Here is an Aussie decluttering video for you to enjoy.
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter single use gadgets that you really don’t have a single use for.
Reducing our stuff one day at a time.
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter single use gadgets that you really don’t have a single use for.
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
I enjoyed the video, Colleen.
One of the points the woman made on here was that once your house is decluttered, you’ll find that you no longer waste money buying something you have, but can’t find, and you’ll no longer waste time searching for items that have become lost in the clutter.
For anybody just starting to declutter, I can tell you that this is very true. It’s such a joy not to have to search for things, because everything has a place, and everything is returned to its place after use.
Good for you Becky. The benefits far outweigh the effort involved.
Nice video. The “it’s overwhelming” statement by the one lady is such a big reason why so many don’t start. They are overwhelmed by just thinking of it. Like you have said over and over it’s the starting small and taking one item or one drawer/small space at a time that helps you get it done.
I know what you mean Deb J, I have friends that say they de-clutter all the time but what they are doing is just skimming, they still go out and buy heaps more stuff! Slow and steady is great and you really feel spaces opening up when it’s a methodical process. I do love a big clean through but it is amazing how gratifying a small space being cleared helps fuel your vision. I truely believe you have to want the change for it to happen. 🙂 🙂 🙂 and it will !
Wise words Dizzy. It is all about the change. Decluttering doesn’t mean a thing if you just reclutter.
Dizzy, you are so right… people are somehow a bit schizophrenic, when it comes to their consumption. I have friends who are super aware of how to save energy, how to buy biological and organic food, about the scientific research that is done in social ecology, etc etc etc. But they go shopping like there is no tomorrow. their flat is so crammed full with items, I get the urge to declutter everytime I am there.
I had a conversation yesterday with those friends whose other friend got into a car accident. and because that car was old (but actually small and environmental friendly for its age) the economic damage was bigger than the actual value. like it would cost more to repair than what its the value of the car. So the insurance paid the value and the car is now in car heaven. We all agreed that its kind of ridiculous. but then my friends also said that if its as expensive to repair old trousers as to buy new ones, they would always buy new ones. And at that point it got so clear to me that this is exactly what I dont believe in anymore. I would repair the old ones. Somehow my friends get the big picture, but when it comes to their own life, they are blind. And I changed my habit and my lifestyle. I would rather fix things up again instead of buying the item new. Sadly I am missing some skills, but I know lots of services, and I would rather pay someone for their work than a company for their production. because I truly believe that the rate of our industrialized, western production is causing more damage than we can predict and foresee. consuming will not bring social justice but the opposite, it will not safe the planet but increase the environmental impact we are already making here. so no way I will spend money on new things, if I can get it fixed or second hand. especially if it comes to household items, or furniture or whatever.
this decluttering journey brings a really nice brain wash. I feel good about myself. I see space, I see money coming in, I have more time, I have more energy. if I would be a religious person, this would be my religion.
That is right Deb J. The reason I starting decluttering this way was because I didn’t want it to be a chore. Little did I know it would result in a positive lifestyle change.
OK I was never in that league – but do any other 365’ers out there just find themselves just itching to get in there and have a big clean out?
I do! It would be fun!
Ooohhhh yeah although I found this video pretty tame compared to some of the horrors I have seen and experienced first hand! I can honestly say I was never yucky with stuff I just had way more than I’d ever use, but I still can’t get past the fact that most people just need to pick up and sort through their stuff. 🙂 🙂 🙂
She does have a long way to go Moni but she is focused on how far she has come and that is far more beneficial to the ultimate outcome.
Hi Colleen – was great that she actually acknowledge it had gotten out of hand, most hoarders can’t see the problem. But would love to dig in and lend a hand!
I know what you mean Moni. I have a question though, it is something I had never considered before. Would you like it if someone gave you a hand with your decluttering? Although I have never been in a state like that I think I would rather deal with it myself after all it is the clutterer who needs to make the decisions. I suppose a helper could help with the hauling away but they could add extra unwanted pressure when it comes to the decision making. Although with some people I suppose that pressure is what they need. Decluttering is certainly an individual thing.
Hi again – yes its true it could put pressure on the owner but I am often surprised how my decluttering skills have ‘evolved’ and the shortcuts I have learnt along the way.
Maybe someone could gift me one room like that.
Hi Colleen – have thought about your question, would I want someone helping me with my decluttering. YES! If I had a band of Ompa Loompas to give instructions like “take that out to thre recycling bin”, “take that down the road to the goodwill bins”, “photograph and write up descriptions and list on ebay”, “carry those boxes down from the ceiling storage for me” – I’m sure I could have gotten a lot further faster.
Or even an Clone who could go and start preparing dinner or help with homework so I could just get the last bit finished.
Is it REALLY asking for so much to have an Ompa Loompa AND a clone????? 🙂
totally. I would so go for a clone… or just the other way round. you get one day between the normal days, just for yourself. I call them “the seconds”, like on monday the first, I have an appointment and I need to do research in the library, but on monday the second I can just go out and relax in the sun the whole day. tuesday the first, I have to go shopping, on tuesday the second I can just sort out all files that piled up, on wednesday the first, I have an interview for a job, on wednesday the second I can hang around in my comfy house clothes all day and eat ice cream and watch dvds (before on friday the second I list them on ebay ;-))… yeah I could so do that.
Fair enough. Having someone to do the ebay listing would be a treat I must admit.
Well Moni- possibly wanting both an Ompa Loompa AND a clone is getting a bit greedy – but I would love an Ompa Loompa too – just to be able to laugh every time I got to say its name. And a whole band of them- just way too funny!!
I get that itch everytime I see a home that is chaotic. I want to run around and get my hands dirty and find new places and find surfaces again and clear out stacks and put everything in right order and…… yeah, I get that itch.
I think the former hoarder is adorable. she is getting a joy out of giving items away, which proves that she had the right change of mind. so I guess she will be fine in the future. although she has a loooong journey ahead of her, she appreciates the joy it already gives her. I like that…
I would not like someone to push me, but I am already very decluttered and I dont need anyone to ask ruthless questions, because I am already doing that to myself. but I know I can “force” people into reconsidering their clutter and some even accept the help that I offer regularly. its a good feeling if I know I brought them a small change of mind. not much, but a beginning is the biggest step for some.
Yes, I do. It’s like my friend that I have been working with. She is gone for a month. I wish she would have given me the keys to her house and let me at it. I would not have gotten rid of anything. What I would do is get it all out of the house into the garage where it would be sorted by “my” thoughts on it. Inside the house everything would be organized and put in its place. There would be only the basic furniture and nothing else. When she got back we would go through each room and decide what else needed to be in there. Only then would be go to the garage and find those needed things. What was left would then be gone over with the idea of “do you really want to keep this and why?”, “do you want to try to sell this?”, etc. I think there are two problems for my friend. When she sees her house as a whole she is overwhelmed. She is trying to take things out instead of put them back in. I have found there are two types of hoarders. Those who hoard just because they have an issue of getting rid of anything and those who hoard because they have a hard time making decisions about what should be kept. The latter hang on to things because making a decision is harder than just leaving it even though they don’t like it all being there. The former is a type of illness. In the case of the decision procrastinator it is easier for them to get it all out and then move a few things back in that it is to see it all and try to figure out what needs to leave.
Today I dropped off about a hundred books (mainly children’s classics) at an International school! I have had them sitting on the floor for about a month. When the woman in the video commented that after she decluttered the books from the shelves she still had them on the floor, I understood what she was saying. So glad to not just have empty shelves but clear floor space as well! Now to see if I can get all of the books that are left onto 3 other books shelves so that I can get rid of this book shelf. (I have a friend who really needs it.) But I must say with my two declutered book shelves in living room I was able to spread out and rearrange some of my decorative items and it looks really fresh and nice, so we will see what happens.
Way to go Grace, sounds great, I’m so glad you found somewhere for all your books to go. Now they can be enjoyed by many. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m with Dizzy, way to go Grace. Seeing the results of what you have done sure spurs you on to greater things. Keep up the good work.
2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – who do we appreciate? GRACE GRACE GRACE!
well done, I know that having items identified as clutter and then getting those clutter items out of the house are two different steps. good for you that you could rearrange your living room!
Thanks you gals for the encouragement! Lena, your cute words really made me chuckle this morning. Thanks. It really makes it much more like a celebration when we make these small steps and have some cheering on. I really really appreciate it.
I had a sudden nervous jolt last night about the books. There were some really lovely editions that I had used with my children. My desire to hold on to them was so strong. BUT I instantly recalled a young boy’s response as 4 men carried in the two rough totes of books into the school. I heard him utter aloud, “Oh, books!” Since this is an English speaking school in a foreign country they don’t have a great amount of literature choices for extra reading. So yes, more will read them then were reading them as they sat on my shelves. Now someone else can dust them. You ladies are great!
isnt it just the perfect way to collect the encouragement that you need on a daily basis? I love cheering people that are on the same way like me. and I love to know I have a place where people appreciate my efforts! win win for everyone.
Hi Colleen,
Well today is the ‘DAY’ war has been declared on my Scrapbook/office room. I have taken the before pictures and I am about to S.P.A.C.E. THE ENTIRE CUPBOARD. WISH ME LUCK!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Hope you’re feeling a little better now, have a restful weekend 🙂
First the Scrap room, then the remaining books and then CHRISTMAS!!!
Tally-Ho !
Dizzy, you go girl. I hope you are planning on photographing the whole process and writing a guest post for me. Hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink.
I am feeling much the same but luckily with a decluttered tidy house I can afford to rest and recuperate.
Hi Colleen, you go ahead and rest rest rest, I on the other hand am a bit scared of what I have started OMGoodness, craft supplies do the same thing as rabbits! hahahaha. I am taking pics as I go because I am sorting the lot this time. Last cull it all went to a teacher friend, this time the school arts and crafts centre is gonna have a lot of goodies coming their way.
I wish I hadn’t taken the pics, I’m a bit annoyed with myself right now. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Hi Dizzy – have you come up for air yet?
And what has been the craziest thing you have un-earthed so far?
Hey Moni, Just looking at it all is blowing my tiny little mind!!! The ”What The’s” so far include a bowtie???? Wine Glass??? hahaha I wonder if I left a bottle of wine in here also.
In the midst of all this I also threw 4 tops and 1pr jeans from my Project 333. I really don’t like them off to the Salvos!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
lol. I cant help but picture you in this bowtie (I really hope its colourful) holding the wine glass in the one and your clothes in the other hand, while you are covered in glitter and confetti, standing in stacks of shiny, glossy, colourful paper. like a clown. I hope you have fun!
Hahahaha I might just have to get a photo to share with you all, I found my purple wig too from when we did the ‘Time Warp’ for our Tap Comp hahaha. The only reason I can think it is in the Scrap cupboard is because I re-glittered the tiara, I had it sitting behind a bead box to keep it safe ‘WHAT THE’ !!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Dizzy – I’m with Lena, somehow I can picture you with the bowtie and the wineglass.
Its funny you mention throwing out items from 333 – cause I did the same thing, you’d think I’d be hanging onto whatever I could, but I just decided I didn’t like it enough to be gridlocked into wearing it for the duration of the project!
I’m really liking having all my clothes hanging in the wardrobe, even t-shirts and sweatshirts ’cause there is enough space! I no longer have my own set of drawers aside from my bedside drawers for underware and socks, I have one of my hubby’s drawers for jeans and jersies – though they probably could go on hangers too.
oh ladies, I admire you for doing project 333, I always played with the thought, but I couldnt choose, because that would require planning. I decluttered so many clothes though. And with the summer here now, I have a new grip on the bright light summer shirts, I wear them now one at a time and decide if they are too big or not. two are already in the drawer again, because they sit well in the beginning of the day, but in the evening, its like I am wearing a tent… so out they go.
I did a quick count and without socks, shoes and underwear I have around 50 items (including winterclothes) in the wardrobe and laundry basket. I guess this is a ok number to live with, and I will see how much there will be gone again by the end of this season.
That sounds like a reasonable number to me Lena.
I found, I did not only get rid of the clothes that didn’t make the cut, but also many of the clothes which I actually chose for project 333 – because wearing them more often showed clearly that they weren’t that comfortable or versatile after all.
Mind you, I still own many clothes. I’d be happy, if I was at 50 pieces all together…
Dizzy, I know from where you speak. I have been putting off my scrapbook supplies. I know my mother is going to freak for one thing and then I also know it is going to take some time to really cull. Added to that, I then have to get rid of it. I know that many of my scrapbook friends will take it but I feel like I am just aiding and abetting their hoarding of supplies. I cringe at that thought. So I have to decide what I want to do. Maybe I will put it in my friends garage sale.
I am down to 28 pieces of clothing including my winter stuff. I was shocked just now when I went in and counted it. I would have never thought I had that little. But every piece I have I really like and people like on me.
I have to wear special shoes and this week the doctor told me to rid myself of the 2 pair I have and has ordered me a new pair. The 2 I am ridding myself of are in good shape because I have not worn them much. I have new inserts that can be put in them so that they are like new. They were costly and it make me sick to think of having to get rid of them but because of a new problem with my feet I have to have different shoes that are made for the new issue. Ugh!
Well Deb J, your new shoes are an absolute NEED so don’t fret too much about having to get them, at least your feet will be comfy and happy feet will make for a happy you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Dizzy, you are right. I think it is just the idea of the cost of the others for little wear.
I think that health reasons are the most important reasons to change things. there is no need to cry about the cost of shoes, if its basically a medical treatment for your feet.
I actually envy that you have a doctor who could tell you which ones you need and which ones you can get rid of… decision is easy and you are out of the shopping problem. 😉 always look on the bright side of things.
Lena, you are right. I do need to look on the bright side. Thanks for the reminder.
Pauline just seems so happy, it’s lovely! And I second the opinion that once you have less, you can find things quickly and easily. Sometimes I go ‘wow, I think that would take other people AGES to find’ which makes me feel good about having less stuff!
Nice little compact video – but I find it a bit disturbing that the sorting starts with the kids corner asking the mom to sort out what SHE now longer likes. That could lead to desaster …
had the same thought. especially after those kitchen shelves…
I thought the same thing! Shouldn’t the children have been in there. I guess she was least attached emotionally to that part of the house.
I agree too. The children should be involved in the decision making over toys. In fact they should have ultimate control over that with guidance of course.
Hi Ideealistin – I have thought about it. My three kids were very close together in age and even though I often fell into the trap of having too many toys in the house, I always knew which were the favourites. And the favourite toys always remained favourites, others came and went. So maybe…..that mother already knew the ones that were “keepers” and which weren’t played with anymore.
And with my kids, with the exception of the favourite toys, the saying “out of sight, out of mind” definately was true.
Can remember one night we had to have this huge hunt looking for “Popples” because no other soft toy would do for my younger daughter, and we pretty well tore apart the property looking for Popples. 🙂
Girls, I need your help! I just passed a thrift store and they had a fabulous cord suit in there. And a lovely dress – a little business-like but still cute.
Oh my. I didn’t buy them yet but am still in buying-mode. However, I called my boyfriend to meet him in an hour and show him my finds then. Maybe he can bring me to some reason.
lol. my mum says if you are in doubt, buy it, because she always regrets the not bought items, if she doesnt like them, she gets rid of them quickly though. I usually disagree. if you are in doubt, then you dont really need it. but then again. if it fits and if its price wise ok, and if you keep decluttering your wardrobe, go for it!
I haven’t bought it yet, as the shop was already closed. But I’ll go there on Monday and check those items out again. If I still want them then, I’ll get them – but will get rid of something else.
Hi Sanna – that was exactly the advice I was going to give you!
Rejuvenating your wardrobe with secondhand items is harmless to the planet so no worries there. The question is are you prepared to let something else go to make room for them or are you decluttered enough in your closet that these items won’t overload it?
It seems, I am already advanced in that battle against the shopping-urge. 😉
The dress I was tempted to buy there still had the original price tag from the store where it was bought new, so I guess the person who gifted it, is still suffering more from shopaholism than I am.
Dear all,
Wishing you all a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY may you all rejoice with your loved ones and enjoy a beautiful and restful day 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you Dizzy and the same to you.
Is decluttering the new rock and roll? There’s a few new TV programmes about hoarding here in the UK. I don’t own a TV but my Mum is watching them so I’m getting reports from the frontline. Several times a week I hear announcements that she’s sorting out this or that.
Today she took three tops to her sis-in-law, two of which were unsuitable for her lifestyle and one which made her itch. She gets first refusal, then the thrift store. And (I hope no one is holding hot liquids) she announced tonight that she is parting with 3 of the Tupperwares! She described then to me and reminded me that I’d tried to get her to carboot them (over a decade ago). She wasn’t ready to part with them back then, now she has realised that she hasn’t used them and probably won’t, so off they go. I’m flabbergasted. I’ve long since learned to keep my trap shut on the subject of her cluttered home on the grounds that it’s not my business, but she’s suddenly found her decluttering mojo all on her own. It’s great when your parents can still astonish you. 🙂
Wow, GreyQueen! I hope my Mom gets that declurreting mojo soon.
I am so pleased for you that your mum has found her decluttering mojo. Never assume though that it isn’t your business though because in the end you would be the one having to deal with the clutter should she go before you. I wish everyone would consider that eventually and not just when they are getting old either because unfortunately dying isn’t restricted to old age.
Yes, that’s definately the case. Myself and my only sibling are joint-executors of our parents’ wills so it will all come down to us to sort out one day. Since I’m the offspring with the organisational skills, I suspect it will be for me to organise and him to do the heavy lifting. 🙂
However, Mum and I get on really really well, but the few times we’ve had harsh words, it was over the clutter, so I tread very carefully on that particular subject. That’s why I’m so pleased that she is decluttering on her own initiative. It’s partly inspired by Nan’s decluttering of her own (scarcely cluttered) home as she approaches her 90th birthday and partially inspired by those extreme-hoarder type programmes on TV which are pretty much the talk of the nation right now. I guess that a lot of us can look at pathological hoarding behaviours and get a chill to think that, one day, that might be us.
Also, as you go through your own life, you will probably accrue the experience of having to sort out your own parents’ or grandparents’ affairs and be left with exhaustion and incredulity over the stuff that was hoarded to no purpose and vow not to burden the next generation.
Mind you, doing it yourself can ensure that family treasures go to the relative who will appreciate them. Nan turned out a fancy bowl which had been in her possession since her own mother passed in the early 1970s. She’d forgotten that it was one of a set of three of different sizes. One of her sisters had had the other two, which had passed to a grand-daughter, who was beyond thrilled to have the stray one united with its family.
A very wealthy lady (friend of a friend) had her will set up so that her nearest relatives (neices) would be equal beneficaries. She had a LOT of extremely valuable art pieces (paintings, porcelains, antique furniture etc etc) which were one-of-a-kind and which she feared might cause arguments over the division. She arranged to have them sold by a prestigious auction house and the cash divided absolutely equally among her heirs. The heirs could choose to bid on anything that they had a particular desire to own and one bid on a painting and bought it and another bid on a porcelain but dropped out when the price went beyond what she thought was reasonable but they all had equal stakes in the proceeds. For some types of estate, this might be a viable option.
thats an interesting idea. although I dont like that if the heir want to inherit something they need to take the market for art in the picture. I always thought that the point why you want to inherit something is because there is no market whatsoever involved. maybe thats just me though. but I would be mad at my aunt if she forced me to take part on an auction for a picture I loved since I was little. As she already made up her mind in the future to avoid arguing, why didnt she invite the nieces and they could decide on what they want WITH the aunt. My grandmother did this partly, the only thing my mum and her brother had to fight about later was a huge landscape painting, and they decided to flip a coin. with 4 children around to witness 😉
Hi Ladies,
I know it’s morbid for a subject but it is a crucial one at the same time. Whilst I am whittling away at my scrap/craft cupboard I just keep thinking to myself what would hubs do should my demise be imminent! I don’t want him to be dealing with loads of ‘stuff’ as well as keeping everything going at the same time as organising everything that surrounds the said demise! Awful as it is, they should make a show about how to prepare for the worst whilst they are decluttering the rest.
We probably all have thought of funeral funds and what we want when we go but if you can seize the opportunity to really make headway with your loved ones mention the trauma that ‘Stuff’ will cause. I’m all for organising Life right now as best as I can.
Like Colleen mentioned, ‘Dying isn’t restricted to old age’. Unless you are keeping something to give to someone now why are you keeping it! Go give it to that someone now so they can love it with you still here!
I know I’ll have to be the voice of reason, when my Mum moves on to the Pearly Gates. It was so hard for her when we lost Dad and it was awful to have to deal with his belongings. I know everyone is different and needs time etc, but I knew my Dad and the last thing he would have wanted was everyone dithering about his gear. Truck and tools to who can use them well, clothes to the Salvo’s etc etc. It didn’t happen that way because the ‘Stuff’ blinded everyone and yes, unfortunately a lot is still here to be dealt with. I am chipping away at my Mum though and she is getting on with it, every little bit that goes is celebrated, may sound weird but it’s the truth. “Stuff is just stuff” whatever you want to call it, it is still ‘STUFF’ inanimate, objects of accumulation and desire for WHAT????? 🙂 🙂 🙂
We have discussed this topic so many times Dizzy. There are several 365ers who have been inspired to declutter after finding themselves in this situation of sorting through loved ones belongings after they had passed. It is a subject worth revisiting as it is good inspiration to continue to the declutter path.
Hi Dizzy – yes this one of those topics that would be very difficult to put to parents, but as it is us their children who are left with the burden.
Me personally, I live five hours away from my parents and inlaws, so there is no chance of gently nudging them into decluttering and an outright suggestion would be a bad-bad-bad move.
So, I’m opting to do nothing, and just focus on my home. I’ve learnt a lot of skills and a lot of short cuts and a lot of strategies for getting the job done effeciently. Hopefully it is a task that is far of in the future.
It has occured to me that something could happen and it could be my kids who have to empty our house. It happened a few years back to a family in our neighbourhood, parents went away for a weekend, kids were left with friends, a bad accident and both died.
So I have this in the back of mind as I’m sorting out our house. If something happened to Adrian and I now, our kids are teens which means the task would fall to them with help from relatives. I would never want them to feel overwhelmed by our clutter.
Our ceiling storage has had special attention from me recently – I’m 2/3 there – I’m making sure like-is-stored-with-like and nothing ‘not current’ is left. I have made big in-roads in our house, but there is still more to do to get it to the place I want it to be.
way to go, moni! you have been talking abou your ceiling storage from the beginning. I am glad you already made it more than halfway through. Its a great feeling isnt it?
my dad died young and unexpected and he left a huge mess, and my mother was left with the house and the task to sort everything (she is well organized) and after 6 years, she finally tackled the last bit of my dads chaos. and while she has everything organized, she has still kept the “still usable” stuff everywhere. I will lead by example and start decluttering my leftovers at my mums place, so that there is nothing left that she can blame on me 😉
she is a very rational person and having that experience in the family we are ok to talk about the death of family members. because it will be there if we like it or not.
I think the biggest thing we can do for our heirs is to make the time after our demise the easiest we can make it. Having gone through my father’s death and the following months of taking care of the fallout I know what I wish had been done. My great-aunt had a good way of handling it. She had no children but a number of neices and nephews as well as grand-neices and grand-nephews. For those who had at some point expressed an interest in a particular item she put their name on it and listed it as part of her will. I received a picture that I had always loved. I had never said anything about wanting it but had always just spent time looking at it and commenting on it almost every time I visited. Anyway, after all of those pieces were distributed everything else was auctioned off (silent auction) to the highest bidder just among the family. Once all that was taken care of anything that no one wanted was then sold to a estate dealer and that money given to the person she had designated. I thought it was a good idea. It might need to be tweaked depending on the deceased but it would hopefully also cause less problems. There were some things that my great-aunt didn’t use or want the last few years of her life and those she gave away to whoever wanted them before she even died.
You know what was the biggest inspiration for my decluttering lately?
A friend of me moved. He didn’t move into a place of his own, but rather into a shared room which was already filled with one person’s belongings.
But he had so little stuff (one suitcase of books, one suitcase of clothes, four or five kitchen items and his blanket and pillow), it all fit in easily.
I’d love to have so little stuff that I never have to think about “will my things fit?” when moving, but only about the city, people and surroundings I’m moving to.
ohhhh, what a cool move. imagine all this packing and shuffling and playing tetris in the car is just gone. that is indeed inspirational… I got caught on man vs debt so often. baker and his young family sold everthing except two backpacks and left for new zealand. they paid back every credit they had and saved money for the trip. he is my inspiration for that. because thats what I want to do. leave without any obligations, without possessions and with enough money.
he also said he wrote a list of all items he had. I tried that yesterday evening, and this morning I took 7 items that were excess, worn out, forgotten and never used, within 4 minutes. Its great. I will try to also rent one shelf in the flea-market-shop that I found and sell all of my things that are still in good shape. how did yours go? did you sell enough? did you make profit?
My things are still there. I sold a little, though. I’ll check that on Monday and get some details about how much money I made.
How did that list turn out? Did you mention each cup and every book on its own? I still got far too many things, that would take me hours, I guess. I’d love to move at this point, just to pack everything and re-evaluate…
nope, I grouped them, but wrote down the roughly estimated numbers. I did this when I was in bed trying to bring everything up from memory. I have to say, the next project is to do a full list of every room with every item gets a number. And I will use stickers to mark items that I am not sure of how I use them. So everytime I use the tupperware I peel of the sticker and if the sticker is still on it after a certain amount of time, I will get rid of the item. its basically the hanger method for clothes.
it was fascinating to see which areas I could recall almost completely, and those areas that I couldnt actually say whats in it. those areas will get special attention in the next month. also of what excess items I have and what items I never use. To write it down makes it so obvious. like for example I can let go of that little oilscent water lamp thingy that I got from my mum, because I havent used one in 5 years. I was a bit surprised to have 12 candle holders – I never use more than 5 at once. I can also easily pair down shirts because 17 is too many. same goes for the oven trays. I hardly use one, so I for sure wont need 3 of them… I am well in my bathroom, although I need to force myself to use things up daily. and I really hope its done soon.
I also tried to write down the things I know at my mums place. There is for example ski gear that I will keep for the future, but there is also a lot of stuffed animals, pictures, decoration, some clothes, etc that I could easily let go of now. and then I will tackle those books. *shiver*
I can only recommend writing down a list. especially if you check of what you could recall, and of what numbers you actually have. impressive. and I am again ahead of my item a day week… good feeling. very very good feeling.
Somehow I think that wouldn’t help me much – I know quite well how much stuff I’m owning.
It’s more about really getting rid of it. 😉
The thing I like most about decluttering is the freedom it gives me. I spend less time shopping, less time cleaning and less time taking care of things and moving them. I have more freedom to do the things I want to do instead!
If I can’t have my own Oompa Lumpa, then I, too, want a 2nd day. I wouldn’t even have to have 5 – 2nd days – only 1 or 2. Monday’s here are trash days and recycling days and by the time I have gotten all that out to the curb, I am tired going to work. And it is so nice here early in the mornings, that I would just love to have an extra day for me a couple times a week. Anyway, the Oompa Lumpa could help me do the daily chores and I could do the decluttering. I really hate to get started after dinner and then have to clean up before I go to bed. I’d like to do something when I get home from work and have my O.L. make dinner or my husband find something for himself so I don’t have the break the spell. Once in the groove, it’s hard to get back to it after a break.