Decluttering something you regret buying that has barely been used.
About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Happy July 4th in USA!
Yes, I have a pair of ankle pants I bought last month. Wore them once. Don’t like them. Can’t return them. So I’ll donate these tan pants this month. I just made a bad choice. I’ll think about other items in this category. Pat in Colorado
I decluttered a top recently that I’ve had for 5 years, in the closet, tags on, unworn. It was a gift from someone who passed away. I felt guilty for not wearing it as it did not fit well, but it was a reminder from someone who was gone and whom I would never get another gift from. The other day I began to put more and more thought into it and realised that it was time to let go.
Deb Jsays
Good for you Lorena.
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Great Lorena! You inspire me to further look at items of clothing to donate plus knickknacks I have put back on shelves. I don’t have as much as I did at one time.
I’m rehanging artwork (framed pictures) in other rooms this summer. That way pictures get rotated and we don’t get bored with items we have. But I’m having extra items I’m not hanging back, so I’ll donate those pictures this month.
A friend and I are donating clothing this summer to a women’s shelter here in Denver. I usually give to a Thrift Store. But the focus is different this summer.
Pat in Colorado USA
Good for you Lorena. Your memories of that person are more valuable than the sum of a piece of clothing.
Deb Jsays
My items are a Blue Tooth device for my cell phone and a lens device to clip on my cell phone. I have decided they just aren’t needed.
Mrs Pat Schneidersays
Deb J–you remind me to donate older unused cell phones my husband has in a drawer. I’ll remind him today.
Pat in Colorado USA
Well I had an unexpected declutterment (is that a word?) – my husband threw out the wrong computer hard drive, so my personal computer hard drive which was sitting there waiting to go to the technician, no longer exists.
I nearly decluttered the husband in response.
Deb Jsays
I’d have been tempted too. Ackkk! Now what will you do? I hope you had everything saved elsewhere.
I think I have the majority on portable hard drives but I really don’t know. I am excruciatingly thorough when it comes to such things (I have a background in archiving) so this really had me hyperventilating.
There is nothing I can do. I am trying to tell myself that I can’t miss what I don’t know I am missing.
Actually, I am trying not to think about it at all.
On the upside……I now have a surplus monitor, keyboard and mouse.
Deb Jsays
You could always buy a new hard drive. Though it might be cheaper to just buy a new computer.
Deb J – I think I will go laptop this time. I think a compact and mobile option will give me more options for the future. It also means the office desk etc will be obsolete.
Deb Jsays
Sounds like a great idea. I have a laptop and it’s wonderful to have it to take with me wherever I go.
Happy July 4th in USA!
Yes, I have a pair of ankle pants I bought last month. Wore them once. Don’t like them. Can’t return them. So I’ll donate these tan pants this month. I just made a bad choice. I’ll think about other items in this category. Pat in Colorado
I decluttered a top recently that I’ve had for 5 years, in the closet, tags on, unworn. It was a gift from someone who passed away. I felt guilty for not wearing it as it did not fit well, but it was a reminder from someone who was gone and whom I would never get another gift from. The other day I began to put more and more thought into it and realised that it was time to let go.
Good for you Lorena.
Great Lorena! You inspire me to further look at items of clothing to donate plus knickknacks I have put back on shelves. I don’t have as much as I did at one time.
I’m rehanging artwork (framed pictures) in other rooms this summer. That way pictures get rotated and we don’t get bored with items we have. But I’m having extra items I’m not hanging back, so I’ll donate those pictures this month.
A friend and I are donating clothing this summer to a women’s shelter here in Denver. I usually give to a Thrift Store. But the focus is different this summer.
Pat in Colorado USA
Good for you Lorena. Your memories of that person are more valuable than the sum of a piece of clothing.
My items are a Blue Tooth device for my cell phone and a lens device to clip on my cell phone. I have decided they just aren’t needed.
Deb J–you remind me to donate older unused cell phones my husband has in a drawer. I’ll remind him today.
Pat in Colorado USA
Well I had an unexpected declutterment (is that a word?) – my husband threw out the wrong computer hard drive, so my personal computer hard drive which was sitting there waiting to go to the technician, no longer exists.
I nearly decluttered the husband in response.
I’d have been tempted too. Ackkk! Now what will you do? I hope you had everything saved elsewhere.
I think I have the majority on portable hard drives but I really don’t know. I am excruciatingly thorough when it comes to such things (I have a background in archiving) so this really had me hyperventilating.
There is nothing I can do. I am trying to tell myself that I can’t miss what I don’t know I am missing.
Actually, I am trying not to think about it at all.
On the upside……I now have a surplus monitor, keyboard and mouse.
You could always buy a new hard drive. Though it might be cheaper to just buy a new computer.
Deb J – I think I will go laptop this time. I think a compact and mobile option will give me more options for the future. It also means the office desk etc will be obsolete.
Sounds like a great idea. I have a laptop and it’s wonderful to have it to take with me wherever I go.