While blog hopping I ran across a list which I have put a link to below which gives a list of 100 things that are free to enjoy and make life happier. It got me thinking that there were a lot of items on that list that were great alternative to shopping. Things that cost nothing or next to nothing but are a lot more social, healthy, educational, uplifting. rewarding... need I go on. Here are some of the things I could and do take advantage of on a regular basis Go for a walk Go to the beach Spending time with friends Sitting back and enjoying the view. (Anywhere even people … [Read more...]
Day 148 I really am cured of shopping
My husband had a short business trip this week and I decided to go with him. We spent half a day travelling, enjoyed a leisurely lunch then spent the remainder of the day admiring the art at the National Galleries. It is nice to just wind down and enjoy each others company with no commitments or need for hurrying. On the second day while he was attending his business conference I spent the day in the town centre of Canberra. I met my sister-in-law for lunch which was lovely but the rest of the time I spent just brousing around the shops. I very soon discovered that I have very little or … [Read more...]
Day 144 Learn to sew
From when I was quite a young child I was responsible for minor repairs to my own clothing even my school uniforms. This included mending tasks such as sewing on buttons and stitching up dropped hems. My mother was a private dress maker who worked from home and I will always be grateful that she taught me to sew. I don't use that skill to make clothes for myself or my family anymore but it is a skill that comes in very handy when an item of clothing needs repair. I read an article this week from a woman who works in a thrift store who was astounded by the amount of clothing that … [Read more...]
Day 135 Resistance is NOT futile against retail assault
One of the most important lessons I have learned since taking on this challenge of 365 less things is that resisting the temptation from retail assault is not a futile exercise, it can be done. As I have mentioned before I hardly ever go shopping anymore except to buy my groceries and I am fine with that in fact I feel that I have the upper hand in some kind of battle of wills. I did have a little head start or incentive if you like before I made the conscious decision stop spending on things that might ultimately become clutter. After living in the United States for seven years, I just … [Read more...]
Day 111 Single function gadgets
The word gadget alone conjures up images of items with more of a novelty factor than any real practical use and for the purpose of this post it is meant to do so. How many things on your "really don't need or use" list come under the Single Function Gadget title. For example, my contribution for today to my 365 things are a set of plastic ice cubes. I am sure they were bought for their novelty factor but after using them both to keep liquids cool and in an icepack I really didn't feel that they radiated the cold as well as the real thing. I could find no science to back up my claim here but … [Read more...]
Day 99 Photo Deterrent
You are probably wondering what Photo Deterrent means. It is a idea that just popped into my head yesterday while commenting to Anna at www.whoopsadaisy-anna.blogspot.com/ about her lovely shoes. I am sure this probably isn't an original plan but I thought I was clever anyway. Here is the plan... Choose an item you have that torments you because you never use it even though you spent quite a bit of your hard earned cash in it. It would be best if the item is one you are having a difficult time parting with because it is addictively appealing to you on some level but you know you … [Read more...]
Day 94 When a bargain isn’t a bargain
How many of you have things lingering in your home that were bargains too good to pass on. You know... that pair of shoes that really are a size to big but they were only $10 (you wore them once and they gave you such terrible blisters that you will never wear them again) the set of cutlery "they were just about giving away" that will come in handy when you have a dinner party for 12 even though your dining suite won't accommodate more than 8. the tent that was half price at the camp shop (when you actually went there to buy a travel jacket) that you had to have for when you … [Read more...]
Day 86 Recycle & Reshuffle
While looking in the linen closet to determine whether there were any old towels I could throw away my attention was drawn to some rolls of gift wrap and a box of gift bags. Which got me thinking about the chest full of other gift wrap paraphernalia in the closet down stairs Now you may think what I am about to suggest is strange but I will explain my thinking as we go along. I rarely buy gifts (This is strange to most people). I live a long way from most of my family, postage costs are ridiculous and they all can pretty much afford to buy anything they would want anyway, as can I. Not to … [Read more...]