When out picking up a few groceries the other day, I noticed a woman getting her handbag checked as she exited the shop. Nothing unusual about that except the lady had to rest this bag on a nearby store display in order to open all three compartments that were so crammed with God knows what that she could barely get the zippers open.
There was no chance she was about to steal anything because quite frankly she couldn’t possibly have fit another thing in. Although she quite possibly had already stolen 3 paperbacks, half a dozen DVDs, a flat pack bookcase and 2 bags of potting mix the way that thing was heaving at the sides. Honestly her bag was like a filing cabinet with handles.
Seriously ladies, how much do we really need to carry with us for a couple of hours out at the shops. Depending on what she was carrying in that thing I am sure this Lady could have parachuted into Siberia with that handbag and survived for a month on the contents. MacGyver eat your heart out.
Ok, so I am getting a little carried away with myself but really, aside from your purse, cell phone, maybe a note pad and a pen, your keys, a few feminine heigine products and a little lipstick what else do you feel you need for one short trip that you simply can’t do without. Men manage to leave the house with a wallet in their back pocket for heaven’s sake.
After seeing this woman I went home and cleaned out my handbag and aside from several old grocery lists and some old shopping dockets my bag was looking OK.
So if you haven’t started de-cluttering yet maybe this is a good place to start.
Colleen’s Helpful Hint for the Day
To clean your washing machine just run it through a cycle with 2 cups of white vinegar. Why not throw your shower curtain in the machine at the same time and it should come out clean and mildew free.
I adore what you’re doing (link from Unclutterer). I subscribed to read your adventures in decluttering… one of my favorite pastimes.
Hi Carrie, I had a quick look at your blog http://www.makeminehappen.com and will go back there soon to read more. We talk about different subjects but it is lot of the same psychology, taking the plunge, moving on and stepping out of your comfort zone. Keep up the good work and I am sure we will meet again soon
I must be tired, I thought you were using the Pizza Hut item as a handbag…
That’s hilarious Lynda, but I do understand. The problem is that my item of the day doesn’t always have anything to do with my topic of the day. my advice is, THIS BLOG MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS, PLEASE DO NOT READ IT WHILE OPERATING HEAVY EQUIPMENT.
Pleased to have found your blog – great idea. Am currently decluttering our playroom and getting quite addicted. Feels as good to give things away as acquiring them in the first place!
Will be checking in frequently!
Hi Anna, I ducked over to your blog before I came back to reply and I was impressed with what I saw at a quick glance, I kept wanting to click on the the next thing. Your easter decorations are so simple yet sweet and you have some good photography skills too. I will be going back over when I am finished here and having a better look. It is amazing the lovely touches one can do around the home and in other areas without spending a fortune. It is wonderful what one can achieve with some basic supplies and a little creativity. So many people think it has to be expensive to be worth having but that isn’t the case.
Colleen, I’m thrilled to have found your blog, as decluttering is one of my favorite things to do. I like your approach of finding one thing a day — it’s the antidote to not decluttering for a long time and then feeling obliged to make it a big production when you do get around to it. I was so inspired this morning after finding your blog that I easily decluttered over a dozen kitchen utensils and gadgets just while making my kids’ breakfast. I know that’s more than just one item, but I couldn’t wait!
I’m going to read your archives and see if you address decluttering other family members’ items — I so desperately want to give away a lot of my kids’ untidy stuff, but never know if this is morally permissible.
Hi Eve,
it is nice to hear from you and thank you for leaving your first comment, one of many I hope. I am glad you are finding my blog helpful.
You have the right idea decluttering your kitchen utensils while make the kids’ breakfast I have often decluttered my kitchen while waiting for the kettle to boil.
There will be a post coming up towards the end of September about decluttering with kids that you might find helpful.