Five comments I didn’t want anyone to miss this week
Di on Day 310 – Thanks, Cindy, for a great post. In the 14 months that I have been decluttering…Â Read more
Jo on Day 310 – Yes, yes, YES! This is why I love “a-thing-a-day†decluttering too!… Read more
Crystal on Day 312 – …A couple of sayings that have helped me immensely… Read more
Meg on Day 314 – Clean out your purse either right before shopping or right after… Read more
Cat’s meow on Day 314 – I know what you mean. During the past year I’ve read… Read more
Five post I enjoyed reading this week
Art of Minimalism – Brainwashed how businesses get their dirty hands inside your head
The Minimalist Path – Heirlooms and the near death experience
Elegant Simple Life – Minimalism and the paradox of choice
The Simpler Life – Living midst mistakes
Raptitude – You must go do the next thing This is a little off my usual topic but it spoke to me so I wanted to share it with you.
I have my doubts about the value of rechargeable batteries. They cost so much more than ordinary batteries but they seem to only have a fairly short life before they don’t hold a charge properly. Is it just me or do others agree?
5 Things I am grateful for today
- Cheap rail fares – I know I have said this before but I went to Sydney for $7.80 again today and I just love the value for money.
- A day for myself – I went to a bloggers festival.
- My hubby and daughter having some quality time together while I was away for the day.
- Good documentaries.
- Feeling good – Regardless of everything that has gone on lately I feel pretty good at he moment and I am truly grateful for that.
Gotta love daddy/daughter days, he pays for everything!
Spoiled brat! 😆
Ohhh, a bloggers festival! How fun!
Hi Willow,
my darling son called it a nerd festival. Some of his personality traits have clearly recovered completely.
Could your electricity be unstable or something? I mean, my rechargeable batteries last for up to 10 years before they become useless.
Hi Lumi,
you could be right about that. Maybe we lets them run out of charge and leave them sitting too long unused.
Thanks for including my post!
Hi Sam,
the pleasure was all mine. Thank you for a good post.
I like the rechargeable, although they do not last forever. We’ve had our current set of a dozen AAs for a couple of years, and they are all reaching the end of their recharge-ability, but I think they are well worth it.
Hi Cindy,
I think some brands my be better than others too. i have one set that I have used for years while others just don’t seem to last. Maybe the years are just wooshing by so fast I only think they aren’t lasting long when in fact they are. 😉
It hasn’t been that long that I started using rechargeable batteries and I was noticing they no longer held a charge. I have since been told that if you have, say, four of the same type and use two at a time, then you always need to use the same two together and recharge them together. Anyone else know anything about this?
Hi Jo,
that is interesting. I will be waiting for more feedback on this.
Oh my! The Raptitude post really hit home. I had to deal with the same situation with my dad this year. But just like he, I literally said to myself, “Do the next thing.”
Hi Di,
my condolences for the loss of your father.
I really felt this post was relevant to me too as my parents aren’t getting any younger. I would prefer to think that when their time comes that I will feel that they have had a good long life and hope that although I will miss them I won’t morn too long or too deeply.