
Hi Readers, today for Simple Saturday I have decided to give you a little puzzle to solve. Your mission is to guess, from the photo provided below, what my declutter item is going to be for Monday. I have given you a small fragment of the larger photo of this item and it is up to you to guess what it is. Just leave me a comment if you think you know. The answer will be revealed in Today's Declutter Item on Monday. … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ The great cable round-up
I am sure you all know what it is like. You buy one electronic gadget and then it dies or becomes out of date. A new one takes it's place but all those cables look so useful and you never know, you might need them some day. Before you know it there is more than one drawer or box in your home that looks like a snake pit. Of couse these snakes (cables) are all in hibernation just waiting for the right time to imerge into life. Well, guess what? 99% of the time you will never use them again. My husband decided to take the chance that this is right and did the big cable round up in our … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Keepers from my mother’s kitchen
Stuff comes into our lives and stuff goes but some great stuff remains useful for a long long time. Today I share with you some photographs of things that have been used in my mothers kitchen for as long as I can remember. Don't you just love the items like this in your home, the ones that aren't anything special but are just so useful and long wearing that they have realised their value over and over and over. Top Left: Dry Ingredient Sifter ~ I think my mum has had this item for the entire 51 years of marriage. Middle: Airing Rack ~ I know that she has used the same ones for at least as … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Craft room before & mid-declutter
It's the big reveal, not of a completely decluttered craft room but more of the extent to the amount of craft supplies I actually had in the first place. Also as the heading today implies I really only am in mid-declutter of this area. I intend to continue in my usual gradual manner until I am content that I have the situation under control. The process of taking the photos opened my mind even further to how much area this takes up in ratio to how little time I spend actually being creative in it. If you are even in doubt about what needs clearing out in an area I suggest you take a look at it … [Read more...]
Simple Saturday ~ Having fun with one of my pet peeves
I realise that these Family Car Decals have been very popular for some time in the USA, I remember seeing them when I lived there and I have to say I never was a fan. They always had a bit of an obnoxious status symbol quality about them for me, one degree less sickening than the My Daughter is a 4.0 student type bumper stickers. Some people even get so irresponsible as to put the family members names on them.  God forbid some pedophile driving the streets might see this and follow you home. Oddly enough that is not what I find the most annoying about these stickers... ...this is! I … [Read more...]