Declutter one small area that’s is easy to tackle in one short time frame. I think I will tackle my sewing drawer it is small but a little jumbled and most likely has at least one thing in it I can declutter.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
Cleaned up old paint cans. Taking four cans to be recycled & one new one to Habitat for humanity since they take building supplies. Changing wall colors in a few weeks so no reason to keep old wall colors. Ceiling & trim paint will remain.
Besides dust found a party favor from Halloween party I had in garage almost a year ago! Lol
I cleaned up my towel area. Getting rid of 8 very nice white hand towels I no longer need.
1 lip liner from makeup drawer
Hi Pat!!
(hoping I can get Colleen to delete this after you get it)
Got it!