Declutter a make-up item that you either don’t use or has gone past its best by date.
Germs can build up on such items, so it is best to have a clear out, of such items, on a regular basis. When doing so be rational about what you do use and don’t replace the rarely used items.
Well, since I don’t wear makeup I have nothing to contribute to this mini mission. So instead, I am decluttering the quesadilla maker. With my new food intolerances I can’t eat too many of the things that make a good quesadilla. After talking it over with Mom, we decided it was no longer of use to us.
I wear make-up, but only have basics. I’ve worn only brown eyeshadow all my life. So, I’m happy to say I don’t have extras in this category. How I envy people who have complexions suitable for no make up!!!
Actually when I set out to declutter this area … i ran into tons of combs, shoe polish cloths, lotions and shampoos that I had picked up at hotels I stayed in… and instead decluttered THAT. It left me with a lot of free space.
I own 2 powder eye shadows and one eyeliner that use infrequently. I have started to pay attention to how long you can use these products after opening and will toss them. The eyeliner has until Feb. to be used up or tossed as it will hit the 2 year mark. Not sure I will replace the eyeliner after their expiry date in a year.
Oops meant the last sentence to say eyeshadow not eyeliner.
So glad I found your page! I’d heard of decluttering 2017 things for 2017 but that seemed overwhelming. However your idea of one thing per day seems so much more doable. Starting today!
I should do this. I cleared out most of my nail polish a few years ago, but probably should get rid of the rest. I think the lipstick is from my grandma…who died 12 years ago. Clearly I don’t wear makeup often enough to actually own more than a couple bits of it….I do like eyeshadow on the rare occasions I wear it…but those are so rare a couple colors will probably do.