On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
I loved this comment from Annabelle she has clearly learned her lesson about purchasing things she didn’t really need.
 Also thought this comment from Katharine was inspiring. Being excited about doing chores because of the joy of living in a clean an tidy environment is a better attitude than whining about the effort involved. Mind over matter ~ if you don’t mind the work the effort doesn’t matter.
It seems we are treated every week to a little wisdom from Spendwisemom, who lives up to the wise part of her pseudonym. Once a worthy task becomes a habit you in turn become a better person.
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
Another great post from Mohamed at Midway Simplicity
This link was shared by Kathleen D ~  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katy-wolkstanley/saving-money-tips_b_1702291.html?ir=San%20Francisco ~ Thanks Kathleen.
Jez sent me this link http://www.paulgraham.com/stuff.html
Here is a funny blog link that Moni sent to me regarding travelling light.
This link will take you to a survey being carried out by  student of the University of New England currently conducting research into blogs that focus on sustainable living as part of my Masters degree.  It only takes 5 minutes to complete if you feel inclined to help out.
Today’s Mini Mission
Declutter storage containers that you no longer need due to your decluttering efforts. These are another thing that I move to the garage when emptied. Once I am sure that I don’t have a use for them I make the final decision to declutter them permanently. The more useful or versatile the container the longer it takes for me to come to this decision.
Today’s Declutter Item
Since simplifying my pantry so it isn’t cluttered with ingredients that I rarely use I have been able to eliminate some pantry storage containers. I sent these with some other kitchen items to my daughter to use in her new apartment. She has none so these will be helpful to her.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
Making an early start on some spring cleaning. Like Katharine in the comment above I do enjoy a clean home. Right now I am working on cleaning the windows inside and out and their tracks. I am grateful the all of my windows can be easily accessed both inside and out even the second story ones. I am also grateful for how easy this is to do with a little vinegar and water, a variety of microfibre cloths and a stiff bristled artist brush.
Another great Friday list of comments and sites. Thanks Colleen.
Took everything off the walls and surfaces yesterday in the living room. Added one very old heirloom painting and that was it. We are going to live this way a few days to see how we like it. Wonder of wonders, Mom likes it this way. WooHoo!. I think we have a winner.
Hi Deb J – I can’t get over how much your mum has changed. She has truly come over to the dark side!
Yep! It’s great. We are having to work slow the next couple of weeks because she has 4 doctor appointments next week and that will wear her out. But, she knows what she wants to do.
I would love to meet your mom. She has become so adaptable over the last few years. What a great journey you have been on together. Good work both of you.
Love that Paul Graham essay; I’ve read it many times over the past couple of years!
Funny, I was just looking into my pantry and seeing how empty it is now that we rarely buy any packaged goods! I’ve just joined an unpackaged Food Co-op and it’s making me think about my family’s food purchases even more, and how much stuff actually gets eaten (or thrown away. Green lentils? Yuck, we prefer red, so that’s all I’ll buy now!)
Smart thinking Loretta.
Hi I enjoyed Paul Graham’s article especially how he described stuff as “il-liquid assets” – amen to that!
And I love this quote Mohamed used “you don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going” – so true. I’m chugging away on my “mammoth” bookcase mission and so often I don’t want to proceed with an area/project because I haven’t worked out the perfect plan or researched enough options, but that doesn’t clear the shelves or move things out the door.
Mohamed is so right ~ you just have to get it going. You only have to look at the before and after pictures of my craft room to see that. I did not really have a vision at first as to the end result but by plugging away at it over time and being willing to let go of more stuff the longer it went on the better then end result. Who’s to say whether I am even finished in there yet.
Hi all,
I admit I have a stack of those containers that Colleen is passing on to her daughter, I also have a few huge projects in front of me, I will allow myself the procrastination over said projects because I have to be at home to do them but “DO THEM I WILL” LOL off to get some bin liners and mark time to “DO IT DO IT NOW” 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hi Dizzy, I have plenty more where that lot came from too so don’t feel too bad. My daughter may score a few more before in am done decluttering my kitchen. Good luck with your project and just remember you only have to work on them for ten minutes a day to make a big difference in the long run.
I’m coming close to needing to get rid of those same sort of containers…. just more of the Tupperware that I have been sucked into buying thinking it would make my life so much better and more organised. Mostly it has made my wallet lighter and my kitchen cupboards fuller.
I know for sure that I won’t be spending any more of my money on Tupperware Susan. I agree with you on the lighter wallet fuller cupboards outcome.
I loved the link Kathleen D provided! I know that not all thrift shop shoes are smelly and second hand. But it is a case of right place at the right time.
If you are on Facebook , checkout this wonderful person https://www.facebook.com/YouGotThatAtAnOpShop?ref=ts
She may make you dizzy with what she purchases but she has links for helpful hints about how to buy second hand.
If you are handy with a sewing machine this young lady is an inspiration http://refashionista.net/
I am pleased to say that I can complete today’s mini mission with three large plastic storage bins that can go to the thrift store. Yippee. I will be able to take them on the weekend which is a bonus. Cheers .
Hi Wendy F,
they were great links I especially like the second one. How clever altering all those otherwise not too attractive dresses etc. I must keep a close eye on the dresses on the larger size racks at my thrift store in future just in case the fabric is more suitable than the dress. I could do a little altering of my own.
It is a shame you can’t make it to the thrift store on a Wednesday, we could go next door and have a coffee together.
I will try and get there next Wednesday. 🙂 see you soon.
I will watch out for you. I usually get there around 10:30 and leave around 2pm
The link from Moni on travelling light is priceless!!
I certainly had a little chuckle at it.
Great links this week. I especially liked “stuff” and the woman who hasn’t purchased anything new.
And I love that the readers have been helping me out by sending me links so I don’t have to find them myself. All help is greatly appreciated. And thanks to you when you send them too.