On Fridays at 365 Less Things I share with you my five favourite comments from my wonderful readers and my five favourite web finds on the week. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did.
Fave Five Comments. Enjoy!Â
Top of my list this week is this comment for Elaine. I am sure you will all agree what a generous, thoughtful soul she is.
I particularly enjoyed responding to this comment from Lena. She is taking the time to read back through my archives and I’ve got to respect her for that. She leaves some very thought provoking comments and when it comes to the subject of books I have received a lot of those in the time I have been writing my blog and hers carries the same passion many do.
I couldn’t let the week go by without drawing attention to this response from Katharine to all the well wishes she received for her wedding day from our caring readers.
We have another new reader, Tanya Bosch, who left this comment of how my blog is already starting to help in her quest to recognise and resist her clutter weaknesses.
Loretta was kind enough to share her before and after home photos in a link in this comment.
Fave Five Web Finds. Happy reading!
For more on visual clutter ~www.ionpsych.com ~Â Visual clutter it’s worse than you thinkÂ
This next blog is one I had not heard of before The writter Naveen was kind enough to link to my blog as one of his top 20 simplicity/minimalist blogs on the web. There are lots a other great blogs as well that you may or may not have heard of on this list. So take a look and see what Naveen has to say on the minimalist subject as well. Planet Naveen ~ 20 best blogs on simplicity and minimalism
Here is a little tidbit on procrastination from a blogger that recently nominated me for a Versatile Bloggers Award. I had to decline due to the fact that I don’t have enough time lately to discover and pass the award on to 15 new to me blog discoveries. I nonetheless appreciate the gesture. ms.mouse cleans house ~ Procrastination nation
I love this post by missminimalist ~ The minsumer movement-A quiet revolution. I think it is so well written and discribes how I feel about turning my back on rampant consumerism so well. I feel like I am waging a peaceful  silent battle.
Here is the blog of a reader, Sarah-Mae who has recently discovered 365 Less Things.~ Eat Run Knit
Today’s Declutter Item
Slowly but surely our bookcase is becoming the home of only our most treasured books rather than a holding space for wasted potential. That is books that could be enjoyed by someone else rather than sitting read and discarded on display like trophies. I donated these three to the library on my husbands behalf.Â
Something I Am Grateful For Today
I had a lovely afternoon with a local social group. Mostly mums with young bubs. It is fun to interact with the little ones and talk about their progression while reminiscing about when my children were that little. It doesn’t seem that long ago but at the same time it feels like a lifetime.
Loved loretta’s photos!!! I appear to have missed that comment!!
Sharron x
Yes!! Lena is a girl after my own heart! However, Lena, the day will come when you’ll need to condense down to your “treasures” and let the rest go. Funnily enough, when that day comes, it’s not as hard as you’ll expect. (Maybe it’s the next stage of that, which I’m going to find harder?) Enjoy your books, Lena, there are far worse addictions!!
Hi Ann,
I think you have discovered the beauty of decluttering slowly and deliberately. As you progress the desire to declutter things usurps the desire to keep things that is why you don’t find it as hard as you thought it would be.
Could be, Colleen – I’ve done every one of this week’s mini-missions – dropped off a large carton and a suitcase both filled to the Hospice shop about an hour ago, and have three cartons of books for the book fair. Not a bad week!
Well done Ann, that is certainly a load and a half out of your house. How does it feel? Good I bet.
thanks Ann, I know there are more book-freaks out there, and yes, I know I will have to face this addiction sooner or later. it could be worse though: recently I visited my aunt and uncle, both heavy collectors, I would even go so far and call them messies… Its one thing to have books neatly sorted in a bookshelf, and quite another to have a room full of … well … paper. I really hope I can convince them to declutter soon. otherwise I have to do the same as Elaine
those comments are amazing, lorettas pictures as well as elaines story are really motivating. thanks again for sharing all of this, I gain so much out of it. =)
Hi Lena,
don’t worry Lena you aren’t on your own as a book lover, there are plenty of you out there. I am glad you are finding lots of useful and inspiring topics, comments and tips here at 365 Less Things. I always say the contributions from our readers are as inspiring as anything else you will read here so stay tuned and stay in contact we appreciate you adding your voice to the conversation.
You’re welcome Lena, What else are walls for, if it isn’t to hold the overflow from the bookcases?
Thanks for the compliment Lena. I am a huge reader and I’ve culled the family’s collection from around 2600 down to 1300 books over the past year. To be honest, neither the children nor I miss any of them. We haven’t parted with any of our favourites, and I’ve got a collection of old children’s books which most libraries no longer hold. I’m not getting rid of them!! We all love to reread as well, so the books we’ve kept are not for show, they are ALL well-loved. The biggest change to come out of the cull is that now every book is easily accessible, and not jammed tightly into shelves or in danger of toppling from a high tower of books!
Hi Sarah-Mae! From another (aspiring) minimalist knitter!
Hi Colleen,
Thanks for sharing some great links. I also liked the way you presented them.
My readers were happy to discover your blog in my last post. I am sure they will enjoy reading the awesome content available here.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Naveen,
it is always my pleasure. I enjoy sharing the interesting online content I find with my readers.
And thank you for the link and for choosing me in favourite 20 minimalist blogs. I am honoured.
Colleen, big congrats on being in the top 20 on Planet Naveen.
I’m just over there looking at the rest.
PS: Your one is my favourite….:)
Hi Felicity,
thank you very much. I am in good company on that this that’s for sure.
Upside of days off is that I finally tackled my journals. I’ve been through 2003-2008, and removed only the most important parts – and tossed the page up pages of stuck in recipets (why did I think I needed to keep grocery reciepts from my early years living out of home?)
And wow, primary schools really love to dish out certificates! I’m glad/proud that my water polo club hasn’t done this – I mean, you came, you did, it was fun, but do we need a piece of paper to show that?
Hi Snosie,
isn’t it funny the things we collect throughout our lives. Not many years have to pass before you review the stuff and wonder ~ Why on earth did I keep this?!
You are right about primary (elimenary) schools handing out certificates. My son was getting awards on assembly before he even actually started at school. He spent a lot of time in his sisters classroom while I volunteered in the library and the teacher was impressed with how clever and well behaved he was.
It shouldn’t surprise you, I am another one who is reading through your archives and finding fresh inspiration. I love that you add the visual element to your inspirational words! I read a bit, go unclutter something, read more and come back in bits to read more. Thanks! I have taken a new look at visual clutter, such as wall art I love but looks too cluttered. I decided to try moving them and getting rid of something else I like less, and it worked! I now have a better idea of how to create better visual minimal style on the walls and not just horizontally! (Still a constant battle). I decluttered all the magnets on the fridge except something lovely to look at and write on, and a couple inspiring magnets that were special gifts, but those might go too.
Hi Angela,
welcome to 365 Less things and thank you for going to the effort of reading all the way back through the archives. I am glad you are finding what I have written useful and inspiring. I think all my readers love the visual element and I must make a point of adding more photos in future. Reading and then decluttering as you go is a good way to identify and eliminate those items that come to mind as you read. If you are anything like me if you leave it too long to act on what you have read you will forget.
I must confess we still have plenty of wall clutter in our house. We are all art lovers so I don’t think that situation is going to change anytime soon. But like you we will probable have to declutter some less loved items to make way for the odd new one that comes along.
Anyway it is nice to meet you and I hope you will stick with us and become a regular commenter.
P.S. To anyone struggling with letting things go, it is a VERY good thing to donate to a women’s shelter, children’s hospital, thrift shop, a neighbor in need (perhaps they have younger children and you can pass on all the toys and clothes) etc. I thought I would try to sell some things, but they still sit. So they are going to help someone else. I am going to try to sell a couple things on craigslist that are big pieces of furniture, but if they don’t sell within a date I’ve set, they will go either way. Just do it! You won’t regret it!
Hi Angela,
that is good advice. I am guilty of hanging on to some stuff for too long in the hope of finally finding a way to sell it. That is only on a certain selection of things while most other stuff I just take to the thrift store. I have nine ebay auctions finishing today two have sold so far and one item passed in. I think I will have a 5/4 split on sold and unsold at the end of the day which isn’t bad. What doesn’t sell will most likely be donated this time because some of it has already been ebayed before and didn’t sell. With 30 free listings per month on ebay now it is very easy to get carried away though.
Hi all, good point about donating to hospitals and other places.
St Vinnies in Australia – my old teenage furniture went to them back in the day!
Don’t forget our furry friends. Any old clean towels and sheets can be donated to the RSPCA or animal shelters / hospitals.
They are always in need.
Hi Felicity,
there isn’t much in our households that don’t have a use for someone or something else. All we need is a little imagination, google or even my Recycle/Donate Guide to find a way to find them a new home. Thanks for your idea’s here.