Often someone else will turn on the television while I am in the room but I am not really watching it. It is however hard to ignore news broadcasts about all the natural disasters that keep happening this year. The latest disaster in Japan is horrifying to behold and conjures up a lot of feelings and deep thought. I don't know about you but my first reaction was 'Oh my god, all those people dead, injured and missing!' Watching the tsunami destroy everything in its path, lives, buildings, cars, ships... The sadness and misery felt by those left behind trying to come to terms with the loss … [Read more...]
Day 289 On Laziness
My father always says there is sheer laziness and there is smart laziness. The first one is not an attractive trait while the other one is about finding the most efficient and effective way to cut down on your work load without neglecting anything. I am all for smart laziness and like Dad, I am pretty good at it. Utilising this ability makes staying organised a much simpler task. Sometimes the most efficient method is obvious to us while other times we need to be taught, and the best way to learn is to have an open mind. I tend to be the kind of person who having no desire to spend more time … [Read more...]
Day 250 Reducing your Travel Clutter
Another guest post by my husband. You'll never meet a traveller who, after five trips, brags: "Every year I pack heavier." Rick Steves - Travel Writer These words echo in my head every time I pack for trip, whether business or pleasure, reducing the amount of stuff I carry always makes for a more enjoyable time. Whenever I travel with colleagues, they are amazed by my small bag and unable to imagine how they could do it. Packing light is easier than they think and anyone can reduce their luggage to a manageable size with some planning and preparation. Colleen and I are committed to only … [Read more...]
Day 99 Photo Deterrent
You are probably wondering what Photo Deterrent means. It is a idea that just popped into my head yesterday while commenting to Anna at www.whoopsadaisy-anna.blogspot.com/ about her lovely shoes. I am sure this probably isn't an original plan but I thought I was clever anyway. Here is the plan... Choose an item you have that torments you because you never use it even though you spent quite a bit of your hard earned cash in it. It would be best if the item is one you are having a difficult time parting with because it is addictively appealing to you on some level but you know you … [Read more...]
Day 71 Dematerialise
The idea behind 365 less things is not only to rid our home of clutter but also not to replace that clutter with new clutter. I like to refer to it as "dematerialise", that is to stop being a victim to the constant materialistic urge to keep up with the Jones or use "retail therapy" to put joy into my life. I am now getting lots of joy sending things out to other homes that might need it more than I do and saving my hard earned cash to use where I feel I get more satisfaction, like travelling or going out for a nice meal somewhere special or paying off the mortgage quickly. These things may … [Read more...]