The hurricane method of decluttering, as Moni dubbed it, is when one rips through the house decluttering a vast amount of stuff all at once. A person's hand is often forced into this action due to a sudden change in circumstances which makes a big declutter necessary. A hurricane declutter was exactly what I was helping a friend with on the weekend. She had been thinking of moving but found a new place quicker than expected, and just when her best friend was leaving for an overseas vacation. She phoned me in a panic on Wednesday last week begging for my help. I quickly agreed and took a three … [Read more...]
Sanna’s final 20 thing a day challenge update
Hi there! Friday was the last day of July and so my 20 things a day challenge ended. While the first three weeks could be labeled "random decluttering of random clutter", after about 500 items or so, my assorted little junk items were almost all gone and it was time to change the method a bit. Inspired by a window shopping tour (of all things!) that led us to a interior store, my boyfriend let me know that he would like to get rid of a lot more of what we owned and would actually like a fresh start without the old stuff and, while buying new furniture big style is out of the question … [Read more...]
Have faith that you won’t need it one day
As the saying goes ~ "Believe and the Universe will provide." Whether you are religious, spiritual or neither there is a good chance that this saying is true for you. It sure has been true for me, and that is why I never worry about letting go of the things that I don't use. I hold on to very little in the way of things that I only think I might need some day because I have no doubt that... ...I probably won't and never did "need" it in the first place and... ...and anything I do need want can be easily replaced at a later date. One of the reasons I believe these this is that I … [Read more...]
Follow up on my “stocktake”
So, going through my house to remove any clutter build up didn't take long. As you can imagine with only two bedroomz, tow bathrooms, the kitchen/dining/living area and the balcony, it wasn't a difficult task. Just to be up front though, I didn't spend too much time on the craft area as it was a case of ~ found some items then immediately began crafting to use them up. It is my intention to base the crafting I do over the next weeks on using up items that I feel have lingered too long. I had a good sales week at the art space and need to restock so I'll certainly be doing plenty crafting … [Read more...]
Some challenges for you
Sanna's success with her 20 thing a day challenge got me thinking about how short term challenges can be very inspiring for letting go of things. So today I have come up with some short term simple challenges that anyone can do. Hopefully they will inspire some of you to do a little extra decluttering. If any of the following challenges appeal to you give them your best shot and let us know how well you did when your challenge is complete. Each day for one week choose a drawer or shelf to declutter. You might be surprised how much easier it is to find what you need in small areas once … [Read more...]
Staying ahead of the clutter.
Of late I have been getting the felling that maybe there is more stuff coming into my home than there is going out or being used up. Typically craft supplies is my biggest area of concern. Stuff regularly goes out in this area but some stuff does come in, through generous friends and because I am continually experimenting with new ideas, and then there are the supplies that have to be restocked (adhesives, white card stock etc). But there are also other areas of the house where items have also come in, perfume from a good friend, new glass spice container to replace the plastic ones (which … [Read more...]
Sanna’s lastest 20 thing challenge update
Hello everyone! How are your challenges going? My original 3-week's challenge has ended, but I will keep going for another week as it has only now begun to get a little harder and I'd like to find some more hidden clutter to get rid of. The pace is getting a little challenging meanwhile, but I will do it for the rest of July! For me, it has been a success so far. I kept decluttering my 20 things a day and even got rid of some more (all together another week's worth). Mostly sewing supplies, photos, paper and office supplies had to go, but I also got rid of the odd item of clothing, dishware … [Read more...]
Life moves on
I received the following comment from Kimberley to one of last week's posts ~ Who Are You Now. Kinberley wrote: "Your post should be titled, “Isn’t this how clutter begins?â€Â We move from one phase of our life to another. We don’t or won’t let go of what used to serve us while at the same time adding things that now do. It’s as simple as doing the math." This is so true. The reason much of our clutter builds up is because life moves on for us. The problem with that is that life moves on but we don't move on the resulting items that become clutter. We understandably hold on … [Read more...]
Who are you now
Does your clutter say more about the person you aren't than the person you are. Or perhaps the person you were, rather than the person you are now. Lets take "the person you aren't v. the person you are first. Do you have outfits in your wardrobe that are the latest fashion but don't really suit your taste or your body for that matter? Are there also pretty but uncomfortable shoes in there that you avoid using and when you do it is torture. Do you have ingredients in your pantry, shelves of dusty cookbooks or files of unused recipe clippings, and a kitchen full of rarely used utensils, pans … [Read more...]
Too much of a good thing
I received a comment yesterday in relation to craft clutter. Please read it below... Gillie: I recently decluttered almost all of my craft supplies. Not because I was going to give up but because I wanted to take it back up again. There was always so much there that I was just overawed by it all and never really got around to doing anything. When I was younger and had very little I made a lot more, because I had little choice and got on with what I had. I think this applies to so much of our stuff . The more we have the less we are able to do because it takes too long to choose or … [Read more...]