Hi Folks, it’s Friday again and here are my favourite five comments of the week
This is the first comment we’ve received from Smoothagator and what a great one it is too. I hope she will join in and share her special brand of wisdom with us on a regular basis. Thanks Smoothagator and welcome to 365 Less Things.
This comment came from Grace in Brazil in response the Cindy’s Weekly Wisdom ~ First Fruits. It is short but sweet so I have cut and pasted it here rather than add a link. ~ Something my 17 year old daughter said recently also puts this in perspective. She stated quite wisely, “There is greater virtue in giving away something that you really want to keep.†Let us be virtuous women!
I liked this comment from Sarah simply because it shows she is not afraid to go against the flow. I am such a rebel at heart.
This comment from Annabelle shows she is getting good at delegating the decluttering. Way to go Annabelle! And thanks for the weather report.
Deb J brings more light to the way customers mistreat product in retail outlets in the her response to Are we too conditioned to convenience ~Â When I was in college I had to interview a store manager regarding business practices… Read more
This week’s favourite five blog posts/web finds were excavated through various methods and included for a variety of reasons. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Organizing Maven ~ Managing paper controlling clutter part 2
I googled Decluttering Regrets and came up with this little gem. There is some great advice given here by people with experience:Â ask.metafilter.com ~ Anyone had regrets about a-massive decluttering of their lives
Be more with less ~ The one thing standing between you and simplicity
Every now and again we need reminding about the awesome things we take for granted 1000awesomethings.com is a great site full of those reminders and here is one that tickled my fancy ~ When-you-find-the-spot-on-the-dog-that-makes-its-leg-go-crazy
Here is some sound shopping advice from Susan at One Less ~ My shopping rules
Today’s Declutter Item
I last used this item in 1999 when I had lawn to water. Now I live in a townhouse and my lawn is about 4m² and rarely needs watering. As I have no intention of ever having a bigger garden I feel confident to decluttering this item.
Something I Am Grateful For Today
Somedays I have a habit of making mountains out of molehills, finding discontentment where it needn’t be and generally making my life miserable for nothing. Today wasn’t one of those days. In fact today I spent some time with a beautiful friend of mine who has more than her share of real difficulties and it felt good to be there for her and remind myself just how lucky I am. Today I am grateful for the wonderful life I am blessed with.
Hi Colleen! I absolutely loved Grace’s daughter comment. Thanks for bringing it to our attention. It answers in part a question that I put foward to you about keeping things we made ourselves and that we like. But why do we “like” or “love” objects?
Hi Andréia,
Why do we like of love objects? That is a really good question that would make a good post topic. I will email you now so we can discuss the matter.
One reason I like your Friday Favourite Five is because I often miss the comments that are made more than a day or two after your post, and when I check out your favourite comments, I get to see all the rest of the comments as well.
Is there any way to subscribe to the comments so that I can read them as they are made? Some blogs have the option in the comment box, but I don’t see that here …
Hi Jo,
I will have to ask my husband about the comment subscribing. He has been so busy at work lately and galavanting all over the country, literally, it can be hard to pin him down. Leave it with me though and I will see what her can do.