Since today's mini mission is to analyse your clutter weakness I thought it would be good if I also made it the subject of the day. Perhaps in the comments you might like to admit your clutter weakness and see if you can get any advice about it. My clutter weakness would be my craft supplies. It is one of the few areas where I still add items. Mostly cutting dies and embossing folders. However there is more going out than is coming in so I am happy with that. And these items are being used over and over again. I did also bring home fabric and lace from my mother and mother-in-law but I am … [Read more...]
Stuff can build up without you noticing
Even when a person has been working at this decluttering thing for a long time it is possible for stuff to build up right under your nose. A little something comes in here and a little there and before you know it a drawer, a cupboard, a corner of the garage... is more cluttered than you would like. Or maybe even there is a thin even spread of clutter built up all over the house. One must be ever vigilant so that this clutter build up does not occur or at least doesn't get out of hand. It can happen due to a change in circumstance. Perhaps you are doing a little renovating and home … [Read more...]
Garden Clutter and Aspirational Delusions
I catch the train a lot and love nosing at the back of people’s homes that we pass en route. I can’t help myself from thinking over some of them, that half an hour of putting things away at the onset of autumn would make such a difference to the look of a garden that never look their best during the wet dull days of winter. Of course, fortunately loads of strangers can’t see my back garden from a train :D We only have a small back garden – a very typical Victorian ‘backyard’ with high 8ft walls. The History Bit In the UK, the Victorian period is so named after the period … [Read more...]
Fourth Thursdays with Deb J ~ Can you say overkill?
 Herbs and spices! How many do you have? Do you use them often? How old are they? As you can see we have way more than we need. The majority of these are seldom used and some never used. They have been around way too long in my book. It drives me nuts but this is another place where Mom has her ideas and she isn’t going to change. I’ve tried. Some of these moved with us 5 years ago. Yes, that’s right! Five years ago!! I wish it would all disappear. I think we would be much better off if we tossed it all and just bought things as we use them and then in small … [Read more...]
Excess can cause a mess.
I thought this was a good comment from Sanna last week regarding how being decluttered makes life simpler. Sanna wrote ~ "I’d add that it’s simpler to have a “cleaning day†as well. My home still gets messy, especially when bf and I are both very busy at work. Dishes and laundry still tend to pile, I have to admit. However, a few years back it would take hours – or even days – to get everything back into shape after some busy weeks and even then there would be piles left, stuffed in cupboards, under sofas or in the bedroom, just because we would be too exhausted to manage getting … [Read more...]
This goes with this goes with this goes with that…
Have you ever noticed how when you buy something it requires you to buy something else to go with it. You buy a new dress and then decide you need shoes to match. You buy a new cookbook and realise you need some extra utensils and ingredients to make the recipes. You buy a piece of sporting equipment and you need to by a storage bag, another piece of equipment, maintenance equipment and supplies. You buy a leather garment and you need leather conditioner. You buy a bike and need a pump, an oil can, a helmet and a basket... I could go on and on about this for hours. And the same goes to … [Read more...]
Why am I decluttering? ~ By Andréia
I don’t remember exactly why I started decluttering. All I recall is that I was overwhelmed. I told about this here. However that story is over two years old. So why have I continued decluttering, even though I had reduced to a “manageable’ amount of stuff and a big house where I could fit all the storage units my heart could ever desire? I was not sure about the answer. I wanted more space, but more so, I did not want my children to deal with my clutter should something happen to me. There is always going to be some stuff they would have to deal with but less is better right. But why … [Read more...]
Avoiding the pitfalls
Much of the clutter in our homes is stuff we didn't need in the first place. They are often things we purchase to make ourselves feel good... Things for making us feel attractive. Things that make our homes look nice. Things that are intended to lighten our work load. Things to amuse us. Things we buy to please others. Things to create a little more comfort. Pretty things that caught our eye in a moment of weakness. ...and the list could go on. Ultimately though, these things often lose their appeal fairly quickly and the cycle begins again. Poor impulse purchases would … [Read more...]
Cindy’s Weekly Wisdom ~ The Shortage Is Only in Your Mind
I went to high school with a girl named Helen, who was extremely petite and wore a very tiny shoe size, 5 I believe. In college, Helen and I lived in the same dorm. Her room was remarkable because it contained the largest shoe collection in the dorm, probably in the entire school. Why did Helen own so many shoes? Because she wore a tiny shoe, many stores would only get one in her size when they ordered a style. Helen was constantly afraid that she wouldn't be able to find shoes that fit. As a result, she bought every shoe she found in her size. Clearly, the idea that there was a shortage of … [Read more...]
Craft Like a Beginner
Have you ever had a craft/hobby that got completely out of control. Not so much the making of items but the accumulation of crafting supplies. I most certainly have. Through that experience I have learned a few things and here is my advice on avoiding this problem. Always supply your craft hobby as though you are a beginner. Any wise person who starts a new hobby generally begins with the minimum of supplies in order to try it out to see if they are really going to enjoy it. They buy or better still borrow the basic equipment or perhaps even take a class where the equipment is provided. Then … [Read more...]