On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Favourite Comments. Enjoy!
Cat’sMeow left this comment on respecting her fewer possessions.
Willow’s also left a great comment on respecting fewer possessions.
Hooray for Ideealistin she is obviously being a good influence on her mother. Read about it here.
Deb J gives good reason not to hoard paper in this comment in response to Cindy’s Weekly Wisdom.
Favourite Web Finds. Happy reading!
I particularly liked suggestion 5 in this list from The Change Blog ~Â Make a change in your world
Calico ginger drew my attention to the Australian web site that give lots of great suggestions as there where donations of all sorts of things can be made. ~Â www.givenow.com.au
Here is a good blog post about the stress of too much choice. tinybuddha.com ~ Why too much choice is stressful and 7 simple ways to limit it.
Today’s Declutter Item
This is my donation of foreign coins that I dropped off at the Commonwealth Bank today. You might be surprised at how much space they were taking up in my drawer. Each country was stored in its own separate pouch. See the coin with $1 written on it in blue marker. This is a US $1 coin. It is so rare to see them in circulation over there that I think someone wrote the $1 on it so they wouldn’t mistake it for a Quarter. I found that amusing.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
Coffee with a friend and successfully running several errands including dropping off my donation of foreign coins at the bank.
super great link to tinybuddha! Thanks!! I think I am really in the mood/mode for mindchange this week. I better keep shoveling wisdom in as long as the gates are wide open …
Use a snow shovel, you’ll get more in that way.
I see my country’s money!
I love seeing coins from around the world… I have a box of them (not as many as you) and bring them out for the amusement and education of my kids. It’s good to remember that the CDN$ isn’t the only currency out there, it’s a big wide world still if you can see different legal tender laid out in front of you. And I’ve only seen a tiny bit of the world.
Hi creative me,
I used to carry Aussie dollars around with my in by purse in America just to show the Americans what they was made of a how colourful they was. We have polymer notes that are quite bright in colour. People were usually fascinated by them, especially by the fact that they were plastic.
Polymer notes were actually developed in Australia and we were the first country to use them. Now many countries throughout the world have changed to them including Canada I believe.
I was showing a magician Aussie coins one day and he loved the size and feel of our 50c piece for doing magic tricks with so I gave it to him. He was very pleased.
Great links!
I didn’t have much time for reading other blogs this week so there were only three but they were good.
Sorry Colleen, but all snow shovels are in use over here these days 😉