The comments are coming in on a less frequent basis of late due to Summer vacation time in the Northern Hemisphere but there were still plenty to choose from and here are my picks for the week.
I enjoyed this great comment for *pol who freely admits to being a former packrat.
LJayne points out in her comment that there is a balance to be struck between too little and too much even when it comes to photography.
I love Natalle’s approach to photographing her children in this comment in response to Cindy’s Weekly Wisdom ~ Photos, photos everywhere.
This comment from ideealistin wasn’t informative but it sure was amusing.
Angle Kay tells us about her declutter mission in this comment and leaves us a link to her new blog where she is sharing her experience with the world.
I haven’t had much time to read other blogs since my return but I was lucky enough to stumble upon a few good ones very quickly that I felt were worthy of sharing with you.
A guy named dave ~ Regarding shortcuts
Marc and Angel Hack Life ~ 18 things I wish someone told me when I was 18
Exconsumer ~ Stop consuming start creating
1000 ~ I love scrolling through the posts on this blog. I can usually relate to every awesome thing they mention. I like to direct people to this blog every now and again just to share the joy.
Zen Habits ~ A simple strategy for simplifying
Today’s Declutter Item
Something I Am Grateful For Today
Thai food, particularly Tom Yum Goong (Hot and sour soup), the combination of flavours in this country’s food is possibly my favourite of all, except that I really don’t like to pick favourites.
Hi Colleen! Thank you so much for choosing Stop Consuming, Start Creating as one of your favorite five! You made my day.
I love your new site design. 🙂
Hi Jenny,
as you know, it is always my pleasure in fact I nearly used two of your post because they were both so good. I must go back and reread that other one.
Thanks for the compliment on the new site design, my hubby will be glad you like it as he is my tech man.
Jane Eyre is excess to anyone’s book needs, isn’t it? ;p
Hi Susan,
I think the book was a set book for my son in high school. He probably never read it, if I know anything, but I actually enjoyed it oddly enough. It inspired me to read Wuthering Heights which I did find rather painful.