Earlier this week I received a comment from Angelina requesting that I write a post about minimizing kids' wardrobes. Below is what she wrote... I love your blog, I read it everyday. I am a stay at home Mom with two kids. I was wondering if you can write about Minimalist Wardrobe for Kids. My kids have so much clothes, I don’t know how to keep up with them. My mother in law buys them clothes all the time, non-stop. The clothes are driving me crazy. Keep up the great job, I can't get enough of your blog, I’ve recommend your sites to my family and friends too. Now first up I would … [Read more...]
Day 196 Keys to staying decluttered
A place for everything and everything in it's place! If you always know where everything is you won't need to replace it because you can't find it. Know the difference between need and want It is easy to convince yourself that something you want is something you need. Don't be fooled by this. Only shop for what you need This one speaks for itself, if you aren't bringing anything you don't need into your home it will stay uncluttered. Make it clear you don't want clutter gifts If you plan ahead with this one it will save a lot of embarrassment of refusing to accept such … [Read more...]
Day 190 A beautiful thing
IÂ had one of those days yesterday where things just weren't going my way. I won't go into the details but needless to say I achieved little and that was interspersed with unwanted interruptions and issues. Last night I spent so much time trying to sensitively answer the comments to yesterday's post that I really didn't have much time to write a post for today. So I am going to share with you all a little story relayed from Cindy (one on my readers) to myself through emails yesterday that warmed my frazzled heart. She went to Chucky Cheese yesterday with her girls. I have added the link in … [Read more...]
Day 178 Considerate
Today's word is... C O N S I D E R A T E Show respect for yourself, your fellow human beings and the environment... Be CONSIDERATE when shopping Constantly buying items you do not need puts a strain on the world's resources. Be CONSIDERATE to the environment To process resources to produce the items we buy puts a strain on the environment. Also the more we own the more space we need to store these items the bigger the footprint we leave on this planet. Be CONSIDERATE to family In order to purchase un-necessary items requires money that has to be earned. The more you … [Read more...]
Day 99 Photo Deterrent
You are probably wondering what Photo Deterrent means. It is a idea that just popped into my head yesterday while commenting to Anna at www.whoopsadaisy-anna.blogspot.com/ about her lovely shoes. I am sure this probably isn't an original plan but I thought I was clever anyway. Here is the plan... Choose an item you have that torments you because you never use it even though you spent quite a bit of your hard earned cash in it. It would be best if the item is one you are having a difficult time parting with because it is addictively appealing to you on some level but you know you … [Read more...]
Day 71 Dematerialise
The idea behind 365 less things is not only to rid our home of clutter but also not to replace that clutter with new clutter. I like to refer to it as "dematerialise", that is to stop being a victim to the constant materialistic urge to keep up with the Jones or use "retail therapy" to put joy into my life. I am now getting lots of joy sending things out to other homes that might need it more than I do and saving my hard earned cash to use where I feel I get more satisfaction, like travelling or going out for a nice meal somewhere special or paying off the mortgage quickly. These things may … [Read more...]