Once again it was a very busy week for comments and it was very hard to narrow my choices down. Here are the five a chose…
Rebecca in response to How Many is too much ~ I know this post is from a week ago, but I just got time to catch up… Read more
Di in response to Mini Mission Monday – Declutter Kids Stuff ~ This is very good advice, Colleen. When my son was growing up… Read more
Ideealistin in response to Children’s clothing ~ I usually so agree with you and your take on the whole clutter issue… Read more
Jill in response to Children and alternative gift giving ~Â Ever since my now 5 year old was about 3 he has loved to help bake… Read more
Nurchamiel in response to Is shopping the new religion ~ I totally agree. Although I have never lived in the US… Read more
I have hardly had a minute to bless myself this week but I have gathered together  a quick selection of blog posts for you to check out and here they are…
Simply Being Mommy ~ Using-charts-to-simplify-daily-activities-and-goals
Be More With Less ~ Choose-to-be-happy-with-enough
Becoming Minimalist ~ Why-becoming-minimalist-is-still-appropriately-titled
Marc and Angel Hack Life ~ 10-commandments-for-a-good-life
My Zero Waste ~ The-best-mothers-day-present-ever
Don’t you just love it when visitors leave with more than they came with. That was the case with my mum and dad’s visit this week. My mum took this set of Bamix accessories with her when she went because she didn’t have a stand for hers. I didn’t need it because my Bamix died a few weeks a ago. Now my visitors have gone and some clutter has left with them. And that is not all they took so stay tuned for more installments.
Things that made me happy, made me laugh, made me feel grateful, fascinated me or I thought were just plain awesome.
- Catching up with the things neglected when visitors leave.
- Selling a piece of furniture that we have been trying to declutter for some time.
- Automatic washing machines ~ I know I have said it before but you have to love a chore that pretty much does itself. I know I still have to hang it out and fold it when it’s dry but nevertheless the hard part is done without any effort.
- Scratching up enough food for dinner when I don’t want to go to the store.
- Always managing to find just the right box in the garage to mail out eBay sales. ~ I love a good bit of recycling.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Thanks so much for including me 😉
Hi Crystal,
thank you for writing such a good post worth including.
I must say all these comments were so good. I especially liked Jill’s suggestion to buy baking supplies. I’d never have thought of this as a gift, but it’s true, most kids love to bake with a parent or grandparent or sitter. And it’s a good activity to encourage future kitchen skills.
Hi Jo,
It was a great idea wasn’t it.
Hi Colleen! I found this link that you and your readers might like: http://orgjunkie.com/2011/02/does-saying-no-mean-you-are-lazy.html. It’s about keeping life simple. Hope you like it.
Hi Andreia,
that was a great post you sent us too and I am looking forward to seeing what else Organizing Junkie has to offer. Thank you for the link.
Wowee, two weeks in a row; thanks so much for the mention and as ever, for sharing such a wonderful blog with us all week long 🙂
Hi Mrs Green,
thanks for the compliment and thanks also for so many great posts at Zero Waste worth linking to.
I love Friday’s favourite five – a reminder of the great posts and the potential for some delicious nuggets in new blogs. And it is a beautiful spring day here in the uk: what more could a girl ask for?
Hi Katharine,
a beautiful spring day, that sounds lovely. We have had a rainy Autumn day with moments of sunshine which isn’t all day depending on what you are doing. I was only doing housework so it was quite nice having Mother Nature watering the garden for me.