For this week’s favourite five I have done something a little different. I received several comments over the last week or so from people who run their own blogs on the topic of decluttering, minimalism, self improvement or a combination of all three. I decided to combine the comments and the links and showcase what they are writing about. Take a look for yourselves.
Liz’s Blog – A Life Less Cluttered —– Liz’s Comment
Mike’s Blog – Boston Web Crew —– Mike’s Comment
David’s Blog – Listen feel Breathe —– David’s Comment
Marnie’s Blog – The Unblogger —– Marnie’s Comment
Freedom’s Blog – Rethinking the Dream —– Freedom’s Comment
I hope you enjoy these little gems and give them an encouraging comment
Today’s Declutter Item
This item (a water syphon) served it’s purpose but hasn’t been used since perhaps it will come in useful to someone else.
Things I am grateful for today
- A cooler day – We have been sweltering this week
- Another thrift store drop off was accepted with gratitude.
- Having a productive day.
- People who keep there side walks trimmed of grass and overhanging shrubs – it makes walking with my husband holding hands a lot easier.
- Being my own person
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Thanks so much for the mention Colleen!
My pleasure Marnie.
Mini mission report for this week:
Monday – no earrings, but 4 anniversary pins from a place I haven’t worked in a decade.
Tuesday – Audra wanted photos of herself and some friends, so that allowed for some easy deleting as we were searching about.
Wednesday – A flat iron that I bought (used) for Audra. It heats up inside and out, so it seems too risky to use on a wiggly 8 year old.
Thursday – If there are any Christmas things still out, they are really hiding.
Friday – An ugly marriage of aspirational clutter and its cousin outgrown clutter – Two pairs of ballroom dance shoes listed on Ebay. (Usually I don’t count items until they sell, but I listed them in honor of this mission.) Before children (BC), Dan and I danced and took classes regularly, but eleven years have passed. While we aspire to dance again, in reality, I have outgrown these shoes, figuratively and probably literally, since my feet are larger than they were BC.
Saturday – I chucked that mulling spice I forgot to use at our NY’s party. Trying to “use it up” rather than waste it, I mulled 1/3 of the spices in water on the stove, but that just didn’t do a thing for me. Why waste gas in addition to spice?
Sunday – I investigated the thermos that Clara complained leaked last time she used it. Sure enough, it leaks.
Working has made it a bit harder to keep on top of decluttering Colleen, so thanks for the mini missions.
Hi Cindy,
great job with the mini missions. I hope work won’t get in the way of you sending me your wonderful post each week. 😥 The readers would miss you.
I hope you are enjoying the new job and that it is working in with your schedule well.
Thanks for these great sites. Have been along and commented on a couple of them which really spoke to me.
Thanks for another great week too! Have a lovely weekend x
Hi Mrs Green,
glad you enjoyed them. You have a lovely weekend too!
Thanks for the mention. I’m still plodding along reclaiming the space in our home. I have learnt so much from your blog about some of the reasons we hold on to stuff, and it seems to make it easier to detach myself from it when I can loose some of the guilt about having to keep it.
Hi Liz,
good for you! That guilt attachment is the pits. Best to let it go and wipe the slate clean. The only time it comes in useful is when you go to buy something else that you really don’t need and you suddenly remember what that awful feeling is like and walk away for the purchase.
Good luck and happy decluttering.
Thanks for the link love! I’ve had several people drop by and say hello, and I love seeing new people drop by my blog. Maybe I’m the only one, but I have no idea what today’s declutter item is. All I can tell is that it’s red and black, comes in a convenient zippered case, and is “premium quality.” What the heck is it?
Hi Freedom,
sorry about the confusion with the item of the day it is a syphon for pumping water. So much plastic so little use.
Thanks so much for the link Colleen. Glad you are having a productive day- It would be nice to have a few of those in a row, and then a few relaxing days. I am looking forward to an enjoyable walk tonight with my girlfriend- hand in hand.
Hi David,
it is my pleasure. Enjoy your walk with your girlfriend.