Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
This weeks lets do some mini missions that will help keep your house tidy. Decluttering that eliminates a few things that make cleaning house more difficult than it need be.
Monday – Declutter an item from the kitchen countertop. Kitchens can be messy places and the less stuff you have on your countertops the less things are going to get messed up, and the easier it is to clean the countertops themselves. This mission may require decluttering something from in the cupboards to make room for the more useful stuff you usually keep on the counter top. Remember to store these useful items in easy reach.
Tuesday – Declutter a dust collecting knickknack. If you are like me, a sufferer from dust allergies, then you should know that the less stuff there is collecting dust the less dusting you will need to do which will result in less allergy attacks.
Wednesday – Declutter something from under a piece of furniture. Stuff on floors make them difficult to vacuum, sweep and/or mop.
Thursday – Declutter any unnecessary stuff cluttering around your bath or shower. Even though these are wet areas they can also get dusty. Also mildew/mould can build up under items that water pools under.
Friday – Declutter excess furniture or stuff on your veranda, balcony or patio. Wind blows in leaves and dust which is harder to clear away when stuff needs moving to get at it.
Saturday – Declutter excess decorative cushions from your bed. Making beds can be a pain at the best of times, but having to pile off and on those cushions all the time make it that much more of a pain. And lets face it, the rest of the time they are collecting dust and if you suffer from nasal allergies then you will know that the less things collection dust the better it is from keeping a clear nose.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
Good ones Colleen. Dust is the bane of my existence. Here in Arizona we seem to have no lack of it. My problem is the areas that are hard for me to reach. I can’t reach to the back corners of my kitchen countertops for example. Or the top of the refrigerator. Under my bed is where I store the puzzle I am working on when I have other things going on that I need the table for. The top shelf of my Closet Office is another hard place to get to. So I find I have to get the help of someone else to do there. Drives me nuts because I don’t want to have to wait for someone to come along who can help.
Hi Deb J – what about one of those extendable pole dusters? Also known as telescopic poles.
Moni, I have one of those but they don ‘t do very well unless you can see that you have it all done. I use them in between getting someone else to do it really well.
Hello everyone – I haven’t been commenting lately but have been reading, I just have so much on at the moment. A few things are on on their way out at the moment
These are good missions Colleen.
I don’t have many kickbacks or decorative pillows, but do have things on my kitchen counters that I will put in a box and see if I miss them. Highly doubt I will!
Haven’t gotten patio stuff out yet. Will put them out next month and evaluate them then.
The electronics in our apartment seem to always collect dust. I’ve been using kitchen towels to wipe it all up then just toss in the washer.
I just found your blog and this is an amazing idea. I love how simple it is and making it into daily mission would leave me feel accomplished! I would definitely give this a go.
I’m good on Tue, Wed, Thur, and Sat. Monday is a FAIL!!! I confess I have too much in my kitchen. I confess there is too much on my counters. My kitchen backsplash is not glued down (just old Formica counters ) and there are wide cracks that look awful. Some of my favorite things sit there to hide the ugly. But there are other useful, used all the time articles that sit there. I keep a lidded bowl with my husbands cut up old tee shirts to use to wipe greasy pans and such. Dishwashing liquid stays out because it seems I’m always washing something. Health products that I don’t remember to take if they are not right in front of me, a large recipe file box, and the list goes on. Sigh……………..
My porches could use a makeover, too.
I got rid of a bra that lost its shape in the washing. Then I tried out 2 useless laundry bleach pens. They went into the trash. 🙂
The grandkids threw a fork into the box fan and a blade broke. My husband tried a couple times to get it working again, but no luck. It will go into the trash also. 🙂
Peggy, my bras seem to lose their shape when I put them on.
Brenda, my bras don’t start out with too much shape (think preteen size, although I am much older) hehe so if they lose that, it’s very discouraging LOL
Peggy, that was my point also. I’m old and saggy and now fat to boot, so even contained, it is a sad situation. I’d swap for skinny and preteen any time!!! Ha!
Just found out our daughter threw out a pair of ripped boots! This is “Hoarder Daughter”!!! She threw something out!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂