You are probably wondering what Photo Deterrent means. It is a idea that just popped into my head yesterday while commenting to Anna at about her lovely shoes. I am sure this probably isn't an original plan but I thought I was clever anyway. Here is the plan... Choose an item you have that torments you because you never use it even though you spent quite a bit of your hard earned cash in it. It would be best if the item is one you are having a difficult time parting with because it is addictively appealing to you on some level but you know you … [Read more...]
Day 94 When a bargain isn’t a bargain
How many of you have things lingering in your home that were bargains too good to pass on. You know... that pair of shoes that really are a size to big but they were only $10 (you wore them once and they gave you such terrible blisters that you will never wear them again) the set of cutlery "they were just about giving away" that will come in handy when you have a dinner party for 12 even though your dining suite won't accommodate more than 8. the tent that was half price at the camp shop (when you actually went there to buy a travel jacket) that you had to have for when you … [Read more...]