It’s the big reveal, not of a completely decluttered craft room but more of the extent to the amount of craft supplies I actually had in the first place. Also as the heading today implies I really only am in mid-declutter of this area. I intend to continue in my usual gradual manner until I am content that I have the situation under control. The process of taking the photos opened my mind even further to how much area this takes up in ratio to how little time I spend actually being creative in it. If you are even in doubt about what needs clearing out in an area I suggest you take a look at it through a camera lens. That will really focus you view!
I would just like to point out at this point that the brown sewing cabinet in the photo is now empty and I will be putting it up for sale when I return from vacation so that will really make a difference to the appearance of the space. As I said this area is a work in progress and I will update you again sometime in the near future.
Bravo honey, bravo !
Well done! What a difference. I have the weekend to myself (kids are with the grandparents and one at camp; hubby is away for work). I am so happy to have accomplished so much today. Looking forward to more decluttering and organizing tomorrow.
O @
Thanks Colleen for beeing so brave to show this progress shot. “Real” before and afters are always as discouraging as they are encouraging. It’s nice to see proof how things are NOT happening overnight.
Celebrate when the brown cabinet is gone. It will really make a huge difference!
hihi, just saw this. yay for getting rid of this zebra-style chair. 😉 I really like that you downsized so much. I have a little idea maybe? if you put the frames (?) underneath your desk somewhere else, lets say between your desk and the black drawer next to it, the whole area would look more tidy I think. but thats just a little idea 🙂
how is the progress so far?
The zebra chair isn’t gone altogether it is in my son’s bedroom now. And you are right about the frames etc under the desk. They really need to be sorted.