Declutter something that requires more work than you have time to put into it. This may be a craft project, an item that needs repairing or perhaps a cooking implement that you never use because you just don’t have time for cooking fancy recipes. In my case it could be make-up, because I couldn’t be bothered with it for the most part but I only own the bare minimum so I will leave it as it is for now and look for something else.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Microwave popcorn popper. I think it’s missing a piece (but might be a consumable?) and we have 2 other perfectly good ways to make popcorn, so it just sits around. I’ve never learned how to use it and the directions don’t sound very clear, so I’m sure it would take experimentation. Might be pushing the limits, but it’s sitting around waiting for me to figure out if it’s missing a piece, if I can order the piece, if I care…so I decided I didn’t!
Newbie here, though not to decluttering! I will be donating some coloring books I have (I attempted the trend), but what homeschooling mom has time for that? All those tiny little dots to fill in…gotta go!
4 electric lights from back deck…more time than hubby has desire to put into repairing.
Way to go Deanna!
My iron I was following a post on Facebook about how to clean the sole with vinegar & baking soda (nearly said brown paper 🙂 & instead I managed to trip the power, 3 times! I don’t have the time or patience to clean all the little holes that are gummed up & the sole is still not clean. Luckily I have a spare iron that I was saving, just in case!
I’m a day late in posting, but last night I cleaned out an organizer that had held some votive candles.
Today, I was going to clean it up to use elsewhere. However, I decided it wasn’t worth the effort to get the candle stain and some waxes off it. Besides, I didn’t need it anywhere, so off to the trash it went.
Just wondering…is there a reason my comment is still waiting to be moderated? Does it not count or something? Sorry, guess I’m a little paranoid about offending. (I posted under “Des”)
Desiree, I don’t know why but I seem to have problems posting here sometimes. Lots of times I get an error that says the website doesn’t exist. Today (and other times also), my comment won’t post. When I try to do it again, it tells me I already said that. Then, later, it will finally show up. So, I’m sure it is nothing personal!
Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Mkay…that one just went through, so I’ll count it as a computer goof! Happy decluttering 🙂