The Social Networking/Surfing Dilemma A Guest Post by Deb J Even though I only check my email and Facebook 3 times a day, I am finding I spend more time than I would like on both. I don’t spend much time “surfing the net.â€Â Texting is not a problem because I only use my cell phone for emergencies. The emails are few and mostly have to do with business type things. I have been able to get my name off most email lists other than for those like my doctors, Mom’s doctors, our bank, and my credit card. I really do not have a huge number of people I keep up with on Facebook, yet I … [Read more...]
The endless to-do list
Isn't it baffling that no matter how much you reduce your belongings and simplify your life, there still seems to always be an endless to-do list. I think it is highly possible, at least in my case, that while I am un-complicating one area of my life I am filling that void with something else. Actually as I write this, I am sure I published a post on this very subject not so long back. Nevertheless I am going to prattle on about it again today. If for no other reason than the fact that I obviously didn't listen to my own advice the last time. Sometimes even the things we enjoy in life … [Read more...]
Intentional Living by Deb J
In my last post I talked about how I had been reading too much and needing to be more intentional with my reading. This post I want to talk about being intentional about what we do so that we don’t have cluttered lives. I am so excited about the decluttering progress we are seeing from people who comment on this blog. While we all have places where we struggle, we are all moving forward and working to break through those struggles. The majority of this decluttering is that of ridding ourselves of the things we accumulate over the years. We have talked some about decluttering our … [Read more...]
Transient Stuff
Much of what comes into my home these days is transient. Aside from groceries much of what does come in is free, secondhand, or both. And I have to say it makes it a whole lot easier to pass things on when large sums of money aren't exchanged to acquire it.  This week I have decluttered... 2 books - one free, one 10c, both secondhand and both not used in a reasonable length of time so both were taken to the thrift shop. 3 strips of fabric samples - all free from a friend, but after careful consideration I decided I didn't have a use for them. One went to the thrift shop to sell as … [Read more...]
It’s all about you
Today's mini mission is ~ Just declutter something that isn’t “youâ€. In reality all of this weeks mini missions have been about getting rid of things that aren't you. By this I mean things that don't spark any joy in you. Joy that something fits you. Joy that something works well for you. Joy that you find something beautiful. Joy that brings back happy memories... Unwanted gifts. Disappointing purchases. Items that feel like they are nagging you to do something you don't have the time or inclination for right now. Items you accepted from others only because you felt you couldn't say … [Read more...]
My box of ‘getting-to-done’ ~ By Nicole V
A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid. ~ JRR Tolkien I have a box. Just. One. It contains no treasure but there is something hiding in it. It’s a plastic storage box measuring 60 by 35 by 42cm, which has helped me preserve my sanity, well, sort of preserve my sanity. It lives in the storeroom, sitting to the left of the entrance, looking harmless and, well, um, just like a plastic storage box. What it contains, however, is a Hydra of paper clutter and just like the creature in Greek mythology that grew two heads each time one was chopped off, this monster, I … [Read more...]
Declutter your food choices
NÃriel jokingly suggested that to complete last Friday's mission she should eat all the ice cream in her house. It sounded like a good idea to me but then it got me thinking. Along with stuff decluttering one thing most people, in today's Western culture, could stand to do is declutter their food choices. I know I have written about this before, and annoyed at least one person in the process, but it is worth repeating. It isn't aimed towards the idea that everyone ought to be thin, it is about having a healthy diet and an uncluttered pantry and fridge. And the best way I know of to avoid … [Read more...]
Poverty thinking
I received a comment from Jill which inspired this post. It will probably sound like a confession as well but so be it. Here is Jills comment and I will write my thoughts after it. "I have been a collector of “stuff†my whole life. Had a major life changing operation last October and since then have been getting rid of lots of stuff. For the past 10+ years, I had been stock piling items for use after retirement (this November). Using “poverty thinking†(after retirement not having enough money to buy craft items, books to read, clothing, i.e…), my small home was piled high! After … [Read more...]
A collection of thoughts
I've been racking my brain today, trying to come up with an idea for a blog post, without success. I thought of a few experiences I have encountered during the week in reference to clutter. However these thoughts didn't amount to enough content for writing a whole blog post. So I decided I would just put these thoughts to you and see what comments ensue. The conversation in the comments section is often as stimulating and inspiring as a post anyway due to my clever and engaged readers. So here goes. I was thinking of how I hold on to some things longer than I ought to, because I just … [Read more...]
Life doesn’t have to be boring with less stuff.
So today I was out and about with Wendy F and we had a wonderful time shopping and checking out the stuff on the sidewalks ready for bulk waste pickup. And yes I know what you are thinking ~ "What is someone, who writes about decluttering and being environmentally friendly, doing shopping and picking up junk off the sidewalks?" First of all let me tell you that I bought nothing new and of course the stuff on the sidewalk wasn't new either. So that is the environmentally friendly side taken care of. The items I purchased at the thrift shop were two reels of thread for a friend, some wooden … [Read more...]