Mini Mission Monday is about finding ten minutes a day to declutter. To make it easy for you, each Monday I set seven declutter missions, one for each day of the week for you to follow. It takes the guess work out of decluttering and makes it easy and “fun” for you to achieve some quick decluttering.
I love to throw in a good old clutter category set of  missions every now an again to get you thinking about what sort of clutter you have. So this week we will declutter something from each of the clutter categories I refer to on a regular basis and one or two less used categories I have referred to in the past. Declutter at least one item per category.
Monday – A Sentimental item. This is self explanatory really it is an item you feel personally attached to or at least once did.
Tuesday – A Guilt item. Something you feel guilty about acquiring in the first place.
Wednesday – An Aspirational item. Something you aspire to getting around to using or trying one day.
Thursday – An Obligation item ~ Something you only keep because you feel you should. Often something someone else gave you.
Friday – A Lazy clutter item ~ No attachment you just haven’t got around to getting rid of it.
Saturday – An Natural Progression item ~ Something that no longer fits, physically or intelectually or has simply been used up or worn out.
Sunday – A Location Inappropriate item ~ That is something the no longer suits your lifestyle since a location change. Perhaps snow gear if you have moved to warmer climes.
Good luck and happy decluttering
Today’s Declutter Item
I have held on to this embroidery thread because I have used it off and on at different times over the years. In an effort to continue to condense my craft clutter this is one of the things that didn’t make the cut this time. In the unlikely event that I will take up cross stitch again I will just have to buy new thread. In the meantime this lot is no longer going to waste.  I am sure it will sell quickly at the thrift store.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
A good friend of mine was going through a very worrying time this weekend. The crisis is over now thank God. Now they can begin to strive for the best possible long term outcome. Wish them luck.
I took care of some sentimental clutter last week and immediately took it to Goodwill. It is amazing that I haven’t felt any loss at all over having some things I held on to for decades being gone from my life. Our minds tend to exaggerate the value of things related to remembrance.
Good for you Juhil. And I love your statement ~ Our minds tend to exaggerate the value of things related to remembrance. I am going to quote you one Facebook and twitter with that one.
I just saw it on my Facebook page which was a fun surprise.
Glad to bring a smile to your day.
Oh my, I wish I shopped at your thrift store.
Like a little thread, so you Andrea? Sorry for the tease>
I want that thread!! LOL
You’ll have to fight Andrea for it, but I dare say it has already been snapped up at the thrift store by now.
DMC thread is my weakness…I can never have enough! LOL
I can see that now. Embroidery really is a very inexpensive hobby considering the cost layout divided by the hours of enjoyment. And if you can design your own patterns it is even more so.
I forgot to change my blog url, I recently made my personal blog private and I just have my craft blog now (and a small weight tracker blog) …I still want that thread !! 🙂
I took a look at your craft blog and now I see why you want that thread. Cute cubs by the way. Do you sell your work?
Funny you should mention it but I’m thinking of selling the cubs when I finish it. I did one similar of a tiger with storm clouds and I framed that and its in my loungeroom on an easel. Looks great. People think its a painting and don’t realise its cross stitched…I’m not sure if I will be able to sell the cubs and I’m not sure if I will but I’ll see when the time comes!
When I say I framed it, I meant I paid $$$ to have it framed professionally and my wallet hurt! Not sure if I want to do that again…
Yes framing can be so expensive.
It is just as well that they take a long time to do then or you would run out of walls to put them all if you don’t sell them. Selling them would seem like slave labour though because you put so many hours into them but can only ask so much in return. It would feel like you had worked for about 2c an hour.
I always thought that, too. When I think of the hours I put into them, I never thought anyone would be willing to pay what it would be worth. Almost all of mine have been gifts for people I knew would particularly enjoy them. I have so much more fun making them FOR someone than making them for myself.
Crafting is one of those tricky things when it comes to clutter. I often think people enjoy making things so much that they only think others enjoy receiving their creations. I have several knitted items that my mother made for me but I really don’t wear so it is about time I sent them to the thrift store. I am sure also that I have given things I have made as gifts that I only think the recipient loved. People are always polite about these sorts of things so it is often hard to know the difference between genuine enthusiasm and polite acceptance.
Great idea giving your floss to the thrift store. Many people don’t realize it, but floss and sewing thread “age” and become brittle over time–rendering it useless! Better to send it out into the universe for someone else to use and pick up new if you need it!
That’s what I thought Deb, only I probably should have done it sooner. But better late than never hey?
Good luck to your friend. I have said a prayer for them.
I helped a friend with decluttering this weekend, and now I am charged up for some of my own. Aspirational clutter, here I come!
Sabine, I was the friend, and I very much appreciate your prayers. The crisis was resolved, I believe, by the grace of God.
Cindy- I am so glad the crisis is passed. Enjoyed your post this morning (Wednesday), about supposed sentimentality.
Thank you Sabine and also how nice of you to help your friend. Sharing the declutter love, good for you!
Love this post. I got rid of my embroidery thread a few months ago. It was hard to let it go, but no regrets. I’ve already tackled my aspiration clutter for the week. I’m getting rid of my copy of the complete works of Shakespeare. Yes, I’ve meant to read that oversized book for years, but it hasn’t happened. My husband agreed to get rid of a large book of his if I would get rid of that one. He’s completely on board now with decluttering. Yesterday, I asked him what he was doing out in our storage room, and he said he was looking for something to get rid of. Yay!
Lucky you Anita, having your hubby on board with the declutter thing is a great help. My hubby is also keen and like me the longer this mission goes on the more ruthless he becomes. I love it. One thing about Shakespeare, it will always be available should you change your mind.
Ok, I’m going to declutter my embroidery thread, too. It’s so old I don’t remember the last time I used it. I usually pull off a strand to mend clothing, but the colors are really bright, and I don’t wear bright colored clothing. I’m not sure why I still have it. I think I’ll save it for Friday-lazy clutter item. I definitely don’t aspire to do embroidery.
Good for you Delona. Get that thread out of there if you aren’t using it. Someone will love to take it off your hands.
It always amuses me when I write a post but it is my declutter item that generates most of the responses. If it gets people decluttering that is great.
I, too, share your “something I am grateful for today.” Thank you for thinking of us all along the way.
That’s what friends are for Cindy. My thoughts are still with you all.
I am doing your mini-missions again this week and have thrown out an Argos catalogue for my ‘guilt’ item, as I felt guilty at having it when I can look things up on the net. Now Christmas has gone I don’t need it so it’s gone.
One thing I think makes your site so successful is that it’s great to have a theme and instructions for decluttering, to get us going. Anything will do, just to provide a focus, a place to start. This has been very useful for me as I have a lot of stuff, so thank you.
Hi Jane,
I am glad the mini mission format is working for you. The missions do get you thinking about what kind of clutter you have. Quite often when I point out an area or a clutter category it brings the focus on to more than one area/item in that theme and my readers end up decluttering more than they expected. If one thing decluttered is good half a dozen is even better, right?
I know I’m a bit late commenting here, but I’m still slowly working my way through to catch up to where I ‘started’ reading your blog C. The comments re embroidery thread are hitting the spot for me today as I do a bit of sewing and embroidery and tapestry and want to be more creative in this area and because I like it people have been giving me more as they declutter their stash. It really is aspirational clutter for me and although I do use it now and then I will never even dent it the pile of threads. The comment re it ageing hits home too as I knew that but hadn’t paid any attention if you know what I mean. Some of it is guilt clutter too as a lot of it was my grans. It’s time to go through it, keep a couple of bits and release the rest to be used. The colours are gorgeous though, lol……