On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
- Mark Adam Douglas in response to ~ Do you have hoarding tendencies.
- Spendwisemom gives us her opinion of hotel toiletries.
- Gail comments on being grateful to have have excess to share with others.
- Jen on being grateful for things that are used and enjoyed.
- Moni tells us in this  comment  about her clever daughters clothing sale.
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
- The happinessproject ~ 12-tips-for-a-happier-home-adapted-from-nursery-school
- Sustainable Choices.stanford.edu ~ Take Action
- Deb J sent me this link to an article about some books you might find interesting ~Â www.thenester.com ~ Thoughts on home the creatives who’ve helped me
- Steve found me this one from Life Hacker on  ~ How to permanently kick your clutter habit
- Thank you Sanna for sending through the next two links to great posts.
- smallnotebook.org ~ Don’t make choices based on fear
- missminimalist.com ~ Storage is not a solution
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter any sad old linen pieces. Old towels, sheets, pillow slips, hand towels, handkerchiefs, cloth diapers, wash clothes etc. Remember many of these items can be donated to animal shelters, kennels, vets, wildlife rescue…
Today’s Declutter Item
Eco Tip for the Day
Irrigate your garden before dawn or, if you don’t have a timer, as early as possible in the morning. The water is less likely to evaporate before it soaks into the soil or is absorbed by the plants at this time when the day is at it’s coolest.
Colleen, I have to say that I think we have such a wonderful group that leave some really great comments. I really enjoy our little community here.
What a great list from the Happiness Project. I really like those 12 things. I think we definitely learned a lot of the things we needed to know in kindergarten and need to be reminded. Things like sharing, being nice to everyone, giving, hugging and thinking of others.
All these links are so good. I especially liked the one about Storage is not a solution. This is one it has taken S a while to really latch onto. SHe is finally starting to ask herself the why question as in “why am I keeping this” rather than “do I have room”. It took a while to get my mother asking that too. Our 20-squares Ikea Expedit bookcase now has 4, soon to be 5, empty squares. For a long time it drove Mom nuts to see them empty and without even a “ornament” in them. Now she is liking it. She says it feels airier and more light. By George, I think she’s got it!!!! Grin.
Hi Deb J, I agree we have got a nice community going on her at 365 Less Things. Thank you for the roll you play in that.
I enjoyed all the links today too. I did love the play on words title that Miss Minimalist used ~ Storage is no solution. As opposed to Storage Solutions. I have been conveying that message for a long time. Storage is only a solution to keep tidy the things being used all of the time not for secreting things away that are supposedly meaningful.
I also liked the idea of not letting fear be a guide to decision making. It never ceases to amaze me that people spend money they don’t have to buy stuff they don’t really need then two years down the track allow the fear of “I might need it someday” to be their guide why not to get rid of it. Too bad fear of wasting money didn’t come into the initial decision to acquire it in the first place. It just isn’t logic.
Hi Colleen! Great link about fear of giving stuff up! This link put a stop to all my whining, as it was yesterday. Fear has been a big setback lately. Combine getting rid of fear and ” How to permanently kick your clutter habit” and I think progress will be back to my hosehold.
Hi Andréia, yes sometimes we need just the right things spelled out for us to allow a little logic into the decision making process. See my response to Deb J above.
There’s at least one good thing in my having access-problems this week: more time to browse other blogs and find some gems.
I particularly liked the one about fear as well. It’s so true!
When I’ve been to the thrift store last week, I realized, they brought the Christmas stuff in, so yesterday I had a quick look through my holiday box and found a few things to donate. With all these decorations, it’s mostly my boyfriend who is unwilling to part, but this is due to the fact that his are things he knows since his childhood and his relatives having carved some of them themselves, so I don’t mind that much. I did find some random candle holders with rendeers on them though and a weird little felted angel (it’s well-made and cute in some way, but it reminds me more of a cat than an angel, I think it will find some lover though) I also got rid of two more vases and sold a couple of books. Maybe, slowly, you might be able to see the difference to the “before” shot in September. And my man brought out some old curtains, I didn’t even know we had them! So, I already have another load for the thrift store today.