Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
Firstly, sorry for the late posting. My husband and I have our 18 month old grandson staying with us for two weeks while his parents are on vacation and time just seems to get away from me. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday all seem to roll into one. But better late than never with a set of mini missions I guess. So here they are.
The missions this week are inspired by the idea that clutter troubles your mind. There are so many ways in which this happens. The question is why hang on to stuff that causes you mental unrest. Best to just let it go and free yourself of the stress. So this week we will be searching  our homes for items that cause as metal stress and getting rid of it. There is enough stuff we must do that causes us stress so why add to it unnecessarily.
Monday – Aspiration ~ Declutter an item the represents something you feel you should get around to do that isn’t necessary. Craft supplies, mending, long ignored recreational activities…
Tuesday – Unhappy Memories ~ Declutter an item that brings you unnecessary feelings of sadness whenever you lay eyes on it.
Wednesday – Obligation ~ Declutter something you don’t want that you feel you should keep for someone else’s sake outside of your home. If they really care for you I am sure they wouldn’t want to cause you this stress.
Thursday – Work ~ Declutter unnecessary items that cause you effort to maintain. Effort such as dusting, polishing, cleaning around and under.
Friday – Obstruction ~ Declutter excess items that get in the way of more important items. This is best represented in cluttered drawers, files, closets etc that cause you wasted time locating the useful among the redundant.
Saturday – Waste ~ Start a use it up challenge on an item that is likely to spoil if it doesn’t get used up soon.
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Random Acts of Miscellaneous Kindness
(Little thoughtful acts for no reason but to make a complete strangers life a little easier.)
Hi Colleen,
I have an item that meets both the criteria for Monday and Tuesday. I am hoping that if I get around to fixing it, I will feel better about it. It’s a cheap ring that my dad bought me when I was about 8 or 9? I promptly lost one of its 2 stones and cried and got into a very bad mood over it (while on vacation!). I even have a photo of me frowning over it! But I thought it was beautiful at the time and was glad my dad thought of me. I think I will set myself a deadline for this item 🙂
Good for you Peggy. It is always good to get those little repair jobs out of the way. I have to mend a couple of plush toys for my granddaughter before she gets home from her dad’s. I would get on to that right now if her brother would ever go to sleep in his cot. The toys are in the room he is in and I am reluctant to go in until he stops messing around and goes to sleep. Maybe I will pot up a few plants on the balcony in the meantime.
Oh, and I love when children are 18 months! That is the sweetest age, they are learning so much but they still want hugs 🙂
Colleen, I guess this has nothing to do with the missions, but a lot to do with destressing!!! I FINALLY finished posting all my husband’s paperwork from last year, got everything totaled up, and mailed my paperwork to the tax lady TODAY!!!!!! I feel like the weight of the world has lifted from me!
Now, I’m already 3 mos behind for posting this year, so will start the process again……..sigh…….!!!!
Hi Brenda, paperwork is always going to be an on going decluttering task so don’t beat yourself up over it. Now that the old and worst of it is over it will be easier to keep up in the future.
Colleen, I guess this has nothing to do with the missions, but a lot to do with destressing!!! I FINALLY finished posting all my husband’s paperwork from last year, got everything totaled up, and mailed my paperwork to the tax lady TODAY!!!!!! I feel like the weight of the world has lifted from me!
Now, I’m already 3 mos behind for posting this year, so will start the process again……..sigh…….!!!!
I do have some sewing repairs hanging in the laundry room that have been bugging me for awhile. I will do them this week as part of my missions, now that the taxes are sent off!
Sorry, I posted twice. The first time I tried, I got an error that said the website didn’t exist. So, I added the last paragraph and tried again. Didn’t know it would post twice!
These are a great missions Colleen! I’m always amazed at your creativity.
I continue to go through stamping supplies & have gotten rid another large tote container filled with fall decorations. Since I have so much less to store I don’t need the totes to organize & hide my clutter! I think these items fit Mon-Fri.
Don”t be too amazed Calla, I am mostly cutting and pasting old sets of missions into new posts. I figured there are only so many missions that are original so I might as well just regurgitate them now. And I seem to be so busy of late that I have gotten so slack with my blog. Life seems to get more complicated with the more generations that follow one. Have two grandchildren certainly adds more things to do in your life. Fun things but more things.
I’m destressing but not with any of these missions though good. I have ladies over every day to help me stuff 3 pieces of candy in 11000 plastic eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt our church does every year. If all goes well, tomorrow should be the last day. YES!!!
It is long tedious work I bet but so rewarding when you see those little faces on Egg Hunt day.
I decided today to declutter a robe that I love everything about EXCEPT the way the fabric feels when I wear it. My dad bought this for me when I needed a robe & I picked it out (it’s beautiful to me). But since I don’t like wearing this fabric, I don’t wear the robe ever. I think I’ve had this item for over 40 years! (Still in great shape, hardly worn LOL). 🙂
Peggy, I have exactly the opposite story. I just trashed a robe my Mother gave me about 1998 and I had probably worn it every day. I spent a lot of time last year mending some holes only to find equally more appeared. I finally gave it up! I think I got the good out of it! Ha!!!
These are good mini missions and I’m going to try to hit ’em hard this weekend. I’ve been a member of this community for a few years and so I’ve decluttered a bunch of stuff, but the other day I was looking for an item and for the life of me, I could not find it. I pulled out box after box after box looking for this thing and never did find it. Me thinks that means I still have too much stuff!! Good luck everyone!
Saturday morning and getting things done!! Mended a pair of shorts and a winter hat. Threw away unmendable shorts, a torn sweater, three old, warped candles, a plastic lid for a box long gone, and an old bed pillow. I put a bunch of items back in their proper places. Created a donate pile and several items have gone in there. Feeling good!