Decluttering an item you consciously or unconsciously avoid using because it doesn’t satisfy your need or for some reason is too much bother.
Often kitchen gadgets fall into this category and items of clothing that you don’t feel good in for one reason or another. Maybe even bath towels or bed sheets whose tactile qualities tend to relegate them to the back of your linen closet for only those times you get desperate.
Darn – the 3D glasses would have fit this challenge perfectly. OK, I will have to find something else. I have drawer tidying planned for this week, something is bound to turn up there.
My daughter is home for two weeks from University and we’re going to have a bit of a sort thru of what is left in her room.
I have one but I can’t figure out how to get rid of it yet. I want the Instant Pot and get rid of the crock pot but can’t afford the IP yet.
Deb J – I just googled Instant Pot – we call them Pressure Cookers here.
We have pressure cookers here too. The IP can do more from what my friends who have one say. It can be a pressure cooker, a crock pot and just boil water. I like the sound of all it can do. I will have to see it and check it out more but it sure sounds more handy than just a crock pot. Faster too.
Deb J – I forget that you don’t have electric jugs over there. Something to do with the power wattage or ???
I was wondering why you wouldn’t use the electric jug (or kettle) to boil water.
I have found a place to donate my wedding dress to. There is this charity that uses them to line the little coffins for premature babies. My wedding dress is a big poufy white satin dress of early 90’s fashion, there is no way it is ever going to be fashionable and my daughters are a lot taller than me. I can send it now, but I’m going to wait until after next weekend as my nieces are 5 and 10 and they’re going to put it on for a bit of fun.
We do have electric kettles and frying pans here. I just like the idea of one thing that can do multiple things and especially one that can do many things faster. I’m wired that way.
Your wedding dress idea is great. I don’t have one to worry about but that would be a great way to declutter it. I really like that idea of using it to line the baby caskets.