Although it is always hard to choose it was particularly hard this week with so many thoughtful comments coming through. These are the five favourite comments of this week.
Calico ginger on Day 338 – I have been thinking about this “stocking up†a lot because I downsized last year… Read more
Cindy on Day 338 – I have a large bin of gifts for the children to give for birthday presents… Read more
Bronwyn on Day 343 – My little grandson has his 1st birthday 2 weeks before Christmas… Read more
Susan on Day 341 – our weirdest thing is my cat’s bladder stones… Read more
Paola on Day 342 – I’m definitely going to have a Buy Nothing Holiday!… Read more
Five post I read this week that I wanted to share with you
Small Notebook – Creating a haven using personal filters & Beyond the tension having Christmas with joy I snuck in an extra one there but they are linked in the second article anyway so that doesn’t count.
Be more with less – How-to-live-in-the-land-of-enough-entertainment
Minimalist Packrat – Psychology-of-clutter
Simple Life Prattle {Allan Douglas} -Simply-swapping-favors-and-the-barter-system
Rowdy Kittens – Grandparents
Item 344 365 less things
One of those unsuccessful eBay sales. This crystal duchess set sold for a mere $5- hardly worth the effort involved.
5 Things I am grateful for today
- Good weather for drying the sheets
- Getting out of the house – Coffee with a friend again, I could make a habit of that.
- My house is clean enough this week that I just did a quick wipe over here and there.
- The repair man came and fixed out dodgy door locks today
- Air Conditioning – I caved today and put it on it is 34°C (93°F), very humid and I was uncomfortable.
It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.
<h3 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #008000;”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><strong>5 Things I am grateful for today</strong></span></span></h3>
<h3 style=”text-align: center;”><span style=”color: #99ccff;”><strong><strong>It matters not how fast I go, I hurry faster when I’m slow.</strong></strong></span></h3>
<span style=”color: #008000;”><span style=”text-decoration: underline;”><strong>
One of the great tips I found on the Small Notebook site re personal filters was using the site to limit time on a website. You just type in the name of the site you want to browse & how long you want to spend there. You get a one minute warning and “poof “the site disappears when time is up! This might work for me. You know how it is when you’re just checking things out and — an hour gone!! Great idea to try.
Hi Jessiejack,
I have heard about before or something similar and it is a good idea. I haven’t used it although I probably should I seem to spend most of my day on the computer these days. I am getting better at monitoring myself though. If I am not engrossed in the fist few lines I usually click out. Should I be worried that I am going to get the flick as well? Oh Dear! 😉
That sweet crystal for just 5 bucks?!? You’ve been robbed!
Enjoyed my visit to Small Notebooks, and I love your endorsement of Jessiejack. Sounds like something I very much need sometimes. (Not while I’m here, of course!)
Hi Cindy,
Yes the crystal was a give away but better to be with someone who wants it I guess.
It was me back on day 338 who had the big bins of toys. For our church’s Christmas giving we pulled four gifts from there, plus two pristine books that had been Audra’s for a neighbor’s 4th birthday this weekend, which I coupled with a big handful of never used washable markers from the kids’ school supply bin. In the younger grades, they needed these by the dozens, but no longer, so the markers were just rattling around in their box, lonely and unloved.
I recently found your site from Unclutter and have been reading several back months and have finally gotten current. First my heart goes out to your family. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers as I have been reading. Second I just wanted to thank you for your blog and to your guest writers. I particularly enjoy reading what you are grateful for and I love your Five on Friday. You are doing a wonderful service by writing down your favorite blog entries of the week. I always check them out and appreciate them. I find that I’m frequently passing them or quotes on. I’m in the early stages of decluttering. My friends are concerned particularly when they started to hear me rave about washing my long full hair with baking soda and rinsing with vinegar. Lol. Anyway since you take so much time to write and share I wanted to introduce myself and do the same for you.
Thank you,