Declutter an item you purchased in the last three months that you still haven’t got around to using. Maybe you can return it to the place of purchase.
If you are a more discerning shopper , not prone to recreational shopping, then declutter something that you once bought and used but now find no need for.
I’m giving the kitchen a bit of a Spring Clean and my daughter offered to give me a hand. She asked if she could put aside a few items for consideration for decluttering. Sure I said. Five minutes later she has made a pile of cooking and baking items that she feels are surplus! I’ve created a monster.
The nice thing about how crazy stressful our summer has been is I have bought very little that wasn’t immediately consumed.
This is a reminder to find all the pieces of the kid’s old bike. All have been seen since the move, just need to get them all in one place so I can sell the bike.