This weeks favourite five comments that I wanted to share with you in case you missed them.
Susan S on Day 342 – I’d love to have a Buy Nothing Christmas, but we’ll have a Buy Not a Lot Christmas… Read more
Cindy on Day 343 – A friend who is a organizing professional received a gift of magazine and catalog decluttering… Read more This is a great gift idea especially if you live in the US because it has become big business to sell peoples details in order to send out junk mail. A decluttered mail box who wouldn’t want that.
Annabelle on Day 347 – Ok, now I also want to know, will you share your polish apple pancake recipe???… Read More This one really doesn’t have any important information to share but I got such a kick out of it that I wanted add it to the five for this week.
Cathryn on Day 348 – I love my bed time routine it is the most important routine of my day… Read more
Jo on Day 349 – A few years ago when our closets and cupboards and other storage spaces were starting to groan at the seams… Read more
5 Blogs posts I have enjoyed this week. Some for the first time that I discovered through my new twitter account.
The 7th Rock – Pondering-purges
No Impact Man – Thoughts-on-communicating-on-climate-my-remarks-at-climate-negotiations-communication-conference
Becoming Minimalist – What-if-ice-cream-cost-you-your-vision
Marc and Angel – 28-dignified-ways-to-impress-everyone-around-you
The change blog – 8 little ways to change the world for the better
Item 351 of 365 less things
Time has not been kind to this old box so it is looking a little shabby. I kept the item from inside but have sent the box to the recycling bin.
5 Things I am grateful for today
- Sleeping right through until the alarm – And what’s even better is my alarm is when my husband kisses me when he is leaving for work. Win Win!
- Finding more space in my lounge room – I removed a concertina standing photo frame and just that one move made the room look bigger. I am considering it a trail separation from the frame.
- 9am A chance of rain – Even though I have to walk somewhere today it is nice to see a cloudy sky for a change. There was thunder when I woke up and I love a good thunder storm.
- Cereal – I agree with Jerry Seinfeld it isn’t just a breakfast food but can be enjoyed any time.
- 4pm Rain at last – and it is bucketing down with a little hail, lightning and thunder thrown in. Yay!
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
Really enjoying the Marc and Angel link, and also the icecream/vision post! I love getting recommended links because I don’t have the patience to browse around for long. So, thank you.
Hi Jo,
I am glad you are enjoying the links. It takes a lot of trolling through my emails to find the gems each week and takes up more of my time than is good. So I am glad you are appreciating them. It is great when I discover blogs I haven’t read before so I have someone fdifferent to share with you all and Mark and Angel was this weeks discovery. I like what they have to say. I was a good girl and unsubscribed to one I like less so my in-box wouldn’t get any more cluttered.
I, too, used to love waking up to a kiss from husband. Now, with a little kid around, sleeping in is a luxury only possible when I’m sick. But it’s still nice in a different way. Now I’m off to click on the change blog link above…I’m intrigued…
Hi Belinda,
I still have a kid around but being 19 he gets up at about 10am during his university breaks. Hopefully he will be employed again soon and will have something to get up for. I am happy for him to be sleeping and letting his brain injury heal as much as possible.
Enjoy the links and Happy Holiday to you!
I love rainy days with a good thunderstorm thrown in as long as it doesn’t continue for days on end. Good opportunity to stay in and get things done….like decluttering. Yahoo! Of course during this time of year when it’s below freezing here, I stay in a lot more. You’d think that means I get more decluttering done, but somehow in the winter it just does not seem to work out that way. 🙁
Enjoyed the Becoming Minimalist post. I’ll have to check out the others. Thanks for the links.
Hi Di,
I suppose it is hard to stay rugged up and declutter at the same time. I hope you are working on those mini missions though. Hop to it.