The following post was published previously however it has reached it’s comment capacity. As there are still readers who are enjoying participating Nicole has come up with solution of republishing it so the game can continue. Maybe reposting will also entice a few more players. Enjoy!
A guest post by: Nicole V
Do you know the word game in which a player begins with a word in a particular category (countries or cities, for instance), with subsequent players taking turns to say a new word that begins with the final letter of the previous word? Once a word has been given, it cannot be repeated and any player who is unable to come up with a word is out of the game. It is usually referred to as the ‘Last and First’, ‘Last Letter Game’ or ‘Last Letter Word Chain’ although I’m sure there must be other names for it. Well, I was thinking that it might be fun for us 365ers to try out something similar while decluttering, but I wanted to make it a more challenging game, one involving quick thinking and action and one in which anyone can come in at any time and make a quick play in real-time. I decided to throw down the decluttering gauntlet and wait to see who is the fastest 365er to take up the challenge. Here’s what I came up with:
1. I begin by decluttering three forks from a drawer.
2. Whoever is fast enough then continues the game by quickly thinking of and finding an item to declutter from any one category – either number or item or place – to play in. This could be eitherthree items (but not forks) or an item beginning with the letter ‘k’ or ‘s’ (the second last or last letter of forks*) or any number of anything (that is not a fork) from any drawer. If you select the number category, you have to declutter identical items. So, if Colleen is the quickest player who is able to continue the game, she could then either declutter three bowls or one (or any number) kettle orspoon or a non-fork item from any drawer in her home. She will then update the rest of us in the online comment thread.
*In the case of plural nouns, you can use either the last or second last letter of the word to continue under the item category – in the case of the forks, this would mean that the next item can begin with the letter ‘s’ or ‘k’. Thank you, Colleen, for your input regarding this.
3. The game continues with any 365er who is quick to identify something to declutter and comment about. There is no need for the item to leave your home immediately, you just need to identify it and earmark it for decluttering (whether you donate, recycle, shred, etc) as soon as possible. But you have to be quick on the draw as the categories will keep changing depending on how fast another 365er declutters something and updates the rest of us about it. If another 365er has read the latest update and quickly decluttered something and updated the online comment thread before you were able to list your item, you’ll have to either:
(a) Recategorize your item under one of the other two categories, if possible, or
(b) Keep that item and jump in on another round or
(c) Quickly look for another suitable item that relates to the current round and play it before someone else does.
4. To keep it interesting, items cannot be repeated in consecutive turns – if someone declutters shoes, the next person cannot declutter shoes as well (and must find another item that begins with the letter ‘e’ or ‘s’) but the person after that can. The number of items decluttered and the place or room that the item was decluttered from can, of course, be repeated in consecutive turns.
5. Be as creative and imaginative as you can possibly be (or get away with!) regarding the categories and have fun!
So, with apologies to Effie Trinket, all that’s left is for me to say: “Happy Decluttering Games and may the odds be ever in your favour!â€
(1) bar stool from living room
24 (l)ava rocks from gas grill
(1) stack of car repair receipts from computer room.
Hi – I got lost for a while – work trip to north of San Diego – beautiful mountain views.
Oops I was on wrong page!
Glad to have you back, Pat. 🙂
(1) charger from drawer
(1) shampoo from bathroom
I love that area Pat. We spent a week in Riverside a few years ago with our cousins…lots to see and do…beautiful. I loved San Diego! I’d love to go back, but they now live in the Atlanta area.
(1) GPS holder from junk basket
The Blue Ridge Mountains near Atlanta are beautiful – warm lakes – white water rafting – my girlfriend rents her cabin there.
(1) pot from kitchen
1 (t)oothpaste from bathroom
Sounds wonderful, Pat!
(1) ornament from shelf
(1) lotion from bathroom
(1) folder from filing cabinet
(1) tube of sunblock from bathroom shelf
(1) water bottle from kitchen
(1) calendar from desk
1 pile of college paperwork from (desk)
(1) pair of earbuds from drawer
1 heating pad from (drawer)
(1) map from desk
(1) anti-perspirant from bathroom closet
(1) plastic container from cabinet
2 stacks of paper from filing (cabinet)
1 plastic tub from (cabinet)
1 (b)owl from kitchen
(1) contacts lens moisturizer from glove box
(1) small glass casserole from kitchen
1 thermal mug from (kitchen)
(1) windbreaker from closet
12 shower hooks from (closet)
36 (s)hells from hobby room
(36) sheets of paper from filing cabinet
30 tool catalogs from file (cabinet)
(30) sheets of paper from filing cabinet
1 (s)unglasses from closet shelf
1 Irish cookie plate from china cabinet (shelf)
(1) Irish clock from china cabinet
Gifts to my sister who just returned from a family trip to Ireland. Family heirlooms from great uncle & aunt. LOVE
(1) jacket from closet
1 key ring from (closet)
1 wool coat from (closet)
(1) paint roller from basement
(1) cookbook from shelf
(1) pair of earbuds from study
(1) hobby item from office
I’m behind on everything!!!
2 dry-erase (m)arkers from drawer
Is anything wrong, Deanna?
(2) contacts lens cases from glove box
Nicole, I’m still having some medical issues…heart related issues…problems with meds, etc. It’s just been a difficult time of not having clear direction and having a hard time keeping up with ordinary everyday stuff. Thanks for asking.
Hi deanna…, I hope they get your meds right soon and that you start to feel much better.
Thanks Colleen!
Feel better! Will be thinking of you.
I’m sorry to hear that, Deanna. I hope that everything falls into place soon and you feel much better. Would it help if you stop playing the game until things are better? I’ll still be here when you’re ready to resume. 🙂
Thanks guys…y’all are so nice. Yes, Nicole, I think it might help to take a break from the game until I can function better. I hate to do that because I don’t want to lose my momentum. However, the truth is I’ve lost it already but have still been unable to let go. I’ll be reading the posts every day and will jump back in when I can. Thank you for your kindness for coming up with that, Nicole.
No worries, Deanna … you just concentrate on getting better – you’ll get your momentum back, I’ve seen your determination and how you can kick butt when it comes to decluttering! Pat and I will continue, whenever we can. Pls do comment on this thread about anything, whether you want to vent, update us about how you’re feeling or even if you want to talk about something totally unrelated, k? Take care and God bless, Deanna. 🙂
Hey Deanna – I’m always taking breaks. This is a game for fun and friendship – no guilt.
Energy ebbs and flows. Hope your energy comes back soon.
Well said, Pat!
Thanks Pat. I’m still trying to avoid the perfectionism!!!! Capital P.
(2) CDs from shelf
(2) car brochures from folder
1 course workbook from (folder)
(1) halloween decoration from outside
1 (n)otepad from drawer
4 insurance books from (drawer)
Hey guys, this is the last thing I had on my current list and I’ve been waiting for it to fit. I’ve been thinking of other stuff to gather, but my back has a kink in it and I can’t yet. I’m also on a new med for some of the heart related problems and part of the day it makes me very talkative and entertaining. I think hubby wishes I’d STOP TALKING!!!
Y’all are doing great!
Your husband would be worried about you if you stopped talking so he should think himself lucky. LOL !
That being said I hope your health takes a turn for the better real soon. Take care.
You’ve always been entertaining, Deanna, so I don’t think it’s the meds. 🙂
Lol…I don’t know, Nicole!