This weeks favourite five comments have a similar theme – Mini Missions – I am getting some positive feedback and I wanted to share it with those who normally wouldn’t read all the comments.
Anne – It’s Saturday night and this week’s Mini Missions are done! Yippii!!!… Read more
Daisy – Does it count if I did the mini mission all in one day (basically?)… Read more
Marilyn in NM – I’ve written out my mini missions on my to-do list…Read more
Jo – Hmm . . . did five of seven mini-missions last week . . . Read more
Rebecca – I’ve noticed that the mini-missions take longer than I expect… Read more
This week’s favourite five post were a delight to read I hope you enjoy them too.
Small Notebook – The-perpetual-giveaway-box
Be More With Less – What-it-really-takes-to-live-with-less
Lunch – Cartoons -how-to-describe-your-used-furniture-on-craigslist-2 This one is just for a bit of a laugh although…
My Zero Waste – Decluttering-sans-waste
There ally good – My-low-spend-11-buy-less-than-12-items-of-clothing-in-2011 I am getting on board with this I am sure I can manage to buy less than 12 items of clothing for myself this year. I am not even sure I would have bought that many last year.
Today’s Declutter Item
It’s like the Tour De France of Freecycling this week well maybe it is more of a Sunday ride down the Fernleigh track but either way today’s item is this slide projector that I think we may have used once in the last 10 years or. It has found a new owner and will be collected on Friday.
Things I am grateful for today
- Admitting something will probably never get used and decluttering it.
- Know when I do the laundry that I am lucky to have clothes in the first place.
- Having a lovely day out with a friend.
- International foods – wouldn’t life be boring without them.
- Honesty – I like to be honest with others and I prefer them to be that way with me. It takes the guess work out of a relationship.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Is this a bad spot to pat my shoulder a little? I need encouragement so I can keep going! =P
# Monday – I actually did this Saturday and yesterday, but I CLEANED the car. I mean I threw away a garbage bag full of empty cans, napkins, and all that stuff that seems to clutter the car when I don’t get in it (my husband drives it daily, ahem). I also vacuumed. I need to actually deep clean it, but our floorboards and seats and trunk are cleared up and it’s wonderful.
# Tuesday – Started defrosting some bread, which is big for me since I am weird about defrosted bread.
# Wednesday – I already asked permission, but yesterday I posted a box of books online to Craigslist to try to get the actual owner some cash.
Must keep going…
Hi Lynn,
that is a great start. Keep up the good work and remember it is only a small portion of your day.
Cleaning clutter away can be very disheartening when it isn’t your clutter – Case in point the mess your husband makes of the car – I hope you told him to get his act together. My car needs a vacuum and wiping down on the inside too but I am going to pay the Poor Struggling Art Student (Liam) to do it for me. He could use the pocket money.
The more you face your demons even if it is just defrosting bread the easier they get to face so keep forging forward and resist the temptation to give up. Every little step you take is one step closer to a life of freedom from clutter and disorganisation. Once the clutter is gone organising almost takes care of itself.
Lynn’s story sounds so familiar. Decluttering is hard at the beginning, at times even overwhelming. However, once you get going it gets easier. When I started seeing the results, it motivated me to keep going. Keep up the good work, Lynn!
Hi Anne,
thank you for those words of encouragement for Lynn. The decluttering can seem overwhelming to begin with and anyone in that position can used some inspiration. I think the key is to never look at the big picture it is very unproductive to do so. The clutter sneaks up on you and then it is own turn to sneak up on it. Any attempt to reverse it is a step forward and should be celebrated as such. Once we stop adding to the clutter even slow progress is progress and has us heading in the right direction.
Hey Colleen. I really enjoy reading the 5 things you’re thankful for. Gratitude is something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I am beginning to realize that true gratitude is very important to our well-being. And I think it fits into de-cluttering because so often I think we purchase many things with the intent of it adding happiness and many time it doesn’t live up to the promise. There would be so much less to declutter from just being happier with what we have. Easier said than done haha. But I think it’s great you include that part.
Hi Reggie,
nice to hear from you. You have it exactly right here. Trying to find happiness in a retail outlet just isn’t going to work. It is a mistake that a lot of people make, myself included once. Not any more though. I was quite surprised at how quickly I got over shopping once I started my challenge.
Look for happiness in the important things in life and if you aren’t already surrounded by them then it is probably time to make a new start not go shopping.
Enjoyed the links, as usual! Such a treat to have good articles hand-picked for us.
Also, I am starting to see what you mean by “once the clutter is gone the organising almost takes care of itself. Looking forward to more of that.
Hi Jo,
I am glad you enjoyed the links.
It is only the clutter that ever needs organising the useful stuff needs to be handy so it naturally slots into the most logical position.