Oops! Sorry folks I missed yesterday’s mission so there is an extra one today to make up for it.
Do a quick declutter in your refrigerator. While you are at it give some thought to what items seem to go out of date without being used up. You may need to reconsider what quantities you buy them in, a better storage method, or if you should stop buying that item altogether. Some time ago I stopped buying salad dressings for just this reason. I always have vinegars, oils and frozen herbs which have a long shelf life and can be thrown together in an instant to create delicious dressing so why waste money on permade that go off too quick for me.
Also declutter a few more books, magazines or newspapers. I gave up buying magazines a long while back. They are way too expensive here in Australia and I found that, unless you create a database of articles, it is too time consuming trying to use them as a reference.
SO I took 3 scrapbook 3-ring binders(12X12), 2 notebooks (8.5X11), 1 notebook (5X7), 6 hand towels, 3 blouses, 2 split skirts, a rug, and some kitchen hand towels to the thrift store today. I also took some things for Mom. WooHoo!
Wow, Deb, I’m surprised you could find that much!!! . Glad your Mom is giving up more things!!!
Brenda, the scrapbooks are ones that I was using but am going to us some other materials to make my own. These were just too heavy. The clothes I am losing weight out of and the notebooks were ones I was using but no longer need as I have all of the info from them now in digital form. The hand towels have been replaced by microfiber ones. They are much better for drying. As time goes by and something comes along to either replace something with or if they are better for the environment then I declutter. In some cases I replace but in many I use something I already have in a different way. Like the microfiber towels. I bought 10 of them for $5 a while back to use for other things but liked them so much they are now my hand towels.
Went through the stuff in the fridge & found four items had passed the use by date, 3 of them Asian sauces. I won’t be buying them again as now my youngest & last child has moved out my cooking has definitely changed, not so creative.
Salad dressings are a sore topic for me 🙂 I am happy with olive oil and sea salt on my salad. My housemates seem to need about 5 pre-made salad dressing choices at all times! This does not include the variety of salsa, marinade, tomato sauces, soy sauces they like to keep as well. It drives me bonkers!!! If I lived alone, all that stuff would be history 🙂 🙂 🙂
1 box of old raisins.
Pat M, did you find my email address?
I found your profile in Wheat Free forum. But site would not let me register – verifying human image is broken.
I was able to register and sent you a message!
I’m so happy to hear from you Pat!! I’ve been on the Wheatfree Forum since the beginning. We’ve been wheat free for 6 years now. We were very low carb the first few years…not as much now, and we’re high fat. NO wheat!
2 old jars of sweet pickles – I’m off of sugar.