Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been slowly reading Marie Kondo’s book ~ The life-changing magic of tidying up. So I thought I would base this weeks missions on decluttering things that don’t give you that “spark of joy” that Ms Kondo uses as the deciding factor as whether to keep or declutter objects. So lets get started.
Monday – Declutter a keepsake that you keep out of habit rather than because it brings you that spark of joy when you lay eyes on it. Don’t mistake the happy memory as the object, the memory will still be there even if the object is decluttered.
Tuesday – Take a look in the place that you store your jewellery and declutter at least one piece that doesn’t bring you joy.
Wednesday – Have a quick look at the contents of your bookcase. I am sure you could find at least three books that don’t spark enough joy to warrant the space they take up.
Thursday – Scrutinise the décor items in your home. Could you declutter at least one that you no longer feel enhances your quality of life or the aesthetics of your living environment.
Friday – Do you own a pair of shoes that are more uncomfortable than fashionable or a hand bag that is way less functional than beautiful. Time to let go.
Saturday – Â Is there a gadget in your kitchen that doesn’t give you the joy of working well or saving you much time. If there is, let it go.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Eco Tip for the Day
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Great Mini Missions Colleen – I have been using the Spark method for the last 2-3 weeks and been having a fabulous time and watching stuff run out the door! Nothing like mixing it up to fool one’s own brain.
Off the top of my head I came across my ballet shoes from back in the day and a piece of art that was a gift but not really my thing. I will have a looksee thru my jewellery box. My kitchen was thoroughly decluttered recently so nothing there this time. Books – I have a box, I have a particular book fair charity that I like to support as it goes towards scholarships at my daughter’s High School, but I’m not sure when they’re next asking for donations.
My upstairs storage room – two pieces of furniture sold late last week, so the room is really starting to get that moth-eaten look, where gaps are opening up, another area is half done and then there are areas which haven’t been touched. This week I want to focus on the two free standing cupboards and a set of shelves. I’m hoping to consolidate and elminate the shelves. The shelves are now half empty which got me to thinking about eliminating them. A few items are targets to be decluttered, but a few things would need to be moved into the cupboards, likewise a few smaller items dotted around the room would be better rehoused in the cupboards. So the cupboards are my next target. This will be one of those projects that a lot of work will be done but with very little visual impact to the room, hopefully I don’t let myself get distracted by something else.
You go girl!
Not only are you “Carpe Diem”, but “Carpe de Clutter” at the same time. Win-Win 🙂
Hi Moni, it sounds like you might actually be enjoying your decluttering and reorganising at the moment. I have to admit I rather enjoy it myself and have been at it a bit lately. Just this morning as I cleaned house I decided to tackle the under sink cabinet in my bathroom. These wasn’t a lot in there to declutter but I did rearrange things and vacuum out all the loose hair that gather in there from my hair brush. I also consolidated two bottles of sunscreen. Normally I would only have one but a friend left the country and gave me her leftover toiletries and I am slowing working my way through them. As you know I had to see things go to waste and I don’t mind saving a few dollars in the use it up process.
Hi Moni,
I laughed at the visual which accompanied your phrase …”watching stuff run out the door!”… Just like a cartoon only better because you are lightening your load of stuff 🙂
Great job, Moni. I know that you wish it was all done and looked really organized but I also know that it takes time. Keep on keeping on.
I have a hard time getting started. I don’t know what to tackle first. A few months ago I did the three box approach. Keep, donate, throw away. Needless to say I still have the three boxes. Knick knacks from my grandmother, and now my mother. So hard to get rid. My husband has his first album from 10 years old. He flee market shops and I just feel overwhelmed. Every room is a room to tackle. Where do I start? HELP!
Oh yeah don’t mention books. Is it cruel to throw away? Is a garage sale really worth it? I looked some items I have up on website and the do bring a nominal value. Where do I start?
Hi Doree, donate the books to a secondhand shop if that is the easiest thing for you. It sounds more like you need to make some quick and easy progress. Making a few bucks out of that only complicates the process.
Hi Doree, start by having a plan on how and where to dispose of the things you do declutter. Then begin with the easiest stuff and don’t focus on how much there is to do.
Colleen, I hope you enjoy Marie Kondo’s book as much as I did. If you haven’t already read Karen Kingston’s book, Clear your clutter with Feng Shui, I encourage you to do so. It was published in the late 1990’s, but it is still available for purchase or perhaps for check-out at your local library.
Kimberley – reading Marie Kondo’s book I was reminded of that Mahummad Ali song “floats like a butterfly, but stings like a bee” – she comes across as so delicate but then gives you the ‘one, two right hook punch’.
That is an interesting way to put it Moni.
I hear a lot of what people liked about the book but not a lot about what they might have found a little too rigid,even possibly absurd, and maybe even a little OCD. I like a lot of what she wrote. Well I would because a lot of it only reflects what I write myself but there are some things that I find a little… far fetched… if that is the right word.
Colleen – I had to keep reminding myself that it was originally written in Japanese for the Japanese people and their culture has a strong Shinto faith influence which is a lot about the essence, spirit or energy of, well, just about everything. A lot was lost in translation, not necessarily from Japanese to English, but English to Declutter-Speak. I have seen interviews where she was confronted about throwing out stuff, to which she replied she wasn’t advocating dumping stuff but rather advocating the spark method ie a very in the moment decision with closure on the connection to the outgoing item. From my experience with the spark method, I have found it only works if the ownership of the item is severed quickly afterwards. I have thought about this a lot and have some theories but would be interested to hear what other ‘spark method’ fans thought.
Hi Moni, I also assumed it was a cultural thing. I wonder also if there is a big cultural difference to the way they clutter and if they have a far lesser personal attachment to their stuff to begin with. I also wonder about books being so high up on the list of easiest to hardest things to declutter. I would bet that at least 50% of my readers would be so keen to part with their books so easily. I am keen to get back to Japan again and experience some more of their culture. I felt that way after spending ten days their last year but after reading the book I am even more keen.
Anyway, back to the spark method. I have already begun applying it so some things around my home and am keen to do more.
Hi Kimberley, I have to say that I have enjoyed the book. Although I have to say that it kind of infuriated me to begin with. The ~ My way is the only way ~ claim didn’t sit well with me at all. The idea that inanimate objects have feelings is a little over the top too. Although I am all for being grateful for the service your stuff can provide you. I have written blog posts about that in the past myself.
I think I might have to write a review on the book once I am done reading it which will probably be this afternoon, as I am thinking visiting the laundromat to wash and dry a large item and will need something to occupy myself with while I am there.
Colleen, her “my way is the only way” premise didn’t sit well with me either. I think that only in extreme cases of clutter or time should decluttering be done all at one time. It is just such a mass of stuff when done that way that things can’t possibly get to the most useful final place or home. And I also think that part way into the process decision fatigue sets in and you just can’t make good decisions about the stuff. I liked her book and took from it bits and pieces but I’m sticking with the “slow and steady wins the race” method! 🙂 Oh, and I also make a point of not being too OCD about my kept belongings. It is cute in a book but not easy to live with!
Hi Claire, I was somewhat annoyed by the claim only to find not far into the book that “all at once” could take up to six months. That isn’t all at once in my book. In fact that wasn’t the only inconsistency. But as you say there was some great stuff in the book that I really gained from reading. Like you I will take away those bits and piece and perhaps even adapt some of the, in my opinion, far fetched stuff to a version I can align myself with. If fact some of it I have already written about a long time ago, such as being grateful for the service the stuff you are decluttering has afforded you over the years and let it go to someone else who may also gain from it in their lives.
I got the impression that “all at once” was in regards to category. The overall, household-wide decluttering could take up to six months. I read the book but it wasn’t a great inspiration to me. I declutter using a combination of methods – one of which is getting all of the same category (like all my clothes, all my books, all my paperwork) together and sorting through it as honestly and ruthlessly as I can. I also declutter using a “one a day” rule – though at this point it is far more lax than it used to be.
Using the “spark of joy” method worked well to help my mom declutter a number of things she’d been hanging onto just in case. I found that rather interesting. It was like focusing on only the things she wanted to keep made the purging process easier. I guess because her focus wasn’t on what was going away but what was a pleasure to keep.
We have far more “negative space” in our kitchen cabinets because of this. :]
I understood her “things have feelings” comments to be more “all things have energy” especially things that are no longer loved or used. It drains our energy knowing they are there even if boxed up. Out of sight is not always out of mind. That is why decluttering them is so energizing.
Hi, Kimberley. Isn’t that what Karen Kingston says as well?
Spot on, Nicole. In many ways, Marie Kondo was channeling Karen Kingston’s philosophy on clutter.
Hi Kimberley, I think there are a lot of crossovers with all decluttering “experts” and their philosophies. While reading Kondos’ book there was a lot there that I have been posting about for years here on my blog. What I am sure about though is that there isn’t a one size fits all approach.
yes that is interesting Kimberley. I was thinking much along the same lines as I read that. I felt that she was attributing the energy to the wrong place. I felt it wasn’t with in a inanimate object but in the feeling with the person who is being drained by it being around, cluttering up their home when it isn’t used or loved.
Exactly, Colleen. I call those things (and some people I have known over the years), energy vampires.
Kimberley & Colleen – Kondo began training as a Shinto Temple Maiden as a teenager before re-directing her career towards organising. I’ve read an interview with her in which she is asked is she applying Shinto religion into her work? She said the answer was there is an influence but no she didn’t incorporate as much Shinto-ism as her Western readers would think, because it is a very normal concept in Japan (to treat inanimate items as having feelings) so it was normal to both her and her original client base and who her book was written for.
I actually studied Japanese at school. I can remember my teacher being very frustrated because we couldn’t say ‘Tsu’ like the Japanese do. We all thought we were saying it, but it was very clear to him that we weren’t. We objected that it wasn’t a real sound to which he replied that it was a real sound in Japan, and just because it wasn’t here in NZ didn’t mean it isn’t real somewhere else. For me that was a break thru moment at age 14, that my perception of the world wasn’t the only possible option.
So I don’t think it is fair to say ‘she is attributing the energy to the wrong end’. In her society she is correct. We don’t understand that but we do understand our version whereby a person feels drained by clutter. Last night I ran into a Japanese friend and asked her opinion and she said that there were a lot of such differences between Asian and Western cultures, and some things that we do that completely baffle them. She also felt that traditionally the Japanese were minimalists and feature items were carefully selected and of great beauty, so their energy focus goes in that direction.
At this point another friend, who is rather learned, said both sides were talking poppycock and its all about frequencies and went into lengthy dialogue on how he thinks it works. As you will have guessed he is a scientist. So he was saying that sock doesn’t have a personality but it does have a frequency and all living things have not only a frequency but also a frequency range. I kind of lost him around then but he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
I think Westerners inflict objects with emotional attachments – obviously a book hasn’t entered a relationship with me but often book lovers use the phrase “Books are friends”, or we can’t get rid of a beloved soft toy because “of the look of betrayal in its eyes”. The movie ‘Toy Story’ certainly made it hard for me to get rid of toys (damn you Woody and Buzz) We know that intellectually these things aren’t real, but psychology deep down they become real attachments. No doubt some tribesman running around deepest darkest Borneo would think that was crazy talk.
Loved your post. Agree with everything you stated. I’m one of those who is open to everything.
You are our very own “365 Google”….that is a compliment 🙂
Kimberley, I’m with you on Karen Kingston’s book, that got me started years ago: the one book that has definitely changed my life! I still re-read it occasionally!
Even though I have just been on “maintenance” decluttering for years, Karen’s book is still in my hall of fame keeper books. If you saw my copy, you would say, that book is loved 🙂
I’m not sure any of this fits into the missions… but it’s what I have been working on off and on for weeks… I have been having a lot of anxiety over “Box Mountain” on our back porch. It is all my elder daughters stuff (that she doesn’t use, just stores). It’s not organized at all, papers (important and not), clothes, craft stuff, jewelry, sewing stuff, books, cooking stuff, baby stuff all jumbled together… The bags and boxes and loose items were toppling over. I have started going out there and putting like with like, getting rid of anything that is just trash. I’ve given up some coffee dates to do this, which is a big deal to me! There is much more to do, but I am seeing some progress finally. The other night my daughter caught me at it. I was sure she would be angry but she just said not to work on it while she is around because it bothers her to see someone looking at her stuff. She also thinks she has a “hoarding mentality”. She may be right about that. I’m sure I would not be able to stay at an organizing project of this scope without the support of 365ers 🙂 (If it was my stuff it would also be a decluttering project!!!)
Hi, Colleen. I have not read Marie Kondo’s book but have seen the ‘sparking joy’ catchphrase all over the place. What does she say about mundane items that might not necessarily ‘spark joy’, but are needed in a home? Does she ‘re-Kondonize’ them under a separate category?
Nicole V – can you give an example of a mundane item? I have recently Kondo-ised my kitchen so I might be able to explain.
Thanks, Moni. I was thinking of things like a vacuum cleaner, cutting board or food containers that are useful but don’t ‘spark joy’.
Nicole V – Claire explains it well. Do I have a joyful experience vacuuming the carpet? No. But I do like the job it gets done. And the cat’s reaction to the vacuum starting up is hilarious.
I am at a point where a lot of household items are starting to need replacing, so I use the same philosophy when purchasing. I make a point to check out all the options (usually by internet first) , to make sure it is the one that ticks all the boxes for me and I have to admit that I feel very happy when I purchase this way.
Nicole, I heard her explain it on a youtube video when a man asked the same question. From what I remember I think he asked about his electric razor, it didn’t spark joy but he needed it. She said something like: without it he would be greatly inconvenienced or, in a way, upset his day to day life, so that it does give him joy by having it because not having it would be worse. ?? Something like that!
Thanks, Claire. It sounds like she classifies it as directly ‘sparking joy’ or indirectly or circuitously ‘sparking joy’.
Yes Nicole that sounds a lot more eloquent! Indirectly sparking joy! Something like, the absence of the item would create hardship or distress – the opposite of joy.
Interesting theme this week Colleen, I will have to see what I come up with!
I actually think I don’t have that much left to declutter, well, I have thought that a few times but each time I deliberately revisited items and found more that could go as I honed my decluttering skills. But most things remaining on the hit list now are use it up items, so it is a slower decluttering phase I am into now.
I started following your blog about 9-10 months ago. In that time I got pretty hyper-inspired with your mini-missions, and have decluttered around 900 items. And now I am looking at moving interstate in around a year’s time. So I am very happy to already not have those hundreds of items all around the house, for me to potentially stress over in preparation for a move. Now I think I will go a bit more into maintenance mode (1 in 1 out), plus using up my still excessive stashes of toiletries, candles, herbal teas etc, and then have some long hard looks to identify things that I won’t actually want to move.
Well done so far Amelia and a wish you a speedy use-it-up process. Sometimes use-it-up can go very slowly. I received a “years” supply of laundry detergent when I bought my last washing machine. That was just over two years ago. I still think I have about a years supply left. Oh well, at least it was free. Too bad it isn’t a variety I actually would choose to buy. Sadly it is one that tends to clump. Now I also have laundry supplies from when my daughter moved. The up up side is that I get a thrill every time I use a little, and you gotta luv that.
Wow, that is a lot of laundry detergent! Makes me think of competitions where the prize is a year’s supply of X. I used to think that would be fantastic. As I’ve decluttered more and more and come to realise my spending and consumption habits, my mindset has changed!
Where it is practical, I am combining bits of toiletries etc into a bigger bottle or jar, just to reduce the number of items hanging about even though I haven’t reduced what’s in them yet. It feels like a small win.
One definite decluttering victory I did have: each year my workplace issues a bottle of wine with a photo of us all on it, as a fundraiser. We’ve all said numerous times that we’d just like the photo, no wine, but management haven’t changed their minds. So everyone has umpteen bottles of wine that they never drink, just sit on the shelf so they have the picture. Well I googled all about removing labels from wine bottles, and managed to remove all the photos intact. Most of the wine was well out of date but the rest I will give away as cleanskins.
Actually Amelia, it really isn’t a lot of detergent, just one carton of twelve boxes. But I am very conservative with detergents because you really usually only need half of the amount they prescribe. They just like to be sure it is really going to work so their brand doesn’t suffer. Neither my husband or it do dirty work so I only use about half as much as I need. I guess they also calculated on at least a family of four. For the most part it has only been for the two of us.
I also poured to last of a small bottle of sunscreen into the large bottle the other day.
As for the wine, I would have just drunk it and thrown the bottle out picture and all. I guess that is also what the company thought everyone would do.
Two things have happened to us in this last week to influence our further decluttering.
First, we went to visit our new house which is nearing completion. It is HUGE. Ian is thrilled with all that space. Of course, it is HUGE because there is nothing in it… We have time now to contemplate exactly what we want to move into it so we can retain that feeling of wide open spaces.
Second, we visited the Rec Centre where our stuff is stored in the basement. We’ve had historic rains lately and there was water on the floor. None of our belongings got wet — we stored everything up off the floor — but I’m sure everything will be damp when we retrieve it two months hence. All the more excuse to get down there and dispose of some of it now.
Hi Wendy, oh yes, those wide open spaces. Perhaps you should only unpack the important stuff for the first month or so. That way Ian will get used to the wide open spaces and decide to declutter some more when the other boxes are opened. As for the ones in the basement ~ I hope nothing is damaged that matters.
This is my favourite mini mission yet! I just finished the audio book version of Marie Kondo’s book (thank you library). I re-listened 4 times as I went through my clothes in each category and took copious notes about the next steps. I have not hit the magical “click point” – even with my clothes – so I am hesitant to go onto books yet… thankfully she said this could take 6 months! I can’t quite handle doing it all at once like she subscribes, but I am making huge headway nonetheless. Decluttering (tidying up) has gone easier with far less guilt. Being given permission to admit that something just “isn’t me” and say (actually out loud) “thank you for the lesson” to the perfectly good item before letting go was cathartic for me. I was hung up on the cost or usefulness of thing, even though it didn’t make my life any more joyful. By being thankful that the item has served its goal by helping me “define my joy” is really valuable! So I can happily put that terrific item in the donate box with a free conscience now (instead of guilt that I didn’t use it). I will enjoy the mini missions thoroughly.
Hi creativeme, I am glad Kondo’s method of sparking joy has made it easier for you to let go. However I do have a question that has been plaguing me, as I have been reading her book, along the lines of letting go of the guilt. I admit that Kondo’s methods would make most people feel better about letting go which is a good thing. But do you think that it could create a mindset of easy come easy go? I have to admit that my environmental impact concerns regarding consumerism add a degree of difficulty when it comes to clutter, in regards to both disposing of it and dissuading people from acquiring more in the future. Keeping in mind that I have also written plenty of posts in the past about letting go of the guilt associated with items that have had little use. I am interested on your thoughts on this. Please feel free to say exactly what you think.
If one has the easy come, easy go everything is disposable kind of attitude, I don’t think anything will change their mindset. I do think that for those 365’ers and others, it does change our mindset on what we acquire (more thoughtful in our purchases) and how we discard (donating useful items vs. tossing in the garbage). It also makes it easier to donate those “what was I thinking” purchases that we all have made as well as freebies or gifts that make their way into our homes.
Good missions, Colleen. I so enjoy reading what everyone has to say and their take on specific missions. Right now I have to say that I am not doing much. I so want to get the move on with our moves. There are so many things we can do nothing about because while we need them here we won’t there. For instance, the “desk” top and drawer units I am using for my laptop & printer. Plus Mom is hyperventilating over it all. It would help if we knew what we were going to be able to sell this place for. She wants to keep some of her “pretties” if we can find something to put them in to display them.
Hi Deb. Well before we put our house on the market we called a realtor to come and do an evaluation. We were upfront that we were just looking for a value and the realtor said they only asked that we consider them when we were ready to list. Obviously markets go up and down and selling times vary. Still, it would give you an idea.
I have thought of that but we live in a manufactured home and you have to hunt around to find someone who really knows their stuff in our market. So I am going to try to see who I can find.
Deb J,
I must be living under a rock (or on an island, haha) but I have never heard the term manufactured home?
Hi Kimberley. A manufactured home is the modern incarnation of what was once ‘trailer’ and then became ‘mobile home’. They’re made in a factory and then moved to site.
So is a manufactured home on wheels? Or is it a house that is built in a factory and then trucked out to the property?
Moni, it is the first but the wheels are taken off and it is put on a slab.
Deb J – if you are a list writer type personality, write a list of the items in question and pre-plan how you are going to dispose of them. If you’re planning to sell, maybe get photos and measurements organised in advance, so that once your house sale goes unconditional you can activate Project Moving On.
Or you could contact the retirement village and get an idea of where you are on the waiting list and pro-rata you plans to suit.
Excellent suggestions, Moni. I created a similar “project moving on” list when we re-located from California to Hawaii 15 years ago. It worked like a charm.
Moni, the retirement place will not tell you where you are on the list. I do have a list and have had it for ages. Unfortunately, until we move Mom won’t make up her mind what to get rid of in several categories. So I am thinking I will list those things with possible places to declutter them to.
I was hesitant to read Marie Kondo’s book, but I did. While I didn’t agree with everything I do love her folding method (check out YouTube for a visual that’s described in the book). I also love the vertical storage method.
After reading it I used her method on my clothes, shoes, hats & handbags. I got rid of 5 plastic storage bins of clothes, half of shoes and a third of my handbags. I used the method to clean up my drawers in the bathroom, and I love how organized the remaining items are. I also used her method to get rid of half my DVD s, which I mailed to DVDs4Vets, check them out at their website for U.S. readers that are interested.
I found it to be a great kick start that provided results right away. I still do the one item a day, but don’t limit myself to just one item if I have more that needs to go. Another thing I found helpful in the book was decluttering by category rather than location. It was mind boggling to use just how much of a category I actually own when it’s all in one spot.
I’m a firm believer in doing what works for you, even if a combination of methods.
Calla, thanks for your DVDs4Vets tip. I have taken all of our dvds out of their original cases but later wanted to donate some more. I wasn’t sure how to donate them without the cases but I think the DVDs4Vets might a good option. Thanks!
Hi Calla, I have filed my t-shirts, sweaters, underpants and bras this way for quite some time now. It is a method my husband encountered on the internet some time ago. After reading Kondo’s book I am now trialling the folded vertical sock idea. We’ll see how that turns out.
I have written about rounding up like items several times, especially in the mini missions. It certainly is enlightening to discover how many of one thing you have when they are all together in one place. I like the Kondo’s writings on this matter aligned with what I had said in the past about not requiring several on the same things throughout the house because you are too lazy to walk the short distance to use one single item. The example I used was toilet brushes and trash cans. Some of my readers were in an uproar about this suggestion. Like Kondo I am of the opinion that it is all exercise and even short bursts of exercise are good for you and burn lots of calories when performed often enough. One can get far to sedentary through excess.
You need to write a book! It would be easy to reference that way. I had forgotten about those posts until you mentioned them. When you become rich & famous from your book please don’t forget about us 365’s that count on your posts, comments & comments from the rest of the community.
P.S. I’d be more than happy to proof your book ; )
Ha ha Calla, I have half written an ebook and I won’t forget you all when it sells like hotcakes because I am expecting that it will be you guys who buy it. 😉 I don’t expect to become rich and famous though.
I just put my old tennis racquet back on the donate pile. I haven’t played in years but if I were to play a sport again that is the one I would like to play. This kept me from donating the racquet in the past. Also, I have very fond memories of my dad taking me to buy that special racquet. Such a special treat as funds were always short for extras growing up. But, today I was also remembering how my parents got me golf lessons and how nice that was. Then I realized that I do not have a single golf club to remind me of that but I still remember how nice it was of them. I’m sure I’ll remember my dad taking me to buy that racquet even if I don’t have it anymore. And maybe somebody who will use it now can get a little joy from it too.
Good for you Claire, it is nice to know it may get some more use, and maybe by someone who couldn’t afford to buy a new racquet.
I believe that the basic principle is this: less stuff in, more stuff out. Its the same blue print for weight loss. Just about every decluttering guru has their take on the same message. The problem with humans is that we get BORED. So it is good to keep mixing it up. For me Kondo was an easy read with some BIG NEW IDEA moments. I’ve enjoyed other authors along the way. Peter Walsh, Karen even Fly Lady.
You are so right Moni, more out than in. And I look forward to reading a Karen Kingston book too some day.
Hello Everyone! Since Marie Kondo has come up in the mini missions, I thought I’d add my 2
Cents worth. When I first read about her folding method, I thought she must have nothing to do in life but fold clothes!!! I commented as much right here. But, one day while organizing some drawers, I decided to give it a try. I used it on my underwear items, my husbands underwear, our sock drawers, and in the kitchen with dishcloths, dish towels, etc. I actually liked the outcome. It basically took one extra fold more than how I normally folded. The difference was placing them vertically. My husband even commented how much he liked it, because he could see at a glance which tee shirts were whitest, and which were for work, etc. The disadvantage is that while folding, you have more stacks because of the extra fold, but I can deal with that. The other disadvantage is for those who have seriously pared down! All the drawers I mentioned happened to be full with the exception of my husbands sock drawer. When full, the verticle items stack nicely. But, in the case of my husbands socks, I had to find a box to put them in within the drawer to hold them vertically. An empty baby wipe box worked nicely. Overall, her system worked nicely.
I enjoyed her book although I didn’t agree with all aspects. But, I never get tired of reading about organizing and decluttering. 365 is still the best of all in my opinion!!! This whole gang is fun!!!
I love Colleens posts and all the comments!!
Thanks for the kudos Brenda. Also I have been folding t-shirts, underpants and bras and filing them in my drawers for years now. My husband told me about it. I am going to give the socks a try now.
Brenda and Colleen, I too have been folding things in my drawers for years. My family has done it since I can remember. We also fold towels, sheets, dish towels, etc. Guess we were Kondoized and didn’t know it. Smile.
I am pretty sure it probably wasn’t her that began the habit. But I could be wrong about that. I think my husband saw it on The Minimalist blog. That doesn’t mean they came up with the idea either though.
I’m in the middle of reading Marie Kondo’s book too. I started it a few months ago…almost sent it to the thrift shop instead of finishing it. Then decided, in spite of not agreeing with a lot of it, I would finish it because I would probably pick up some tips/ideas. I’m glad I did…just some different perspectives. I also read Karen Kingston’s book a few years ago. In fact, that may be what got me started. I pulled it out of my shelf a few weeks ago to read again next. It’s hard for me to get off the blogs though. I follow several besides 365. Be More with Less is another one I enjoy. I’m also active in a couple of forums…one is nutrition, the other is fashion (it is very strong on
decluttering clothes and finding your style…it’s saved me a lot of money). But since y’all talked
about condo’s method of folding clothes, I’m reading back over that section today.
Last weekend I gave away 20+ items of Tupperware, a large food processor (which I hated), a small food processor (which I loved, but it was a duplicate), a 4 slot toaster…and more…all to my cousin
for her daughter-in-law. I had lots of duplicates because for 6-7 years we traveled half time in a
motor home for DH’s job. When that ended, we sold the motor home. Unloading the motor home was the pits…our house became so overloaded. That was about 3 years ago and I’m still purging
that stuff…lots of good stuff…lots of $$$involved…hard to let go of.
Well, now I’m just rambling and not saying anything helpful! Thanks for everyone’s insight!
Hi Deanna W., like you I didn’t agree with everything either but I did enjoy a lot of what I read and got a few perspectives that I hadn’t thought of before. Or more to the point ~ takes on perspectives I have already spoke about. I think her and I could have a great conversation together.
Colleen, I’m changing my user name so it’ll be more descriptive. I hope that’s ok…not even sure if this is the way to do it…or if you have to do it yourself?
Hi deanna ar USA, sorry I have been seeing your comments in reverse in my inbox so didn’t realise that it was a change of user name. So ignore the welcome message. You can change it any time you like but it was good that you let me know it was you.
Thanks Colleen. Love your blog! I’m enjoying going back through your archives.