Declutter something you bought but never used. And give some serious thought to your acquisition habits. Recreational shopping is a big cause of clutter, a waste of hard earned money and not at all environmentally friendly.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
You know, my acquisition habits have been brought to mind lately. I haven’t wanted anything in so long (I’m speaking of clothes) but lately I do. It’s so easy when you don’t want anything…so easy to be happy.
But here is a list of stuff my hubby decluttered over the weekend…he got rid of some fantasy self items because he needed some space for things he uses currently:
Old work papers from 2007 (a file box full from a job he no longer has)
1 set of wall file pockets (never used)
1 desk organizer
He’s retired now so he seldom needs office stuff. Yay!! Funny how much easier it is to let go when you want your current stuff more than your old stuff.
Me = 0, but I did help him go through his files.
I put a clingy dressy top in the donate pile, with the tags still attached. I bought it online at a deep discount, so it could not be returned. For the past few years, I keep putting it on and taking it off, but I’ve never liked the clingy fabric enough to wear it. I’ve learned not to buy clothes online, especially if they can’t be returned. Thanks Colleen, for inspiring me to finally let it go!