This What AM I has something to do with a very famous brand.
Can you guess what it is.
Send in your guesses and we shall see who is the clever one.
The answer will be the Item of the Day on Monday.
What Am I?
About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Well, it says Gibson (as well as Stainless and Made in China), so I’m going to guess it has something to do with a guitar. However, to me it looks like a paint scraper.
Good for you Felicity. I have noticed a few as I have driven around today and I must admit I am tempted sometimes to go in just to see what they are selling. Actually sometimes I would just like to question them on why they are selling it and if they are downsizing or just making room for the next round of clutter.
Hi Shirls,
I can see why you would think that but no it is not a butter curler. I am please to say I have never owned one of those.
Bottle opener?
I was going to say the top of a wine or liquor bottle, but it looks like it’s laying on its side, so that’s probably not it.
Ok, since a corkscrew was in the right area, I’m going to try for bottle opener this time, one with the label of a popular beverage on it, since the hint says it has to do with a well known brand.
I was thinking bottle opener also, but if the opener part is on the other end, then what is this part shown in the picture used for! Maybe it’s not one after all… great puzzle, I do like these posts 🙂
Hah! Just realizing you have cleverly framed the picture to cut off the corners of the object … so this part COULD be the business end… hmmm
I was thinking along the lines of corkscrew, so is it a reusable bottle stopper?
wine label remover 🙂 Cheers!
I really think it’s a bottle opener with a red handle embossed with a Coca-Cola bottle…..a novelty item. Gibson also made sets of flatware with the Coke handles also.
Janine Hsays
Beer bottle opener? It’s red? What beer is red? My hubby only know VB….perhaps carlsberg? Is that the name of a beer? Rambling…sorry…too early on sunday morning for me!
Well, it says Gibson (as well as Stainless and Made in China), so I’m going to guess it has something to do with a guitar. However, to me it looks like a paint scraper.
Hi Cindy,
I am sorry but that isn’t right. Try again.
At first I thought ice scraper, but metal on glass is probably a bad idea. Extreme close-up of part of a bottle opener?
Putty knife/paint scraper.
Sorry Deb J but no.
hi, love the mini missions this week, my fridge looks brand new. Is the object a bottle opener?
mmm not sure about this one, l have no idea!
I did want to say there were FOUR garage sales in our town this morning……and l only went to ONE and didn’t buy a single thing.
They didn’t even put prices on anything…..but l was adamant not to buy anything……….just went for a sticky!
Good for you Felicity. I have noticed a few as I have driven around today and I must admit I am tempted sometimes to go in just to see what they are selling. Actually sometimes I would just like to question them on why they are selling it and if they are downsizing or just making room for the next round of clutter.
Hi Chelle,
you are in the right ballpark but the guess is wrong. Thanks for trying, have another go.
bottle opener?
Cheese cutter?
Hi Ann,
sorry not a cheese cutter. Nice try thought.
Butter curler?
Hi Shirls,
I can see why you would think that but no it is not a butter curler. I am please to say I have never owned one of those.
Bottle opener?
I was going to say the top of a wine or liquor bottle, but it looks like it’s laying on its side, so that’s probably not it.
Ok, since a corkscrew was in the right area, I’m going to try for bottle opener this time, one with the label of a popular beverage on it, since the hint says it has to do with a well known brand.
Pan scraper?
I was thinking bottle opener also, but if the opener part is on the other end, then what is this part shown in the picture used for! Maybe it’s not one after all… great puzzle, I do like these posts 🙂
Hah! Just realizing you have cleverly framed the picture to cut off the corners of the object … so this part COULD be the business end… hmmm
I was thinking along the lines of corkscrew, so is it a reusable bottle stopper?
wine label remover 🙂 Cheers!
I really think it’s a bottle opener with a red handle embossed with a Coca-Cola bottle…..a novelty item. Gibson also made sets of flatware with the Coke handles also.
Beer bottle opener? It’s red? What beer is red? My hubby only know VB….perhaps carlsberg? Is that the name of a beer? Rambling…sorry…too early on sunday morning for me!