Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
Sorry folks, the days got away from me and I missed that fact that yesterday was Monday.
The idea behind this set of mini mission and all the great examples was brought to you by Peggy. Great and original idea Peggy, thank you. As you can guess by the title your mission this week is to declutter containers of all sorts. Bonus points for declutter the stuff in the container as well.
Monday – Declutter excess travel containers ~ Suitcases, overnight bags, toiletries bags etc.
Tuesday – Declutter excess Food containers ~ Mugs, coolers, thermos, Tupperware and the like, drinking glasses, bowls etc.
Wednesday – Declutter excess empty containers ~ Hat Boxes, shoe boxes, appliance boxes, plastic bags,  large storage containers you are aspiring never to fill again, etc.
Thursday – Declutter excess disposable containers ~ Plastic bags, takeaway containers, envelopes, paper bags, old shopping bags, empty jars, those little medicine bottles you think you might have a use for someday etc.
Friday – Declutter miscellaneous storage containers ~ Eyeglass cases, trinket boxes, jewellery boxes, vases,
Saturday – Declutter portable containers ~ Totes, handbags, purses etc
Sunday - Sunday is reserved for contemplating one particular item, of your choice that is proving difficult for you to declutter. Whether that be for sentimental reasons, practical reasons, because the task is laborious or simply unpleasant, or because the items removal requires the cooperation of another person. That last category may mean that the item belongs to someone else who has to give their approval, it could also mean there is a joint decision to be made or it could mean that the task of removing it requires assistance from someone else. There is no need to act on this contemplation immediately, it is more about formulating a plan to act upon or simply making a decision one way or another.
This is a great idea. Thanks Peggy. Even though right now I have no extra containers of any sort I know that it doesn’t take long before things can creep in if you aren’t careful. I am gradually moving from plastic containers to glass ones. I have just a few left that I am using for mixing bowls until I can find the ones I want. I wish I had my Mom’s. She received hers for her wedding in 1947. We still use them every day and they look great. I want some like them but haven’t wound them yet. They are pyrex.
I decluttered 2 plastic storage containers, 2 tins, and 1 old tank top today. Sometimes when I take a look at something in a storage container, I find a couple things to get rid of, then just decide that I really don’t need any of it and bam, there’s another empty container 🙂
I’m getting rid of a huge travel bag and several purses. As much time consuming as decluttering may be, its certainly rewarding. Specially when you give these items to someone who will have use for them.
I got rid of a large tote plastic container to granddaughter. Tried to give her more, but she only took one. Lol. Will use the rest of them instead of boxes to take things to school thrift shop.
Got rid of 2 coffee mugs and one travel cup.
Since I live in a city that doesn’t give out bags I use cloth bags, so I’m good there. This week’s missions are good reminder that storage containers have been a way in the past for me to organize my excessive possessions, and make it look neat & out of sight.
I tossed an outdated “restorative hair mask” today. It was in a container, haha 🙂
It turns out that my local animal shelter takes empty prescription bottles. After washing the veterinary staff use them to set out each animals daily treat allotment and they are coded for each animal for each day of the week. I guess it removes some of the guesswork for the volunteers and keeps the animals from getting sick (allergic reactions) or too fat. I love it when things leave my house and have the added bonus of helping a good cause!
Oooh Guin,
I will donate to pet shelters / vet then. I have been collecting these empty bottles because it bugs me to just toss them. Sometimes I use them for dabs of shampoo left in the original bottle (and hard to get out) or similar. I gave a few to a friend for seeds. I also use them to carry around a few OTC drugs I might use during the day (Tylenol, Advil, etc).
Would one of the editors kindly email me the guidelines for a guest post and the email to submit it to? I have a good piece I am working on about not leaving a horrid mess for your survivors. I am in the middle of my mother’s estate — her tightly packed one bedroom apartment in a senior community and the jam packed storage locker for everything from her original home which would not fit in the apartment. It has been an emotional journey which has caused me to resolve to reduce further in my home when I am done with hers — from my tidy, uncluttered home to even less “stuff.” Please email to dezcrawford@ Thank you!
Dez, I think all of us would enjoy reading your article! Thankfully, I have not had this to deal with. However, not wanting to leave a ton of stuff for my niece to deal with is one of my many motivations for decluttering.
My goal is to have less and less as I get older.
My containers of the week: some plant pots, plant stands, and a garden cart no longer needed given to a friend. Less to take care of and more room in the garage. That’s a relief!
Well, I am late commenting, but wanted to say what a good job Peggy did with her inspiration for this article.
The “containers” I got rid of mostly were in the form of long, long past “best by” dated foodstuffs. I don’t want to confess how many . I know that canned foods are good (sometimes for years) way past best by dates. However, these were items I knew I was never going to utilize, and some WERE ruined so I cleaned out my food cabinet and learned some lessons in the process. Enough said and I won’t be stocking up in the future on anything I don’t use frequently.
I do have a pretty tin laid out for a friend, as well as a pretty container for a plant.
My plastic container section of the cabinet is overflowing once again because I am working on using up all my upright freezer stock. . It is a never ending circle. Ha!