Declutter a technology item such as an old cell phone, redundant charging cords or other tech accessory that you no longer, or maybe never did, use. It is amazing how these items can accumulate. Earbuds with only one side working would be a fine example of this, or ones acquired free on aeroplanes during long haul flights, guided tours etc. So they can build up in drawers all over the house, or in the bottom of your handbag. We tend to bing them home whether we need them or not because we know they will end up straight in the trash otherwise. Young people are often good recipients of this declutter because they use theirs a lot, and on the go, so they tend to get broken and need replacing. So why not offer them a free pair rather than have them go to waste.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
1 set of ear buds that has only one side working.
(1) set of ear buds that hurt my ears!
I’ve only ever found two types of ear buds–those that don’t stay in and those that hurt my ears! I am always amazed at the large rummage sale I volunteer for that ALL the ear buds sell. I price them cheap, but still, we usually have 30 or so pairs!