On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
I enjoyed this comment form Vicki K and the responses to it by other readers including myself. Read the whole conversation from here.
I love the attention to detail that Diana is deploying while following this weeks mini mission. Read about it here. Well done Diana.
Angela give an example here that just because you like something and use it doesn’t mean it isn’t excess to your needs.
Angela also left this comment. Perhaps you, her fellow readers, can give her some extra advice on how to keep the clutter down when you have children.
This comment from Creative Me puts into a nutshell the situation I am likely to find myself in real soon if our acquisition of this latest apartment goes through as planned.
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
Here is an oldie but a goodie from Becoming Minimalist ~Â Dont-just-declutter-de-own.
And this post from The Other Side Of Complexity, is helpful for those of you who work in an office, have an unorganised home office or perhaps work from home. How I maintain a clutter-free work space.
Here is a recent post from Midway Simplicity that I rather enjoyed. Share more own less, I think condenses down what is suggested in this post.
With Halloween just around the corner here is a post from Unclutterer.com that gives suggests to both avoid the candy clutter and distribute any excess acquired during the celebration.
Today’s Mini Mission
Choose another drawer in this weeks chosen room and declutter it. If you have no drawers choose a small area that is out of sight. A box under a bed, a shelf or a small cabinet.
Eco Tip For The Day
Don’t grab handfuls of paper napkins when dining out. One per person should be adequate. Take more only if you need them.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Oops sorry the post was late. I forgot to hit the publish button last night.
While I am here may I indulge in a little request that you all pray for some rain to quench the bushfires (wildfires) here in Australia. They have been raging around much of the state for days. There have been many homes lost already but luckily no lives so far (that I am aware of). Many people have been evacuated. I retreated to my bedroom this morning because the smell of smoke in the lower half of my house was giving me respiratory problems. My daughter has been watching the situation closely because last night as she is on the outskirts of town and one fire is burning only a fifteen minute drive from her home. The current status of it is that they are getting it under control.
Very sorry to hear about the fires Colleen: this is a link to our BBC news website front page this evening, showing the smoke over Sydney (not sure if the link will work internationally or not) and you may have to copy and paste it:
I hope you are able to get relief for your breathing 🙁
Hi Doodle, it is pretty dramatic alright. Check out these pictures:
#62 is the Airforce Base where my husband works (in the north)
#70 is the view south from one of our city beaches
#72 to #77 just shows the smoke have down town.
#38 is the airport which is also basically the Airforce Base.
I have discovered that if I turn on the aircon it filters the air and makes it less smoky inside. It seems a lot better out there now. Small issue compared to some who have lost their homes. I am just glad we live further into town where we are pretty safe.
Wow! That looks a little too close in my mind. I sure hope they get it out soon.
Oh Colleen, how awful!
Colleen, First let me say that I am praying for the fires to go out. Fire season is a scary time.
Second, I enjoyed the comments and links. You do a really good job with it all.
Update on Mom. Her cardiologist was back from vacation yesterday so saw her in his office. She has an episode while there and she told him they were increasing. He said he still wants an angiongram so she has that tomorrow at 10 AM. I will keep you all posted.
Sorry about the fires Colleen. I’m praying that everything clears up, including your respiratory problems. Great comments and links. I enjoyed them very much.
Deb J, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom. Keep in touch.
Hi Deb, Thank you for your prayers. Not much relief yet from the fires. They no sooner get one under control then another starts or flares up again. The cooler weather has been helpful but rain would be better.
I am glad things are progressing with your mom. I am sure things will improve very soon.
So glad you’re back Colleen!
Thanks Cindy. I have been keeping up with what you have been up to on Facebook so I don’t feel like I have been out of your life. I hope you didn’t have any difficulties getting your posts published while I wasn’t around to help. I checked in on the blog when I had the time and everything seemed to be going well. Thanks you again for writing for me every week. You do a fabulous job! I am always excited to see what your topic is each week.
Those photographs are so frightening. I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers as well. Deb J – hope your mom gets to feeling better.
I agree Michelle, those photos do look scary. On the news last night they were saying the 193 home have been lost in the Springwood area alone. That is in the Blue Mountains near Sydney. I know there has also been some home lost around here and it isn’t over yet. That is a lot of people displaced right now. I hope things improve soon.
How exciting to find myself in Friday’s post! Thanks Colleen.
I have really enjoyed this week’s mini mission and I will be tackling other rooms in the same way. I like the idea that it was spread over a whole week as sometimes I find one room rather daunting to clean and tidy in a day and so it just gets partially done. Now my bedroom looks much better.
I have also recently decided that when I need to take things into another room that they get put in their correct place straight away. This is a work in progress…
Hi Diana, I am glad you found this method of tackling a room less daunting. Breaking down a task and not focusing on the big picture usually has that effect. Good luck with your other rooms. You are also learning things about your self as you go and adjusting how you go about things. That is wonderful. These changes will surely lead to improvement in your habits which will make it easy to stay in control in the future.
Hi everyone, I did read this on Friday but have had a hectic weekend. First of all my thoughts are with you Colleen and Deb J.
How I have missed Friday Favourites!!!!!!!
I especially enjoyed Don’t Declutter De Own and the points to consider, especially how it accomplishes little in paving the way for other changes, evaluating your lives, benefiting others and doesn’t turn back our desire for more. Excellent points.
I went through my stuff several times, I put a few things on the donation pile, sold some others that have been waiting. But really, I feel like I don’t have anything to part with anymore. Maybe there is a decluttering method to go deeper, for things we could have passed by. Sure, I have things that I still keep but that I need/are useful to me, and that I will part with at some point because I’m going to change what I’m currently studying in. The mess (hidden and non-hidden) in my room is composed of things I have to recycle but don’t really know where for a part and have to check for the other one, donate, and sell.
Hi Cindy, good for you coming to the end of you decluttering mission. As for going deeper, you will do it if you feel inclined especially since, now, all your stuff should be surface deep since it is being constantly used. In that situation you ought to be viewing everything you own on a regular basis making it easy to spot the unused items. I still find myself letting things go, not at the same pace as before but whenever I encounter something that I would prefer the space over the object. Not forgetting that I have a reduced living space goal in mind for my future. I am sure once we move into a smaller home more decluttering will need to take place. Perhaps for you, you are simply done aside for those items you need to relocate.
Hi! Joy (Joyfully Green) just told me about your blog, and I’m glad she did! 🙂
What a neat idea, to do a post about comments. I don’t think people always realize how important the conversation is, in blogging.
I will definitely keep all of the people affected by the fires in my thoughts and prayers. Scary stuff…
Hi Bethany and welcome to 365 Less Things. I am glad Joy sent you over here. I think I have visited you blog before. I just went over there to read your latest post to which I could really relate. I will keep an eye on the phenomenon you describe in the post as, in my case, I always thought it was the other way around ~ The metal fatigue causing illness. However lately I have noticed that the lingering jet lag from my recent travels has my mind spiralling down when I get tired. Perhaps I have been looking at this wrong. I must admit I prefer you theory.