Declutter an unloved gift you have received in the past that you have only kept out of obligation. You might want to do this again after the holiday season. Tee hee!

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.
I found a box today to put the Christmas Bear in that my mom received at the White Elephant exchange last year. She is going to take it this year to give away. I’m proud of her and so glad it is going out the door.
This was the start of ReGiftMas which is the first week of December among some friends. One had a closet full of brand new gifts she had never wanted so she invited everyone to come take anything they wanted/could use to give someone else. She agreed others could bring similar stuff.
This was the 10th year. It’s much fun. Most people (unless they are setting up a new household) have a goal of bringing more than they take. Many people have saved a lot of money by finding gifts others would love. It has expanded to include used things that still have lots of life left, and many a child’s toy has had many children enjoy it.
What’s left at the end goes to charity.
Everyone wins!
I love this idea!
Me, too, Calla!!! I have often thought this would be a good idea for small church groups, etc! I love it!
These are small, but I removed 2 key chain type things that were given to me. I also removed some note cards and 2 booklights. We had a 3 day Power outage from Friday afternoon last week to Monday afternoon this week (insert loud GROAN here!) and I discovered a small, adjustable headlamp works much better for reading!!