Oh my! This weeks comments had me hitting highs and lows and I am kind of glad it's over. Here are my favourite five, they are an eclectic batch, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. I received this comment from Paul (his first) which contained a link about perfectionism in business that was quite interesting. Check out the link as well because much of what it says could apply to decluttering or any walk of life. I loved reading about Snosie's attempt to declutter the leftovers in her fridge in this comment. It had such a multi-national theme. This comment is Jo's response to all the … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 2Sep2011
Oh my goodness, it was near to impossible to narrow this weeks comments down to just five? There were so many great conversations going on. Here are the five I have picked though, I hope you enjoy them. I would also suggest you read all the comments from Saturdays post if you want to hear some inspiring declutter success stories. Amidst floods and tornadoes Amy found time to leave this humorous comment. She squeezed this in during a short break from pumping water out of her basement and with the power flickering on and off. Now that is dedication to my blog. Thanks Amy! Willow took the … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 26Aug2011
There were lots of great comments this week and here are the five that I have chosen to bring to your attention. Deb J tells us in this comment how her church group is trying to do their bit for the environment. Like decluttering, every little thing makes a difference. Kathleen has been reading my blog for a while but was inspired by my Simple Saturday ~ Operation donate Recycle post to leave her first comment. I am glad it has inspired her to make her own stand for the environment. Sharron points out some interesting facets of perfectionism in this comment. Funny how the same trait … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 19Aug2011
Comments aren't as plentiful as they used to be but there are still some great ones among them and here are five of those that we received this week. Wendy B has left two great comments that I didn't want you to miss. She shared a couple of good donating tips with us last Thursday in this comment and gives some good advice about moving on in this comment. Great advice Wendy B, thank you. This comment from a new contributor jbc puts a whole new slant on how to disassociate from hidden clutter. I hadn't even considered this possibility before. Thanks jbc and welcome to 365 Less Things. It … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 12Aug2011
Here are my favourite five comments of the week. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did. Becky left this comment on the weekend about the advantages of the New Messy at her home. This Comment from Cat'sMeow expresses how glad she is that the word is continuing to get out about the advantages for living with less. Carolyn dropped in to leave her first ever comment and tells us about her "blessing in disguise" declutter experience. Sharron shares how she changed the way she stores food in this comment in response to Cindy's Weekly Wisdom this week. Sue tells us about her … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 5AUG2011
My favourite five comments has turned into ten this week. There were so many great comments and so many new readers adding to the conversation that I just could not resist doubling my quota for the week. My choices this week may seem a little indulgent at times because there are a lot of lovely thank yous among them. But each thank you message comes with a unique story from the writer that I thought had a lot to add to the conversation. This comment comes from Ann who despite the fact she has been laid up for months with an Achilles heal injury has not let that stop her from … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 29Jul2011
This week's posts inspired some great responses from our readers and below are five of the many that I enjoyed reading. I liked Sabine  take on gift giving and receiving in this comment. Jo's concerns were quite valid in her comment about the perils of upsetting people when decluttering obligation clutter. Snosie tells us how she has soaked up my advice over the last couple of months and is putting it in to action in this comment. Jude has some great cable recycling tips for our American readers in her comment in response to The Great Cable Roundup. Sharron reminds us again … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 22Jul2011
As you know I enjoy and answer all the comments directed to me here at 365 Less Thing but each week I choose five to share with you that I don't want you to miss and below are this week's five. I had to include this comment from Katharine this week and add my heartfelt congratulations. Dianne had a sad story to tell in her comment in response to my post Sharing the wisdom of experience. I so very much appreciate readers sharing their stories, happy or sad, because there are such important lessons to be learned from them. Angle Kay shows she is really "getting it" with this comment … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 15Jul2011
The comments are coming in on a less frequent basis of late due to Summer vacation time in the Northern Hemisphere but there were still plenty to choose from and here are my picks for the week. I enjoyed this great comment for *pol who freely admits to being a former packrat. LJayne points out in her comment that there is a balance to be struck between too little and too much even when it comes to photography. I love Natalle's approach to photographing her children in this comment in response to Cindy's Weekly Wisdom ~ Photos, photos everywhere. This comment from ideealistin wasn't … [Read more...]
Friday’s Favourite Five ~ 8JUL2011
Friday's Favorites, but Not Five Once again I am delving into the cyberworld to ferret out interesting and useful blogs for your enjoyment. Because this week was lower than usual on comments, and higher than usual on blog suggestions, I decided to change it up a bit. Hopefully I won't be in trouble with you or with Colleen! 1. Since so many readers have lots of scrapbooking materials, I love this guide to holiday gift making. It's July - time to start, right? (Warning, at least one of the links doesn't work any more.) … [Read more...]