Today, three pair of holey Nike Skate shoes that languished in the shoe cupboard for nearly three years head to the garbage bin. We can sometimes make personal attachments to the strangest things. I suppose this is so because they remind us of a happier time in a place we would much rather still be, a common mistake we fall into that causes a lot of clutter in our lives. Purging ourselves of these useless items will not make us forget the good times, the places we’ve been or the people we’ve met along the way so don’t be afraid to let go. It is just “stuff” after all, the memories remain. The beauty of this plan is that if you don’t feel you can let something go today maybe you will feel better about it on day 100 or day 213-so what-after all there are 365 days in this resolution, just pick something else for today.

About Colleen Madsen
Colleen is the founder of 365 Less Things and lives in Newcastle, Australia.