Media blitz might be a bit of an exaggeration but it is more media attention than I thought I would ever receive. After the first nervous attempts I have become more comfortable with it. My favourite piece so far is the one below which I wouldn’t have even known about except for one of my neighbours telling me. I got quite a laugh when I saw it.
Media Links
ABC Radio interview ~Â Tony Delroys Nightlife 27 July 2011
Newspaper Article ~Â Newcastle Herald 28 July 2011
Multimedia Slice Show ~Â Newcastle Herald 28 July 2011
Another newspaper mention ~ Newcastle Herald 1 Aug 2011
I am not sure why The Newcastle Herald chose all the photos of me laughing. I look a bit like a crazy lady but I suppose I make it look like decluttering can be fun. It did also concern me that they kept saying I threw away 365 things. Nothing could be further from the truth as only 67 of the 365 things ended up going into the recycling or garbage bin.
Don’t worry readers the attention hasn’t gone to my head. I am still the same crazy Aussie who will be nagging you again next week to get rid of your stuff. I’m not letting you off that easy. 😉
Hi Colleen – congrats on the articles. It was great fun to hear your audio slide show and see the photos of your home. I enjoyed putting a “voice” to the written word!
Hi Jessiejack,
my readers have an advantage over me now. You will all have to get recordings of yourselves to send to me so I can hear what you all sound like, with pictures as well preferably.
Such great exposure to your philosophy, Colleen – I am sure you will continue to reach – and help – more and more people.
Love the cartoon!! So cute!
Off to do some serious work for an upcoming yard sale …
Hi Jo,
I look forward to hearing about the yard sales success story. Good luck with it.
It is funny how you can overlook clutter. There is a Cat-In -The-Hat cookie jar that I don’t use and I have never used and I just realized it looks like clutter on the shelf it is on in my kitchen. I am so use to seeing it that I totally forgot it was there. I’ve had it for years. It will be going “bye-bye” as soon as possible. It’s funny how you can totally overlook clutter sometimes. ha ha
Hi Angie Kay,
Try having a photographer from the newspaper turn up to your home to do a spread for the paper and a multimedia piece when all you thought they were going to do was take a few pictures of yourself. Just as well I keep my place pretty tidy or that could have been extremely embarrassing. As it was I think they were expecting my home to have nothing in it and resemble the inside of an empty freezer. I hope they weren’t too disappointed because it doesn’t look like that and it never will.
Congrats on your news articles too!!
Thanks Angle Kay
LOVE the cartoon and the laughing photo. Congrats.
Hi Cindy,
they mostly only used to laughing photos of me. God knows how bad the other photos must have looked if those were the best they could use. Those photos do remind me of my mother though so that is a good thing I guess. She and I are a lot alike.
Nag on, girlfriend! I’ll be home from vacation and may need a little jump start. 🙂
Funny funny cartoon! Love it!
Hi Willow,
sometimes I think you are away on vacation more than you are at home. Could it be that you come home for a vacation and spend the rest of the time galavanting all of the USA. 😉 Just let me know if you need any special one on one nagging as I will be happy to email your own personal dose. 😆
It has been a weird summer break with lots of short vacations–one more scheduled in August 🙂
Hi Willow I am taking a short trip myself this month to Tasmania our southern most start. I have never been there before so I am looking forward to it.
Great article although I don’t think it did you justice. From memory I am sure you have said you don’t want to go minimalist but be more mindful of your belongings and what you buy in the future, but articles have to use “buzz” words I suppose. The words you spoke with the photo slide show were a much better representation of your beliefs.
BTW it is sad how excited I was when I found out you were from my neck of the woods. LOL
Hi Debra F,
Thanks and yes I keep having to explain that I am not a minimalist. I think the photographer and multimedia editor that came to my house was expecting just that. But worse than the minimalist tag was the headline that read Adamstown woman throws something out everyday. I am glad he elaborated further on that in the story or I think I would have died.
By the way, how to close to my neck of the woods are you?
Yes I have been telling everyone what bad reporting it is was as that is not what Colleen does. My family just rolls their eyes at me now when I start my rants. LOL
I am at Rutherford now, but have lived at New Lambton South in the past.
Hi Debra F,
thanks for the support, I am glad you are getting the real facts across for me. I can just picture your family with their eyes rolling, my family are a cheeky bunch too. I think we will have to plan a group get together for the 365lessthings readers in our area. Would you be up for that?
Whoo! I’m so proud of you. I don’t even have the right to be but I am. 😀 I’ve reading along since day 10 or so and it’s been such a ride!
Sorry, let me re-clarify that. Day 10 or so of posts, so that was somewhere in the 70′s I think.
Hi Lynn,
you deserve some sort of medal for listening to me prattle on for that long. 😉
By the way, how is that little bundle of yours coming along and the move too for that matter?
In a rush, but love the cartoon – I hope you do too!
Thanks snosie
Good on you Colleen! I listened to the Nightlife interview last week after my boss where I volunteer told me about it. I’d been talking with her about decluttering (and my ‘job’ is to declutter her office, which I’m loving!) and she said I sounded just like this woman she’d heard on the radio the day before. Who, of course, was you!!
Off to read the newspapar articles now…
Hi Loretta,
it is a small world we live in isn’t it. Talking about that I am going to be in Melbourne (City) on Friday, killing time between flights, if you should just happened to be in town maybe we could meet for a coffee somewhere.
Oh bugger! I’m going on holidays on Thursday, driving up the coast with the family to visit my sister in Burleigh for 2 weeks. Would have loved to catch up otherwise. Are you still coming down in October?
Hi Loretta,
too bad. Yes I will be there again in October maybe we can get together them. It is the weekend of the Motorcycle GP on Phillip Island.
Awesome Colleen 🙂 It’s great that the word is getting spread to more and more people. I think the whole western world needs to hear it. To stop buying so much crap, and free themselves from the tyranny of more. (Not to mention debt and stress and all that comes with MORE.)
Hi Cat’sMeow,
well said! That comment is going straight to the Fave Five. Also ~ Vive la revolution! Surely there has to be another way to keep people employed and money going around without adding unnecessary demand on what surely must be a limited supply of the planet’s resources.
How undeniably, excruciatingly, wonderfully and deliciously exciting ! Big kudos to one of my favourite blogladies !
Hi Tasmanian Minimalist,
I love your enthusiasm and thank you for the lovely compliment.
Colleen! I once asked (I think) where you were located, and I’m pleased that mystery has been solved by the articles! I used to work up in New Lambton periodically, but now am mostly in Sydney (I work for Ausgrid, formerly Energy Australia). I feel warmed by the physical proximity! And that your advice suits my location more so than US bloggers etc. So thank you! Keep it up
Hi Snosie,
I am familiar with Ausgrid they own the Newcastle Nights football team and the stadium I believe. Yes we are not so far from each other and speak the same language. Aussie that is. 😉
Congratulations, you did so well with your interviews; I followed all four media links, and enjoyed (and was inspired by) them all. And I liked the chance to see what you looked like! But …… I just loved the cartoon! It’ll be a very long time before my husband can feel vulnerable like that!
Hi Ann,
my husband keeps telling me that “It isn’t clutter if you love it!”. I am not sure if he just thinks I am a little too obsessed with decluttering or he is afraid for the Ducati motorcycle in the garage that is excess to our needs.
Well, Colleen, if it was me, I’d keep the husband and ditch the Ducati. but … if the choice was his, how would he vote?…..
Hi Ann,
I will definitely be keeping the husband but I am afraid the Ducati might be part of a package deal. He is worth a lot more than the Ducati or the space it takes up so I can live with this concession.
Hi Colleen! Great articles on newspaper! I found the cartoon very funny! I also thought they went with the catchting words “throws away” because people have to be interested in reading the rest. The good thing is that more pepole will be reading your blog. Some will be angry, some will be glad, but what you have been talking about here, less waste, more consciousness when buyning and disposing of stuff, will be more spread. Your message came across my friend.
Oi Andréia,
thank you for that. I agree I think the message is coming through.
Fab articles Collen, I loved the pictures of your house, your kitchen looks amazing, would love to see more of your home 🙂
Sharron x
Hi Sharron,
thank you. If you want to see more pictures of my home choose Simple Saturday in the Tag Cloud and you will probably find a few posts with photos of my home among those that come up. Also this post has some good photos.
Way to go Colleen and you don’t look crazy, just happy!
I hope so!