On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my five favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my five favourite web finds of the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Fave Five Comments. Enjoy!
Wow what a week it has been, so many great conversations going on in comments. Choosing five has been tricky but five it has to be so here goes.
Cindy has chosen this comment form Annabelle in response to her Wednesday Wisdom.
I enjoyed this comment from Lesley even though at first glance it would seem we had opposing idea but in fact I think we actually agree on this topic.
I also enjoyed this exuberant comment from Dizzy a new reader/commenter. I hope she stays involved as she seems to be full of energy and I am sure has plenty to add to our daily conversations.
This comment from Creative Me contains just one of the scenarios I was expecting to elicit when I wrote Tuesdays Post. I knew someone out there would have saved items to hand down to their child and ended up not have the child to match the items. I fully expected that someone might write in with the sad story of not being able to have children at all. Imagine how heart wrenching that would be when you have all those nice things you intended to pass on to them.
And I couldn’t let this comment from Jo slide into obscurity without it being noticed. It is true what she says which is evident from this post I wrote back in march, even though at times I probably come off as the clutter Nazi. Contrary to popular belief I am not a minimalist I just like to encourage people to declutter their excesses, shop responsible and recycle/rehouse what they can.
Fave Five Web Finds. Happy reading!
Lena thought we might all enjoy this link ~ The BurninghouseÂ
This post from Miss Minimalist ~ One less thing fashion trends shows the fashion industry in a certain light that some may not have given much thought to.
This is just a short post from Happy Shiny Me ~ Handing over reins . I like the strategy she is going deploy to try to break her attachment to some of her clutter. It is not a new strategy but I like how she is enlisting her sister’s help to pull it off.
I loved this simple post for Bea at Zero Waste Home ~ Happy Spooning . I would love my local favourite curry takeout joint to give their customers the option to purchase Tiffin Carriers to collect their curry orders home in rather than waste plastic every time we eat there.
www.abc.net.au ~Â Anti-consumerism is the new democracy
Today’s Declutter Item
These declutter items would have been appropriate for yesterday’s post. They were stray hand towels left over from bath towel sets gone by. I bet Deb J would like to get her hands on them, literally. I donated them to the thrift store for someone to get use out of because it could be another ten years before I ever needed them.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
I got to have a furry friend accompany me on my walk today. I was pet sitting a friends dog for the day because he had a little incident over the weekend and she just wanted me to make sure he was OK throughout the day while she was at work. I know she is probably more grateful than me but he is such good company I just had to take him for a walk. He seemed pretty grateful too. One favour, three happy individuals.
I think our furry friends bring us more happiness than we realise. Here i am browsing tinternet with my dogs at my feet, and a one of my cats on my lap, it’s battering down with rain and wind, true contentmnt 🙂
Off now to read the linkys…
Sharron x
P.s those hand towells are lovely colours…
Hi Sharron,
enjoy those furry friends and have a great day.
I have seen the website of the Burning house before, and I like the thought behind it. (I just don’t follow it, because I find that a waste of my time).
I also like the “Anti-consumerism is the new democrazy” post. Although I’m not participating in “Buy nothing new in October” (probably will try it in february), I still enjoy reading about it. Buying nothing new will probably cause some downfall for some companies, but they could be creative and make themself “pop” out of the crowd so they will survive.
Hi Nurchamiel,
I often wonder what the new financial landscape would look like with a reduction of the production of stuff that the world really doesn’t need. I think that is is possible to change and I am sure it will be a slow transition if it does happen so there will be time to adjust. I think services and experience will become the new taget for out space cash. Lets hope there is a way to change the world before it is too late.
Hi Colleen,
I really enjoyed reading through the entries in BurningHouse. The photos were beautifully done. I look forward to the websites you share on Fridays. Thanks.
Hi Di,
that Burning House web site is interesting isn’t it. It is funny the things that people find important while others just wish the house would burn down while they are out and then they won’t need to deal with the clutter.
I’m happy you felt that comment of mine was worth highlighting because I feel your balanced approach is a voice of reason in a sea of blogs where one is often advised to get rid of everything except the exact things we are using 🙂
Update on my latest efforts: I’ve just gotten rid of two boxes and one bag of books; off to the annual used book sale for charity. Even the hubby was able to let a few go! I find that getting older helps me with choosing what to keep – how do I want to spend my remaining reading time? Could apply to many things – how do I want to spend my remaining relationship time, mothering time, work time, hobby time, etc.
Hi Jo,
I am happy you keep commenting and helping make 365 Less Things a well rounded blog. Thank you!