Once again there has been some great comments this week elaborating on the topics at hand. Here are this weeks favourite five.
It is clear from this comment from Ornela that she has her shopping strategies all worked out. With a plan like this in place there should be no more fear of clutter building up in her home. ~ I am slowly learning to shop by list only… Read more
This comment from Melissa is a good example why it is important to sort and label your photo collection.
This is the comment chosen by Cindy from the responses to her Weekly Wisdom this week, it is from Ideealistin who clearly understood the concept Cindy was putting forward. Read the comment here.
Eve tells us how she found her target audience in this comment. Well done Eve this is a great example of how easy it can be to find homes for your unwanted items where they will be appreciated all over again.
With the added difficulty of living in the country, Wendy has still managed to find a way to be as resourceful as she can when it comes to getting rid of her decluttered items. Read all about one of her rehousing efforts here.
Now for the five posts/articles from the web that I found interesting or inspiring this week.
Exconsumer ~ When time is an investment in personal happiness
Marc and Angel hack Life ~ 20-ways to make today unforgettable
Minimalist Packrat ~ A guide to instant simplifying
My Zero Waste ~ A saving for me at a cost to the environment
One less ~ The bus? But wheres your car?
Today’s Declutter Item
I bought these canisters to refill my butane burner for silver soldering but they did not have the right fitting for that purpose. They sat in the shed for years so I put them on Freecycle and they were gone by the end of the day. The lesson was ~ do your homework before buying stuff you don’t know about.
My Gratitude List
- Something that made me laugh ~ Liam acting the fool. He has it down to a fine art I must say. I suppose I would have to take at lease 75% credit for the generic imprint.
- Something Awesome ~ Winter, because it is so nice to be able to snuggle up with my hubby and fall asleep. It is too hot for that in the summer although it has it’s advantages too.
- Something to be grateful for ~ The good old recipes handed down to me by my mother. She taught us the stills to cook as well and I often take that for granted until I help my own kids with cooking and remember there is more to the skill than meets the eye. Learning why the steps are necessary is just as important as doing them. Thanks Mum and thanks also Mrs Lawson my old Home Economics teacher.
- Something that made me happy ~ Giving credit where credit was due. It gave the receiver a boost of confidence and I felt good doing it.
- Something I had fun with ~ I discovered an Air Supply album on my iphone and am listening to it while I write this. I haven’t heard this album for years.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow
Thank you so much for choosing my post on time as one of your favorites!
I hope you had a great week. Summer is in full swing now in Ohio, so things are heating up on my end of the globe. 😉
Hi Jenny,
you enjoy that summer while it lasts and have a great day.
I like “But Where’s Your Car.” As you know, we only have one now, and really, it’s just fine. No bus rides for us, though. Bike rides instead.
I generally walk or stay home but the bus is a good option for me if I need it because it goes right by my door.
Thanks. 😉
Oh, I’m glad that I got Cindys message despite (unwillingly) entering Kool Aide into the “debate” 😉
Let’s see if I can right away use some of her wisdom with a fleamarket coming up in two weeks.
And (totally off topic): I am just drinking the LAST CUP of that pesky christmas tea (a gift). Mixed with orange tea that also did not live up to expectations, mixed one to one with my neutral but at least tasty black tea … gosh, it took forever. I’m so glad it’s gone. Yeah to use-it-up decluttering (no waste) even if it’s the long road. I think I am going to celebrate it by … not buying anymore tea until the last of the unwanted ones is used up and then splurge on a limited number of really nice teas and put them in some really nice containers I already have. (probably one of every sort: black, green, herbal, fruit, roiboos, chai … you notice: big tea drinker is at work here)
Ideealistin, I know the tea problem. I had over 50 sorts of tea at home. In my apartment during the week I started with only 4.
And guess where I was happier to choose a tea?
I still have too much tea, but it’s much better now.
This reminds me of a study, which showed that people who can choose one from 6 bars of chocolate are happier than people who have more options. (I’m really a Swiss;-) )
Hm I think I should have a cup of tea now.
Idealistin and Sarah,
Don’t I just know the “use up the teas” game – after sorting out the pantry, I found truly dozens of packets of assorted teabags, plus various boxes of same, plus packets of leaf teas of various sorts (mostly green). Actually, I like them all; I had just forgotten I had them. So far, I’m through the peppermint teas, and most of the chamomiles, and the rest of the loose packets are in a container (see-through) beside the electric jug. This time I shall enjoy them all, before buying/collecting any more. some time next year, I’m guessing.
Hi Sarah,
the reality of being spoiled for choice is that it just makes it hard to choose.
Hi Ideealistin,
you have more patients than I think I could have trying to use up that tea. Tea is a staple for me and there is no way I would sacrifice the joy I get from a good cuppa even for the sake of using something up. I would find some other sucker to palm it off to. There is clearly a limit to my decluttering and living without a good cup of tea is it.
Hi Colleen,
don’t think I would sacrifice my cup of good black tea in the morning for let’s say this cherry-banana-tea from years ago. Impossible. I try to use up all these leftover bags that have accumulated in between. But since I have a big bag of my staple black tea I made it into a little challenge for me to use up the rest before the black tea is gone. Because then I would be miserable, for sure. Everything I really didn’t like I gave away at work by just placing it in the kitchen there with a “take it” sticker on it.
Hi Ideealistin,
that is the trouble with trying things, you will always end up with leftovers that you don’t like. It is worth it for the experience of trying something different though.