Declutter an item of clothing that is too big, too small, to shabby, to many, or just really doesn’t suit you, your lifestyle or your sense of style.
About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Hmmm…we have a mobile made up of beans & corn cans….it isn’t us. It’s still in the box. I was going to sell it, but no one bought. I think it’s time to just give it away. Someone will find it amusing, I suspect. It’s been hanging around our house too long.
Finally managed to get my husband to help me go through his wardrobe. We got rid of clothing that fitted all the above criteria, a lot of it barely worn & in good condition. I have already bagged it up & put in the local charity bin, just looking for bags sturdy enough for the 3 suits that are going out.
Idgy of the Northsays
I have a to in the donate bin. It is 3/4 sleeve, but material does not breathe when hot out and is too cold when it’s cool out.
Hmmm…we have a mobile made up of beans & corn cans….it isn’t us. It’s still in the box. I was going to sell it, but no one bought. I think it’s time to just give it away. Someone will find it amusing, I suspect. It’s been hanging around our house too long.
Finally managed to get my husband to help me go through his wardrobe. We got rid of clothing that fitted all the above criteria, a lot of it barely worn & in good condition. I have already bagged it up & put in the local charity bin, just looking for bags sturdy enough for the 3 suits that are going out.
I have a to in the donate bin. It is 3/4 sleeve, but material does not breathe when hot out and is too cold when it’s cool out.