Go through a box of stuff you have had stored stored somewhere out of sight out of mind for a long time. Chances are, if you haven’t looked in it for an eon, then you don’t need to keep what is inside of it.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
I got permission from my daughter to get rid of a pair of sneakers and a hoodie to small for her daughter. And my daughter has been going through her kids clothes and shoes and will probably give me other things to donate!
Very true! We have several boxes in our garage: some we inherited from an aunt who died 24 years ago and some belonging to our daughter which have been there for around 7 years. All need attention – just have to persuade my husband (his aunt) and my daughter that their time is up!!! Any tips?
Half bottle of pain pills I took when I had the shingles in July to the police station drop off . I have been meaning to take them to drop off for months, decided today was the day!
I just went through a small box of old things I had set aside during my decluttering to see if I wanted to use again. I took out 3 items to let go, but added a few more I took out of a cabinet.
They are small items that I might also use again. I labeled the box “HOLDâ€. Will keep for awhile to see if I need. Thankfully, I don’t have too much of that sort of thing anymore!!!
While getting the guest room for painting in the near future I did a bit of decluttering.
Small wicker table, lace table cloth, and two decorative items : tall bundle of twigs & bunch of cattails.
Will look for more things to declutter as I get other rooms ready for painting.
Will place stuff in garage until I go through another room before taking to goodwill.